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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Just out of curiosity, explain? A special kind of pats win?
  2. Why..they still lead the division.
  3. Oh you think I am "awesome"...thank you! You are so kind..right in time for Xmas too!
  4. See that's your problem. There has been many games BB has been out coached. This game just wasn't one of them.
  5. Ha ha..the fact that you think you made sense or made a valid point is hilarious to me...
  6. How is that an excuse if you are acknowledging the teams lack of performance or even better they were out played..please try to make it make sense?
  7. Emm..I wouldn't say that. They are still first in their division right? They beat you guys right with these same players...stop trying to reach. I just said I don't see how they were out coached. Not everytime you lose its the coaches fault. Players do shoulder the responsibility too if you try to be logical about it.
  8. So let me try to get this right? I said it's a players n their performance fault not the coaches for the lose but some how I am making excuses?? Huh?
  9. That's not a coaching issue, that is a player performance issue. You as a Bills fan should know that. Even If you stack the line and they still get through thats not the coaches fault thats the players.. You realize there are great players in the league that you know what they are going to do and you still don't stop them right?
  10. Going for it on 4th down given the situation is not on the opposing coach. That decision didn't cost them the game either. Block punt and turnovers did the actual damage.
  11. How were they out coached? Out played and out performed yes all day. But out coached, I didn't see it.
  12. Looked like the shoulder got there first..or he at least lead with the shoulder.
  13. Doesn't matter if playing the Bills...
  14. That was b.s. bills fans have every right to be pist! Refs screwed them out of that drive.
  15. The Bills been around for 50 years..are u trying to say you lost more games because of the weather and not cause the other team better prepared? Cause NE weather could be hell and I remember a certain California kid playing great in the snow.. And I don't know..I would say, the coaching stuff should understand about the weather and coach that way.. The GM should understand its Buffalo n not California and draft players that can handle it... And nobody plays in a thunderstorm.
  16. I understand and that was what football was built on the as well. the elements. Makes you have to find other ways of winning. I get it's not enjoyable for some of you the fans...but i do not think it's going to change anytime soon.
  17. football has been played in the mud, rain, heavy snow...everything expect a thunderstorm. How was that not football? It's northeast weather though. Bills been existed for 50 years or so.....so this kind of stuff happens. (not all the time though)
  18. This is a moot point now since the game is over. But the Pats Oline play struggled in the beginning of the season, whoever they projected to be the starters at that time...it just wasn't working. Some injuries(Isaiah Wynn..always hurt) had occurred so i don't know if it forced them to switch some players around or they seen the Oline play in the beginning just wasn't work and Mac Jones was going to get killed so they switched it up anyways. But since they switched some players around on the line, things had gotten better.
  19. The elements have always been part of the game. No, it's not fun to watch a host of games like that, but those games are few and far between. If you had a problem with how the weather affected the game, i get it but you must be a causal. Because if you are a Patriot or Bills fan how were you bored? It had drama from beginning to end
  20. Don't do this to yourself. I been here for a year. The Bills won the division last year and blew out the pats in their last game and i was here. I never said anything about any of the Bills loses or said nothing about the bills losing the division lead or tying it. Win or lose i will be here when i choose to be. And i do not post caring who likes that i am here or who doesn't. I have had some good exchanges with a few fans here and I am ok with that. All others i really don't pay any attention to. I'm just posting. making the same statements others have. Just interesting to see how you react to it. You really do not have to pay me any mind.
  21. I think if you were to look up the numbers, you would see what i mean. The patriots are more popular in Boston. From TV ratings to overall just the "talk of the town" especially as the red sox owners are fallen out of popularity when their fans. And i dont know how it is in your region but where I am in Boston. I haven't seen really any issues in football or basketball now that everything is opening up. This summer was crazy for Basketball, although the H.S. football team sucked this years, there still seemed to be a decent turn out to watch HS football.
  22. yea I dont get "hating" someone because of the laundry they wear, but that is whatever. I know i would have no problem going to a bills game in buffalo wearing patriots gear, and i have seen plenty of bills fans at patriots games in foxboro. And there has been no issue. shoot my family if they seen a rival fan would invite them to have a drink with them.
  23. Boston is not a redsox town anymore. With the climate of baseball its self changing (younger crowds looking to play other sports) even watching it on TV. It's a football town now. Baseball still has it's loyal fans, but Boston is all football now.
  24. Yea lets act like an adult. Nothing I just said should offend anyone and if it did, then that speaks more about you than me and my fandom. Thanks!
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