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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Don't like the hiring but these are the coaches he had on the staff while he was winning SBs.. He's been the head honcho for 20 plus years now all of a sudden Kraft is gonna move on from him?
  2. I am dying laughing at all the Bills fans upset with you for saying this... Then someone writes a novel about "they rubbed" our nose in it.. Yea no other fan base celebrates wins..
  3. His play in the playoffs dropped off from his play in the reg seasons.
  4. But Manning and Rodgers did not play as well as Brady has played in the playoffs. Manning especially. His regular season is day and night compared to how you plays in the playoffs. I dont even know how yesterday games tells buffalo fans that Allen is better now? HUH? And dont get me wrong. He is definitely there but nothing that happened yesterday says Allen has over taken Mahommes.
  5. Do u not know the awards and accolades he already accumulated??
  6. yea i wouldn't waste my time..when it is universally recognized as such and a fans are telling you and others such as Boomer Esiason or respected journalism they are wrong. You just have to walk away in shake your head.
  7. What does that have to do with it? Did they win 10 or more games, were they in the playoffs? Were they not removed from SB contention about 2 season ago with players leaving and what not. ha ha this is hilarious to me..i just thought it was sour grapes, but now i see a lot of fans just do not understand how Football and things around it work. hilarious thinking he is getting award just cause...a man that is more decorative than any other coach in the NFL...ha ha
  8. Yes, turn on any football show in America, speak to any NFL analyst and that is exactly what they have refer the patriots as, and what they were. Especially now having a rookie QB. 100% correct!
  9. Yes after a team's franchise QB leaves/retires..etc it is viewed as a rebuild. And wasn't just Brady who left. Pittsburgh is about to enter a rebuild
  10. He won 10 games in his 2nd year of his rebuild and a playoff birth. I know some bills fans can't get the sour grapes out their mouth. But....
  11. The chiefs aren't a dynamic offense??? When u started watching the NFL, today?
  12. ?? Edit. Oh I get you now. I think you guys are just fine where u guys are in all aspects...white would of help, but KC is just as dynamic as you guys on offense. It really was one of those games where whoever had the ball last was going to win..
  13. When fans say this. I gotta ask. Fire him and hire who? U guys where down White and you played a dynamic offense in KC. Plus your defense was gassed. I get it, it's emotional now...but damn, you guys played KC...
  14. I am not sure what is the point of this paragraph to me. Nobody has ever doubted how big Brady was to the franchise. I think a casual fan could even figure out how important the QB is to a franchise. The interesting thing is, that NE/BB detractors never want to wrap their head around is. The team around the QB is as important too. You mention Gronk and Edelman, who you think drafted and developed them? Who you think put the team around Brady to succeed? I keep saying it to those who just want to say it's all Brady. in 01 it was BB defense, their very last SB Brady did not do a thing, it was BB defense. I don't think Cam Newton QBing here was the worse thing to happen to the franchise, like really? They came off a SB two years before that. Also remember they went 7-9with him...could of easily went 8-8. There are plenty of franchises with better roster and QBs that don't achieve that record. as much as people want to talk about their roster and how the game wen against the BIlls in the playoffs, and it was bad, damn, it was ONE game. They won 10 games this season, a playoff birth with a rookie QB and held the division lead for a couple weeks. All after letting go brady just 2 years prior. Again i ask, how many franchises do you know retool that quickly? Of course there are holes they need to fill. Doesn't every team every year need to fill holes/retool at certain spots? I wonder do people really think BB stayed this long in the NFL and not have a clue what he is doing? like really? People's over reaction after the games be killing me. I mean great McD/Bills have looked good against the pats. They should, while the pats were still winning he had time and draft positions to build his team. So he/they should be better than the pats at this moment. Usually how it goes in sports. You are not supposed to stay at the top forever. The fact the pats did, just shows you how great BB and Brady were together.
  15. A bills fans made a comment about why are "we" still thinking about the pats.....i then turned around and said "20 years" as to answer that question. saying last sat game will not erase 20 years from some bills fans memory...that was not meant to take a shot. But because it came from me it was of course perceptive that way.....then a poster decided to make a smart comment -which i just replied to. But none of it was to "puff my chest out" I could do that all day if i wanted to....Bills fans here have said the same 20 year comment before... so I am not puffing my chest out. I don't care to. It's not about that.
  16. Yea. You shouldn't assume. especially since you really do not understand why the comment was made.
  17. It's irrelevant with the now, but something you just do not get. The Bills beat the Pats to advance but the OP is a bills fans and still decided to created this thread. Why? What does it matter. What does it matter what the Pats roster will be like next year. And i am not taken a shot at OP or the thread its self. I am just stating what another bills fan maybe thinking about the thread. I do not know how you got this^^^ out of my post, but OK.
  18. And you forgot one very very big thing, RINGS. Just saying...
  19. But his resume is not gonna take a big hit. That's just gonna be a Stat not bigger than what he has done defensively in championship games...aka why he was call a genius in the first place. I know detectors hate he is called that. But he earned it.
  20. Smashing his phone was the worse....like come on, can you look anymore guilty!
  21. I agree. I think it was stupid to be so ignorant to continue to do it after the memo came out (spy gate) I really do not think much about the whole deflated balls cause plenty of QBs came out and said they all like the balls to be a certain way in regards to the air in them.. But I do believe Brady was lying about not knowing the balls had less air in them. I don't see it taken that long cause they were already in the playoffs just after 2 seasons. The organization knows what it's doing. Not every approach they get right but they are trending in the right direction right now
  22. I would give the bills the edge over KC cause I think you'll defense is better.
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