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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. No....he had the same offensive team last year and look at his numbers the sec half of the season. People were saying he was washed. Do you see any of the offensive talent the bucs have on this NE team? Come on man.
  2. This is success a ridiculous take by people after just one season. One season erases 20 years.. So if Brady was QBing this NE they would of been in the playoffs?
  3. Nope cause I am not crying about it. Unphased by this game.
  4. hate to tell you this...it's not just "us" guys.....majority of the NFL is dealing with the present and moved on.
  5. looking at the pats trophy case....those "facts" don't bother anyone, so apology accepted.
  6. You are perfect for the twitter world. Enjoy the game!
  7. Yea keep thinking everything successful in NE for over the last 20 years was all on the QB. Seems you really don't get what it takes to be successful in the NFL. takes more than "dumb luck"
  8. Nothing that happens tonight erase or equals to the patriots dominating this division...you know what does....being just as dominate as them for the same amount of years or as close to.
  9. I have no sympathy for the score being 56-10 Pats back in 07..like i said...grow a## men playing professional ball. and I will have no sympathy if buffalo wins monday night 56-10. Good, hope it helps light a fire under BB ass to draft and recruit better. (which i think this season alone may have been enough for him to do better building the team)
  10. I seen a clip with a bills fan doing it to a baby...(putting the baby through a table) I don't get it..but I chalk it up as what some fans do.....redskins fans dress up in dresses and wear a pig nose...bills fans put themselves thru tables... He is a former major league player for the red Sox. Lou Merloni. For some reason BB gives him a hard time in general.
  11. Of course but that is a small portion because I know quite a bit that are the total opp. And overall it's funny. Other fan base have a problem how you(the opposing teams fans) act. But rarely ever realized they are the exact same way. Like cool..bills fans being bills fans..imagine if NE fans did this in Buffalo?
  12. You seems to talk to a small group of patriots fan..because this is not true. Pats fans act no different than any other fan.
  13. To your first sentence. In general, I have always try to back up anything I have said if i was challenged. I was replying to someone claiming I do not know anything outside of my patriots fandom. And yes a coach or person could say one thing and mean the other but since you, nor I or anyone else has any facts on what Gibbs truly meant if he did mean something different. Then wouldn't for the sake of the discussion you take him for his word(s)? I will go ahead and leave this thread. I wanted to reply to whoever replied to me, but not to derail the thread.
  14. Come on... You think EVERY player will like their stay on every team they been on? You think there aren't players who didn't like playing for Bills? fortunately for the Pats it ain't enough to stop players from coming here and the opt outs had nothing to do with the culture. Those opt outs had to deal with the health of their unborn babies and kids....and the opt outs all have confirmed to be coming back. Tom and BB had their up and downs not denying that...if BB gave Tom close to the money he got in Tampa Bay, you think he would stay? BBs coaching tree or the lack there of has nothing to do with BB and more to do with those coaches trying to be BB., let's also not forget B.Flores and Bill O'Brien (coaching wise) being on that tree (as i said before. Bill O'Brien the GM got Bill O'Brien the coach fired) he had a decent win/loss record with the Texans and had won playoff games....where he messed up was getting rid of Hopkins and it all went down from there.. and about BB....he is old school similar to Bill Parcells and nobody complains about Bill Parcells.....it's football man. They do not take any BS and yes their success helps and they are highly respected around the league....of course not everyone is going to agree but overall they have been successful and respected by their peers...thats all that matters.
  15. Yup teams have indicated it BUT NOTHING WAS EVER PROVEN...and when you say that....fans do not want to believe it because fiction is so much better than reality....i can recall Mike Tomlin screaming about his headset not working after a lost instead of the simple fact he kept using the same damn defense over the years making it so easy for Brady and BB to decipher what they were seeing And this is the same Mike Tomlin who "interfered" with a Raven's returner about to score by stepping on the field and tackling him., but he wants to scream about "interface"? funny how it's viewed when you aren't on the other side of things... And this dirty bag organizations according to the fans..but players still play for them, and still would come to NE....
  16. For your first sentence...i really didn't put much stake into it...and in bold is why i said I do not deal with conspiracy theories for this very same reason...i like to deal with facts and not what some want speculate. There are 32 owners who Roger Goodell has to deal with but to fans who hate the patriots he is working for them solely..yea just that line of thinking i don't wanna waste my time debating with.
  17. Never denied "spy gate" what i am talking about is the details that people drum up and speculate what exactly the patriots were doing ...also referencing the poster's comments about "the fishy stuff" that goes on in Boston.
  18. Clearly you don't know what I know . passage from one of your links As for Gibbs, he didn't have a problem with Belichick's tactics, The two coaches shook hands after the game, although they certainly didn't make a lot of small talk. "No, I have no problem with anything that they did," Gibbs said. "Nothing, no problems from me." If you missed my pervious post...i said most coaches and players do not complain about that crap...just as most players and coaches do not "tank" I have seen Bill Parcells (for example) scruff at anyone bring up "running up the score" on another team
  19. it's nonsense to think most coaches and players care about "running up the score" . Most of them would look at you like it's our job to stop the other team from scoring especially old school coaches. This ain't baseball where some "unwritten" rule was violated. What Owen's did yes i can see that as being disrespectful and players taken pride in who they are and who they play for, i expect most to say It's our job to stop them from scoring....now IMO if a team is doing late in a game for the sole purpose to break a record, to me that is something to gripe about. if the bills beat the pats 50-10 or some ridiculous score. That's on the patriots defense.
  20. Again what is "running up the score " to a bunch of professionals..grown a** men. Playing football. Do fans complain when some D1 college beats a lesser opp by 50 or 60 points .
  21. Well seeing that they have reduced kickoff returns..I guess your wish will have to be done another way. Yea i don't deal with conspiracy theories...
  22. Ha ha You know..my first memory of football...my introduction to it.. The Pats and the Bears in the SB..and you know how that turned out.
  23. lol....it's only fair I see..ha ha
  24. You know the bills whooped the pats a** before right. Bledsoe first game against the pats w the bills... And as usual fans getting exactly what or how spygate transpired wrong..but I am not going to get Into it anymore its over, get over it..every team bends the rules and every fan complains about the refs...so ehh
  25. Never against you guys wanting the win..just never understood the payback part. But *🍻* for wanting a good ole a** whooping...I respect that. Ha ha
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