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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. So people don't have to make up stories to best fit their own agenda... https://www.businessinsider.com/patriots-draft-tom-brady-2014-5 How The Patriots Drafted A Hall Of Fame Quarterback In The 6th Round Excerpts from the article: A lot of people think the Patriots just got lucky in drafting a future Hall of Famer so late in the draft. In reality, luck had very little to do with it. The Patriots Were High On Brady Prior to the draft, quarterbacks coach Dick Rehbein was sent to scout quarterbacks, Belichick said in an interview with NFL Network. When he returned, Rehbein told Belichick that Brady was "the best fit for the [Patriots'] system" and others in the front office and among the coaches agreed. .... "But we were looking for the mental makeup...Belichick did a lot of homework on him, along with our staff, on his mental makeup. Watching the tape, he was the guy that would go in and lead them back to victory."
  2. Where did i say that? I have said the complete opposite, so thanks for furthering some of my points.
  3. Picking up free agents is part of being a GM too. Glimore anyone......(whole list of others)
  4. Thread. He is not given up his duties nor is he going to retire anytime soon. He has stated that in the past.
  5. first sentence sour grapes...boooo hooo i am going to call them "cheaters" your second sentence is you just unwilling to give any credit so i will let you sit on your hill. whether it was BB first choice or last..what does that matter...he was drafted and developed under BB... and if and when plans change..come find me to tell me "you told me so..."
  6. Oh and another thing. He plans on coaching for at least another 5 years he has said that already. I do not know why that is so hard to understand. Nothing happening right now is changing that. He wants to show he can do it without Brady so he is not "quitting" anytime soon. And again this is year one...not 5 years Into a patriots rebuilded.
  7. I think I acknowledge the first sentence that every great coach has great players. So you need to direct that to your follow poster. Who also said he is just an average coach. Which he is far from that. Next he didnt "luck" into Brady. Brady was a 6 round pick who everyone in the NFL past up on. He was not a projected first rounder who "fell" into BB lap. He was past on by everyone. BB drafted him and helped developed him big part of this debate that gets glossed over. BB help Brady grow into a great QB. As you know history shows you great QBs are not late round picks....alot went into Brady's development and BB was apart of that. Adding to BB legend and complete asinine to think It was all Brady.
  8. Because 1. They weren't good 2. The name he earned it from his peers ...you wanna go tell actual NFL heads he is just an average coach? If BB was to become a free agent coach right now...in fact put every coach back in a pot and or lottery and let's see who get picked first.. Take Brady and Bruce Adrians off the bucs now. Switch them w Cam and BB and let me know what team would do better, sinse we are going to be irresponsible and debate Brady/BB after barely one season.
  9. Yes I am referring to you because If you did, you would know. Every great coach has great player(s). Don Shula w Marino Walsh w Montana Etc. And BB is not the same coach he was in Cleveland. I know his detractors can't understand that cause after all. The Browns had all those great coaches after he left.. BB had his defensive game plan w the giants in the SB elected into the HOF Won his first SB against the rams with Tom Brady not being Tom Brady yet..won his last SB so far without Tom Brady not doing anything... BB with his JV squad could easily of been 6-2 this year all things considering...there is quite a few things you can see of his resume that would show he is a great coach.. The numerous times he has confused the hell out of Manning for one...
  10. ha ha at just a good coach.. someone needs to look at his resume a little deeper...and who the hell every called Kraft a coach magnet...do you realize how owning a team works. If BB left tomorrow and for the sake of the discussion Kraft called up Jim harbaugh and offer him full control of the team. He would sign right?
  11. at this point...makes not sense for the Pats to try to make the playoffs. I wanna think BB knows that.. I mean they could of easily have been 6-2-with last sec loses to seattle and buffalo...but I am all for regrouping for next season.
  12. How he figured it out..1/2 the pats defense is either injured or opted out .
  13. Yup he was..6 or 7 games not years does not determine 20 plus years of work.
  14. Dan is a fool...this whole philosophy people have makes no sense to me. They have lost the division before. If this was year four and all this was happening (losing record and all) cool would make sense...but this is just year one where except for the 9ers game they have been in every one of their games and could of easily won yesterdays game, chiefs game and seahawks game....Year one and some teams have barely escape them like people need to chill. (radio here has been insufferable)
  15. No no..thk you. I mean were would the world be without you guys coming out to correct posts. Thk u!
  16. Your team... *you're* But go ahead this could be your moment to bring out the "typo" police.
  17. Win first. Prove your elite. Not affected by last year after 20 years..
  18. Yea..good teams when they don't play up to their potential the game before usually come back next game and make a statement...
  19. Keep that same energy tomorrow when the bills gotta play a pist of chiefs team
  20. And only..only if the season was to end today that would mean so much....
  21. Ahh we got that crystal ball out I see.
  22. They play in the AFC east. And Its week 6.
  23. When u been winning for 20 seasons. You live rent free in every fans head.
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