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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Oh I'm very sure if he was wearing a Bills uniform his whole career your post wouldn't exist. If Beasley could help do what Edelman does/did and help the bills win a title your tone would be very different.
  2. Him not playing football would be hard for him. He has never shown to be a person that needs the limelight. And a produced documentary of himself doesn't say otherwise. As I have said before, many an athlete are branding themselves now a days.
  3. He has been in the league for over 10 years and all you can find is a documentary he produced himself ? I guess u do not realize the day n age u are in..athletes are doing podcast, and producing shows, and alot of it is about themselves. It's not narcissistic its called controlling your brand. Mad it wasn't you?
  4. Athletes get documentaries made about them all the time.
  5. How so? He is not out on social media like that nor in the public eye like that.
  6. Because his playoff stats are HOF worthy. And that's not including the multiple rings fans had to sit and watch him win.
  7. Possibly..I think he might still be cool regardless, cause i never thought Antoine Brown was gonna play again....or Josh Gordon with all the crap they had going on...
  8. For some reason I think the Texans don't really expect to get all those number 1s in return. I think they just made that statement hoping it will just deter teams from asking about Watson. I think a good negotiator could get the Texans to take respectable amount in return for Watson..I mean in IMO they are dumb. He doesn't want to play for them anymore and I dont see anything changing that. I think he is prepared to sit out. And he like Stafford doesn't want to play for NE unless that changed. Yea there are so many reports on where he is willing to play its gotten too damn confusing.. It would be great If he could go to SF so we can go after Jimmy....I really really don't want to see Cam behind center at any point this season..I seen enough.
  9. Sorry about that. I meant draft capital wise..jets and the dolphins could offer more and a better package. Picks and their young QBs since Texans would need a QB to at least start the season with. I haven't heard anything official yet...but what can the pats offer? This year's number 1, next year's number 1 and Gilmore?? To me the jets have the best assets. They have a sh*t ton of draft picks from trading Adams away..
  10. Honestly that would be the worse case scenario if they did get him for Caserio, the NFL and the pats because there are better teams offers out there for Watson, so it would call into question alot of things from fans, other teams n media alike. I mean Watson would have to approve the trade but still..
  11. I think regradless of who the Pats QB will be. You guys are gonna be fine either way. Until they play, the Bills are the team to beat in this division. We may end up having one of the best divisions in football. I am ok if this division isn't decided to the final game or games of the season. Gives me more of a reason to duck my to do list from the wife.
  12. I do not think some bills fans will survive if/when the pats make it official that they have another QB. It's like it's been clearly reported their approach w Cam is security, not to be a full time starter and some fans are talking like its Sept. and Cam Newton has named the full time starter. Even if so...some fans don't understand football has alot to do w schemes..Cam Newton schemed right could still win some teams some games...
  13. It's not about the name of the player which a lot of fans love to focus on..its more how that player performs in your schemes which Van Noy has done. Have no idea if he can duplicate it again, but he played well for the pats and that has value.
  14. The Bills had the better team and should of won the division last year that is it no more no less. All that strengthen schedule blah blah doesn't matter. and I am still trying to find out how the Tom Brady and BB question got answered after one season? One season doesn't erase 20 years. A lot of players factored into their success that Brady had no control over. Plus Brady went to a loaded offensive team..it's not far fetch to think he would succeed.
  15. They have enough to sign a starting QB at like 25 mill. I do not know the numbers yet, but they didn't spend as much as some thought they did.
  16. i can't see Watson, but i find it funny. Some bills fans were saying how the Pats over spent.....I guess nobody wanted to really look at the details to the contracts they signed or will be signing.
  17. also if KC can shade money for cap space while spending a ton of money on Mahomes, Kelce, Hill and a couple defensive players. You think BB wouldn't find a way to shade money if he needed to? All teams can....the salary cap is not the end all be all.
  18. The pats been game planning for this before COVID hit They aren't just spending to spend. It's been reported Cam is the security blanket. They have a plan at QB. Cam is only there in case their plan doesn't work out. BB has proven plenty of times to get the best out of his players so why do fans keep bring up how good the TEs are or aren't, plus he's won plenty of SBs without Gronk. His first 3 SBs didnt have any HOF fame offensive players, Brady was coming into his prime by the 2 to 3rd SB. BB has made a career at finding ok players and turning them into effective pieces for them. And it's still only March. Just expect it to be a tough division to play in which should have some good AFC matches on deck. Bills won't be rolling over the Pats this coming season regardless.
  19. Last season's teams is no more. I do not know how any bills fans can gage what is to come when these two teams play again this coming season. They will not look like the 2020 New England patriots. Their Oline coach also doesn't matter, didn't matter because they have won games and SBs without Dante Scarnecchia, plus the oline wasn't even bad last year. It was one of their bright spots. Although it's been said Cam is back as security, not meant to be the starter. Thing could change though..we will see how their QB situation pans out. and BB has gone against QBs of Allen's level and even better before. You know how those games went.
  20. my point was reviled when i said.....the stat going 4-0 without Brady isn't telling what's to come for both teams this season.
  21. That's your point it wasn't mine though. going 4-0 without Brady isn't telling what's to come for both teams this season.
  22. 20 years>>>>one season? Not really the same comparison is it though? And we still talking only one side of the ball too?
  23. You guys almost split with them last year with Cam and that horrible offense. Cam is not guaranteed to be the starter this year and leaving out the money the team got better this year and the draft still isn't here yet. And what keeps getting left out of this is their defense.
  24. so what is your point? 15 mil/14milll is nothing as far as money goes, on top of the fact nobody knows how they plan on using this him, the most important part to this all. There are going to be at least two to three TEs that will make way more.
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