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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Who stopped talking about QBs in here? Nobody. But let's not act like other stuff pertaining to NE isn't being discuss in here as well. Like some of you all kill me. Like we gotta act sky is fallen for some of you.
  2. Ok that is not speaking of his football abilities, but again he is not "craping the bed" and there are players having confidents in him. I am not stating he will become the next great QB, but he aint crapping the bed either. and that is a bunch of b.s. because i am not acting like the sky is fallen in NE. and I challenge some bills fans on their point. Nah untrue. I can stand correct on my post, but I am not over here selling a pipe dream. I am pretty reasonable about NE.
  3. Well the "debate" is not just within fans in NE, its within the media as well who are at the camps and are reporting back. I do agree fans are fickle and even some members in the media can be fickled, but reports are it's a legitimate debate to have. Overall my point is Jones is not "craping the bed" as some fans of this form are expecting and so hard for it to be. also glad you do travel to other football forums because some here think the notion is unheard of. And since you are "trying to keep your ear to the ground" as far as this QB situation is concerned for the pats you should listen to their local radio stations. They have these analyst who are there and are viewing them in action coming on the sports shows and discussing Jones/Cam..how the team is doing etc.
  4. You were suggesting that the talk of his accuracy is what I or some fans think that is all he needs to be a QB in the NFL and i am saying No that was not what I am implying and nobody was suggesting that. And the Stidham comment, is me saying he is more accurate than Cam and never started for the pats because all the intangibles he needs or the coaches wanna see for a QB he doesn't have. Also implying everyone knows there is more to the position than just your skillset. No he was not answering a question on jones specifically. Similar to Emmanuel Sanders making a statement about Josh Allen making a play that he never seen any QB do, Smith was making a statement indicating that Jones was more impressive than he even thought he would be.
  5. Their are reports that players are swaying more to wanting Jones to start over Cam, Jonnua Smith has come out to say he has been really impressed with Jones. The debate here in NE is Jones should start over Cam. Jones has to be doing something if all this exist, and i am pretty sure no one is saying that just because he is "more accurate" I think we all know there is more to QBing than just that. Hence why Stidham has never started.
  6. Stidham I think is done in NE. He needs like shoulder surgery or something like that so they put him on PUP and brought in another QB. I think BB is just done with Stidham and never showed any reason to ever think about starting him as a QB in NE.
  7. Since you want to label NE fans.. point to me where I have debated the QBs? You won't find it, but what you would find when it pertains to you, is the "debate" on how bad the team expected to be or how important the coach really was, and your responses usually showed you aren't equip to handle the back n forth.
  8. Although to everyone in NE(and outside of NE) with eyes. BB has made it clear that Newton is the starter. So for now, I see it being Newton until later in the season. i think BB really would rather "red shirt" Jones until next year, in general. But i think to others Newton can't pull away from the comp(and is done) because the rookie has looked better a few times.
  9. ha ha i think its funny how you continue to show, you are incapable of debating with posters who opinions differ from yours. Thanks for the laughs.
  10. Missed me with this one. i didn't know i couldn't come in here and counterpoint anyone's argument. *shrug shoulders*
  11. You got me there! that told his WHOLE CAREER I have been stumped! Someone needs to correct the NFL and his peers.
  12. You need to check your data. his last season with the pats they lost to the titans after losing home field advantage because their offense was so bad they couldn't score any TDs. Their last SB victory Brady didn't record a touchdown and debating with people like you, there is only so far to go, you are telling me there is no data to back up BB being a exceptional coach yet there is and yet he is viewed as so by his peers but i guess you know better, and I made my points, i really do not need you to agree or not, those facts do exist. They were together for 20 years, there is a reason for that, but i am not expecting you to know why. i will enjoy the rebuild, hope for your sake the patriots don't turn it around before your team can win a SB cause that would be what's laughable.
