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  1. And yet somehow still have managed to create the illusion of being a large group by sheer number of creating and responding to posts Neat trick overall.
  2. Sure why not...this is exactly what the guttersnipes on the left would do.
  3. This is how it started with the Germans. Getting closer to those concentration camps for conservatives.
  4. Isn't there a Chinese twitter you can go and B word to about this, you loser?
  5. Nancy, the vile sleazebag railed and slurped about children starving and people losing their homes. And then goes home. But she is coming back to the table because of the urgency of USPS problem with vote ballots.
  6. the blm is a smoke screen all the way around. The 'give me your house' bit is genuine. They are dipping their toes in the water. They think that they keep escalating just to see how far they can go, the real problem is they will push it too far and it will be a blood bath... There will be no going back. The normal's are doing their best to remain civilized.
  7. The real question is, under ordinary circumstances, if she wasn't er brown and a female, would she ever be nominated as vice president under anyone beside dementia Joe and his affirmative action pick. Somehow I highly doubt it. ...and he still didn't get it right...now they have to hide her real heritage because they have to fool their dummy voters into thinking she's African American. IMHO the racists probably picked Kamala to appeal to blacks because shes a pot smoker.
  8. conservative, to liberal friend: how about we agree to disagree about politics and just not talk about it? liberal friend: Ok, sure no problem. 5 mins later, no matter what the conversation is...... liberal friend: You do know Trump is just a POS racist xenophobe tho right? ....
  9. WOW... it's amazing how little interest there is on this story vs how huge this story would be if Clinesmith even appeared once in a photo with Trump.
  10. Clinesmith cried when Hillary lost. Hopefully he goes to prison so he can cry there too.
  11. ...but please whatever you do, don't hold your breath waiting.
  12. You should go out and try to convince a rock to roll away. You would actually accomplish more on that task than communicating on any level with that poster.
  13. Some more of that peaceful stuff. lol.. all these twunts vs one woman...I bet this brings a tear of joy to billstime and tibs
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