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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Two different defensives from last year and Gilmore was injured in both Bills games, so the bills never faced their best secondary last year, they faced whatever they could put out there last season. Especially the blowout game. They were so done with injuries and Covid that by the time the bills played them again, they were using safeties as linebackers because they didn't have enough linebackers left.
  2. You are wrong, he has improved. Each week they are given him more and trusting him more with the offense. If you really were to look at him from week 1 to now. He is a different QB; from his reads to what they are asking him to do. He has always been accurate and efficient. And again, he is not the focal point of the offense. Not because he lacks ability, it's because they are bring him along slowly. It's the same approach they have had with all their QBs. They would do the same if Trevor Lawrence was their QB. You are right he hasn't faced any adversity yet, Monday will be a great test. And i remembered you speaking of his pocket protection before. The Oline has gotten better, but in the first few weeks the line was crap and he was getting killed. And i also remembered you saying "he doesn't roll out" or they do not design roll outs for him. I know you seen they had two for him last week versus the Titans again speaking of how much more they are given him and trusting him with the offense. (notice you haven't seen much trick plays these last few weeks...) In the Titans game the running game was not effective and he was fine making plays and throwing the ball. And there were times he was rushed. He either was able to dump it off in the flat or hit Meyers in the middle of the field right before the sack got there, or even audible to another play. Again speaking of his progression as a QB in that offense....things they couldn't get Cam Newton to do.
  3. I think this is pretty accurate, but i think New England's backs are better.
  4. I know, I am not disagreeing with you. Rodney Harrison has done it.
  5. Again... "If the narrative is going to be well the pats played a injured Titans team. The same narrative can be looked at for the win on Thursday against the saint for the Bills, right?" So i can't point that out, I mean it's a football conov.? And this goes to the whole "trolling" thing....where do you see me being overly negative about the buffalo bills, negative at all to them? I been here for over a year, where exactly have i been negative at all toward the bills? Where have I called anyone out of their name here? and I have seen posters here call @PatsFanNH a troll as well... I don't even remember coming in here after any bills lost and saying anything. Actually no i did. It was after the pitts game and i said "fans shouldn't overract, about losing the steelers the bills will be fine...." I mean i figured i was following rules...*shrug my shoulders*
  6. ha ha i know. The local sports shows hates when they do it too. I think all fan base do it...."they are disrespecting us" Ok.
  7. You know what ends all that if it bothers you that much.....win a SB, plan n simple. That's not a diss, since me posting here is being looked at as "trolling" for some reason. It's just saying....you as a fan want your team to get the benefit of the doubt. Win a superbowl. Media will endlessly gush over the bills too.... IMO Bills are still looked at as a SB contender (and it's true). I haven't heard nobody say otherwise. Nobody in the NFL is dominating right now.
  8. Bruh...that is not dissing the Bills. I mean have the Bills been shaky as of late, yes. What the media is supposed to act like fans and just overact? The pats are on a winning streak, given the history and whose their coach...its really not hard to see why the patriots winning wouldn't be a hot topic, but none of it has dissed the Bills. And there is a tie in the division.....i mean..Just saying...
  9. Ok. I will look out, if anything comes up make sure you notify me so i can see.
  10. I am asking you again. Please show me from a "respected" media outlet that is straight up "disrespecting" the buffalo bills in favor of the patriots. And i do mean straight disrespect. Not because they "picked" the pats to win.
  11. What media outlet has disrespected the Bills and please do not give me a Nick Wright post. I mean if fans don't get it's a schtick that goes on in sports shows now a days, i don't know what to tell you. Stephen A. has been poking at cowboy fans for years.....
  12. Hype up the pats yes, but at no point has it or shouldn't to down play the Bills. I haven't heard it or see why it would be. I think Bills have proven to the media they are a good team, so i don't see how they are going to be disrespected.
  13. Please explain how am i trolling? I am talking football. That is allowed here, no? Thats is what is done on EVERYONE message board by fans of said team and opposing fans. Why does a opposing fan have to be "trolling" because you don't like what they have to say...like how long have message boards been created. There are Bills fans on patriots message boards. Like some fans need to stop being so sensitive.
  14. So the disrespect card is out huh!? I haven't heard anyone in the media as of yet talk pro-patriot and leaving the Bills out of it. All i heard was it's going to be a big game on Monday.
  15. To your first sentence. Do you seem me downing playing any bills wins? As i said. If the narrative is going to be well the pats played a injured Titans team. The same narrative can be looked at for the win on Thursday against the saint for the Bills, right? and please show me in ANY of my post, me taunting and trolling anyone. Come on man..you see all my post. let's not act like i come in here breaking any rules.
  16. smack talk? Is it not a reality? He did throw 2 picks to a injured Saints team right? I mean Pats shouldn't feel to good about beating up an injured Titans team...well same could be said for the bills
  17. Whose trolling how old are you? You can't handle a rival team poster on your board!?
  18. awww someone is not in the xmas spirit.
  19. Didn't you guys just beat a Saints team without their starting RB and starting QB(along with other injuries)? A game in which Allen thew 2 picks?
  20. Clearly someone did that's why it was posted. But good try though.
  21. ha ha i don't have to assure you of anything. It takes nothing to research this stuff yourself. I mean he's already disapproved he is not coaching past 70 given he is 69 now...ha ha
  22. ha ha all i can do is laugh now, only on the internet will someone try to disprove that a team is not rebuilding when it's been universally recognized as a rebuild. ha ha OK. https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/10/29/bill-belichick-coaching-past-age-70#:~:text=Patriots head coach Bill Belichick previously said he,footsteps and coach past the age of 70. You have no other evidence that suggest he is stopping soon..
  23. They rebuilt the team...I have no clue why it's so hard for some of you to realize that. They rebuilt the team. That is/was the phase this current NE team is in. He is going to coach until he doesn't want to anymore, no signs of him stopping anytime soon. If he was trying for win 1 more, he would not have gotten ride of Brady to go with a rookie QB. That makes no sense.
  24. haha bruh is was a re-build. You let go your franchise QB you are rebuilding since that is what generally makes or breaks a franchise now a days. BB NEVER overhauls a whole team, nor does he spend like crazy. He had to given how 2020 turned out and the pressure from the owner. He tweaks here and there with his rosters, but last year was something different, and why the media made a big deal about it because BB never spent like that before.
  25. ??? They actually did when they drafted jimmy garoppolo, but the owner made them trade him away to keep brady which obviously made sense because they won another SB again. So no, they were not trying for years....plus hence why Cam Newton was picked up late in the off season last season because they really didn't have a plan B after brady was not going to sign for cheap. They are tied for 1st place? What do you mean? Their defense is playing better actually statically 2nd behind buffalo. RBs are solid and QB is not making any mistakes, plus their coaching staff is true to form. They fact you feel they are actually .500 and they are not is more a test to who they are and what the coaching staff has done.
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