  13. So we bring back up the Cleveland days, we are going back 20 plus years like coaches don't get better? We are once again coming to an assumption after ONE YEAR of rebuilding. yea the Bucs were an average team whose QB threw 33 TDS and 30 picks, 30 picks..that at all had nothing to do with with them "being average"? Their offense consist of Mike Evens, Chris Goodwin and OJ Howard before brady ever got there and Jamies Winston was able to throw 33 TDs.... offensive weapons way better than what the patriots had since 07. But it was Brady who turned that team around according to you. like i said all brady had to do was not throw picks and the bucs were playoff bound, their defense stood on their heads during their playoff run, if their defense didnt step up they weren't winning a SB. Shoot Brady wasn't that good in the 2nd half of the NFC championship game. (not taken anything away from Brady---but people are getting too lazy with their takes)
  14. Yea, i was going to be sarcastic and say you don't think Montana was an important piece to the 49ers dynasty. Basically trying to say you can check any teams dynasty or championship run and see a QB being an important piece to the puzzle. But for some who just wanna stop there, if they dig deeper they will see it's more to it than just the QB.
  15. possibly, but i don't think Shula's era dealt with the kind of pay roll/salaries the players started getting and as i mention before, free agency as well. Different eras, players stay with their teams in shula's era as oppose to players constantly leaving now a days. I don't think there is an argument for how important Brady was to their dynasty, i wasn't even arguing that, but to think it's all Brady is dumb. players play and coaches coach. Both were big pieces to the puzzle.
  16. How about the salary cap error where players move from team to team constantly. Nothing against Shula but he wasn't dealing with that.
  17. That doesn't speak of luck. Again BB wasn't what you know of him now. He wasn't a "hot commodity" and he became available to take the patriots job. It wasn't he quit the JETS then the patriots went after him, he quit for the sole purpose of taken the patriots job that was already offered to him previously. His 2nd head coaching job ever mind you. Wait...do you understand this is/was year one(going into 2) of a rebuilding period, this ain't year 5 with a sub .500 team. Things like this generally have to run a course first not jump the gun. Again, did Tom Brady take the lions or redskins to the SuperBowl? Someone i guess did know how talented the Bucs really were. They could of won a SB with any of the top ten QBs from last year, they were that stacked on offense and their defensive got hot and was amazing during playoff time. Do you even remember Tom Brady's last year with the pats, he couldn't even muster a touchdown in his last playoff game against the titans. The talk after that was is Brady done playing football...ha ha at he "put the patriots on his back" although he was a big factor and very big factor, you clearly wasn't paying attention. you must of forgot his first SB win when he was a game manager, or his last SB win when he didn't record a touchdown, it was the defense that did the work and there are a plenty of playoffs wins that the patriots won despite Brady not playing so well. I would slow your role on the patriot's being all Tom Brady.
  18. How the hell does an owner "luck" into a coach, especially one that wasn't even available or wasn't even looked at as the greatest coach of all time at that time? He actually quit the JETS to be come back to NE and I wouldn't use Pitts too much of a measuring stick as far as coaches, because the Rooney's don't fire coaches, Tomlin should of been gone a long time ago! And if you cant not see how BB helped Brady's career as much as Brady's helped his you are blinded , and Tom Brady didn't take the Detroit Lions to a SB, he took a team that was already playoff ready and offensively full of talent, just needed QB not to throw 13 picks game. Nothing against Tom Brady in any way, but this take by people is so lazy and misinformed. I mean after one year, some how the "big question" was answered, Tom Brady was the real reason for the pats success. It's funny though, to read all this Bills fan Bravo off of just one season. Wow!
  19. ha ha. Yes and you know exactly how the next 20 years are going to go right?
  20. Fandom has nothing to do with making sense.
  21. Agreed with everything you said.
  22. What sense are you making? Where in this thread have I said anything about winning a championship?
  23. You are right. First time in this thread that u were. Good job 👏
  24. Josh Allen was not a good passer his first two seasons in the league. Thats not lacking credibility. That's being real and was pretty much everyone's assessment if you aren't a fan. And the pats TEs are weapons. Cool they are not top 5...one is top 10 (that's not a stretch) both are better options then what any other team in this division can offer.
  25. Top 5, nope, barely missed top 10 ranking that aint bad..but if you want to do the research yourself since PFF is not credible to you be my guess tell me what you find What was Knox's numbers compared to Smith last year? And Allen was not lighting anything on fire going into this past season so that seemed to be a fair assessment of him. Th
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