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  1. SoTear’s rating scale: WEF=1/10 Drumpft=11/10 Hang in there little buddy!
  2. No. We don’t need to become Canada. They are permanently liberal because of the extra parties mucking up the works.
  3. They are all climate change, and don’t go trying to change the largest brained one here! He knows all!
  4. The silence is deafening. Must be waiting for DNC guidance first. Any ideas, oh leaders of free thought?
  5. Well ***** my uncle. Us Kantuckyains don’t believe in yer fancy dancy city vyrusses.
  6. I hear he likes to eat the rich.
  7. Too busy huffing their own farts.
  8. OF COURSE a “Karan” would say wearing an N95 would end the pandemic.
  9. Ain’t no collectively solving this one. We’re fuct for life. Masks, life. Distancing, always. Kids, ***** off. Go learn on your own. Sports? Concerts? Only for the uber rich from here on out. J&J shot? Whoopty frickin do. The metrics will be the same next winter. When you tards wake up, don’t come crying to me.
  10. Being accepting of this new norm is crazy. Why didn't we respond this way to Polio? Were we all selfish back in the mid 1900s?
  11. Hang in there SoTear Deek! Joe knows not what he’s doing, let alone where he’s at. They’ll figure it out by 2022ish, when Emperor Harris is installed.
  12. Is that what this is now, a flat earth sweep under the rug? Answer the question, did Joe use the troops as a prop?
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