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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. If you were the jets..I could see it, but I don't remember any ill will toward the bills or the pats "running up" the score against the bills... Plus what is "running up the score" i never understood that when fans (not directed at you) complain about that, they are professionals. Your job is to stop the other team from scoring..
  2. Better do something in the playoffs...
  3. I like how some bills fans scream "payback" for all the years they did us.. "Payback!?" cause for all those years your GM and coaches could not build a team to compete....somehow that's NEs fault?
  4. His stats being in the pack with the wins Is what puts him over... He doesn't need to blow away the competition cause the SB wins do that. Wins>>>stats
  5. Clearly Beasley made the better choice because i would honestly hate to see him have to play with Cam Newton like this. I think BB tagged him to either try to make a deal with him or keep him away from the JETS. I am not sure. Burhead i think played his last game in NE unless he is willing to play for crumbs...which is possible, I also see White returning, we do not have another 3rd down back right now as effective as White and he seems like one of those Pats for life type of guys. I do not think or heard of anyone else from the pats line walking or being let go. Just Thuney has been the only one the media and fans constantly speak about. and yes, the Patriots are definitely in a rebuild no mistaken that. I am just confident enough that this process will not take too long.
  6. Good sh*t Buffalo. You legit kicked Pittburgh's a** on both sides of the ball. The Bills were everywhere on defense and they turned it around on offense like what true SB teams do. From a Pats fan...."why not you guys in the SB!?" You guys are SB contenders.
  7. I can say most likely Thuney will walk. I dont think BB is going to pay Thuney, and Gilmore. Expect both to walk. And FAs will still want to come to NE. BB is respected around the league by players and coaches. If they feel the money is right or the situation in NE is right for them I do not see why players wouldn't come. Ex of that: Newton was having a convo for his comback show with OBJ and a couple other players (i forgot who) and he said he doesn't know how him and BB were going to mesh And it was OBJ who told him the best place for him to go and get the coaching he needs was in NE w BB...OBJ still wants to play and NE..Newton now talks glowingly about BB and calls him a football whisperer.... Side note: Kind of has nothing to do w this reply. Did Bills fans know why Cole Beasley chose Buffalo over NE? I can't remember exactly, i think he said he just wanted to go some place different and not follow the same trend at that time...
  8. ? So Miami got lucky using Ryan Fitzpatrick being just one game out of the AFC east? Chiefs got lucky with Alex Smith before Mahomes, Colts are doing ok after Luck retired. (Note i said ok...not implying they are SB contenders) you can look around the league and see teams with feasible QBs that the patriots can use to be competitive Again they are 6-7 right now with sh*tting QB play....a "bridge QB" could keep that competitive enough. Its not hard to see that. Who cares what his "story" was....Bill O'Brien the GM got Bill.O'Brien the coach fired. How long ago Cleveland was for BB...you are just going to ignore everything else that tells you he is a great coach. This year alone spells that out to anyone looking objectively.
  9. Oh love the grammar and spelling Nazis on the internet. Thanks, you're cool.
  10. McDaniels...I can also say this. That fool took Tebow to be his QB....that is all anyone needs to know... Buyers remorse on McDaniels.. Yea Olszewski, he is one of BB "outta no where" picks. Former D2 CB who played special teams as well.. converted to WR...Almost cut last year (Practice squad last year) Worked hard to be able to play at wide out,...stay on the team as a special teamer...cuz BB loves special teams...idk if he will make a career out of being a punt returner. there are times he fields punts that he shouldn't. He is similar to Edelman when he first started in that position in terms off keeps running into big hits and for no reason. And just to understand how training camp on the offense side went for the pats... Per the media he was the only one that looked like an NFL receiver. If that meant anything to anyone asking at that time..
  11. This team is 6-7 with a sh*t QB. They could of had or could picked up a "bridge" QB and be a threat for the playoffs because their coaching staff is that strong. BB has proven that time and time again. He gets the most out of his players often, so they could bring in a Jimmy Grapolo (example) and be a threat for this division and maybe the AFC next year, and i am just going off their record now and losing very close games to the bills and seahawks. Doesn't matter why BIll O'Brien got fired, look at his record. He to date has won more playoff games than your coach. That says something and how ultimately Flores is TBD but as of right now in just 2 years they are a threat to win this division, that says something as well, plus Flores was very instrumental in the pats last SB run shutting down the rams..... right now he is a good coach. Please show me where Saban said his time in Cleveland was the worse of his life and it's because of BB. Because I do not know if you know this, but BB and Saban and great friends they just did a documentary together and yup he didnt do well in Miami and is a still a great college coach that doesn't need to come back to the NFL to prove anything...Harbaugh was better in the pros than he is in college at michgan... and again, how long ago was the cleveland era? i must of missed all those great coaches who came after BB in Cleveland.
  12. For N'Keal it could be a lot things, on the pats fan forum there is a thread dedicated to N'Keal productions or lack there of. He was thrown into the situation with Brady and Brady stop playing nice with young receivers years ago, so that could of hinder his development, BB absolute stinks at noticing wide talent, he whiffed on all those receivers in the draft last year and in 2018..could of had Deebo Samuel and/or AJ Brown, but NOPE! This year its now Cam Newton throwing him the ball and we all can see how bad he is at that, and N'Keal has been injurie a lot as well....in that Harry thread most of us Pats fans think he is a bust. The other wide outs now; Meyers and Damiere Byrd are ok, they aren't bad. They do get open and Cam misses them..i would say they would be 3rd or 4th option on another team who has a solid wide receiving core. BB always thinks he can find that hidden gem in some of the most awkward places...d2, and d3 colleges.....like sometimes just buy into the hype man. and yea for most of the coaches who left to be head coach in other places, yeah they tried too hard to be him and it just doesn't work for them. I have always like Flores and I did like Billy O'Brien everyone else i can careless and I personally think any team that gives Josh McDaniel's another chance would be a complete fool........i do not think he will be a very good coach in the NFL.
  13. You say this...like the draft is not coming up, free agency is not coming up? (in their cap situation is very good next season) Their Wide Outs are ok...after numerous break downs on film. They actually do get open. Newton is just god awful at reading defensives now and misses throws badly...aka. their short comings this year is more on the QB than their wide outs....even though they still need help at that position. and unrelated to this post. Someone mentioned his coaching tree. You forget Flores is part of that tree. THe coach whose dolphins team is only one game back from you guys in the division. Bill O'Brien as well..although he completely missed up that Hopkins situations. Bill O'Brien had a good winning career with the texans and has won a few playoff games. and then there's Nick Saban
  14. They opted out because they had newborns and young children they didnt wanna to take the risk and all have said to be returning. Chung on twitter laughed at fans who thought he wasn't going to come back. Hightower their best linebacker and their mic just had his kid and he is returning.
  15. Also to point out how this is a prisoners of the moment from both fans and media. Bills struggle against the Chargers a bit to win. And gave up 17. Just least week the Chargers put up a goose egg against the Pats, and BB probably helped get Anthony Lynn fired. The Bills were able put up about 30 against the Rams and the pats did nothing... Every week is something different.
  16. Defense is not getting old. Their oldest player besides McCourty is Chung who opted out They drafted a bunch of younger players on defense.. For all the GM talk. Its fair to point out his drafting offensive players. But on the defensive side he drafts pretty decent there. chase winovich Kyle Dugger Josh uche Michael Onwenu All look promising and have contributed oh and Damien Harris at RB is actually good in his first full season
  17. And none of that speaks of a "drought ". Logically looking at it. They have been competitive in a down year. With a shot QB.
  18. Never told anyone their point is silly..I said it would make more sense to wait longer than a year to talk about a Patriots "drought"
  19. Prisoners of the moment. From some Pats fans too, Its only year 1, and teams are dealing with COVID...they won 6 games so far could of easily won 8. I mean you could wait at least a few years first to make sure.
  20. I can answer this from the other side. I am up here in NE so you know who i root for, but i can say it's this site for me. You guys are very respectful to the opposing fans, majority of you guys seem really down to earth and I respect that about this fan base and this site. I have traveled to other fan forums and some sites are run well but they are quick to ban opposing fans. Other sites their fans are down right nasty and if you even react the same way they ban you. As i said. i have a lot of respect for this site and the fans base on here, and thank you for allowing me to be here even if you do not agree with who i root for.
  21. I get it and its very possible because both teams are good and are capable of making it. But u really wanna roll your dice against a guy who has gone 9x and is proven (43 or not) to a whole teams first time? Completely didn't mind set. Anything is possible But be careful what you ask for.
  22. I want to say it was on purpose too but if you go to Dan orlovsky twitter handle he has two similar situations where Greg Williams does zero blitz at the end of the game. I even think there was a game against the steelers last year where they are in the exact situation with 15 seconds left and the Jets zero blitz the steelers..it worked that time Think its a very stupid call either way...but whatever.
  23. honestly...i am not... at this point, i am just summarizing where I am standing now....honestly. It really doesn't matter to me anymore about what you think about my posts.
  24. Thank you for taken the time to research my post. I am sorry if you take what i am saying as contradiction (being lighthearted and sarcastic ). Newton was careless with the football, in terms of needing Brady in that situation...you do not need brady, you just need any QB to be careful with the football. That is not an indictment on Newton. (I have said it wasn't an indictment on Newton) Yes i believe the patriots would of won. If that makes me in the wrong for saying that or you feel i am contradicting myself...cool. I am going to disagree. the percentages i see, tells me-they are pretty high for a team to score there....you have about 17 teams ranging from 70 to 60% . That is how i am going to look at it....if that speaks of me being incorrect to you cool at this point it seems you want to be right and prove me to be very wrong...so ok have at it... i will disagree and still post here.
  25. Interesting...Show me where i changed my argument.? you want to debate that I have no scientific backup to post what I have posted...i have proven i do. Explain to me what my argument was..show me where I am changing things up? my quote" That game didnt have anything to do McDermott or even Brady. Because you can insert any other QB in that situation and the pats could of won. That wasn't a situation were only elite QBs take control of. They were at the 20. Most NFL QBs could handle that moment. Tyrod Taylor could of won that game given how it was setting up." nothing there..putting it, the way you are trying to paint my words. I guess, Tyrod Taylor has never won any games for a team before...i guess he is not capable of scoring from the 20 yard line...wait wait..i have to get technical..i should of said Tyrod Taylor had a 50% chance to win that game.....
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