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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. And who exactly is? You do not hit on every draft but he has a few players he drafted from last year and the year before that are contributing.
  2. Yes...let me not trust someone as successful as BB. Got it, it's better to be irrational.
  3. Again the bills are and should be the better team. It's only year 2 for the pats....I think plenty of us fans are cool with it. We knew going into the season they still need to add so again to be where they are in only year 2, it's looking good. Not gonna overreact.
  4. Look, I am ok with Mac Jones. I understand it's his rookie season, I plan to give him more than just one game or season before I feel "all is lost" If you want to dance on his soul now, cool. Dance away..
  5. One of those guys what?
  6. Of course...But that doesn't mean we need to be envious of him or the bills. Some here don't want to put things into perspective n get offended when others do...I try to keep it as logical as possible. I can't act like the sky is fallen after every lost.
  7. Cost you nothing to just not reply....but you choose to.
  8. Why should they be?
  9. Is that the same as bills fans throwing each other thru tables?
  10. It doesn't. As I said in another thread. I had both teams splitting their head to head...not the way it went but still thought they would split. I been said n think the bills win the division n the pats in awild card game is their ceiling...the Pats went pass my expectations in only their 2nd year . so I am ok with the way things are going . Looking forward to their future. Again good, statement game from the bills today. Ha ha cocky about what? I bet you have no clue when the pats won their first meeting I didn't come on this board for 3 days in fact the only thing I came on this board and talk about was the weather to that game. I wouldn't assume every opposing fans acts the same. Yes I go to other boards just like some bills fans here have admitted to going to pats boards....
  11. First you are getting the pats fans on here confused Show where where I said the Bills couldn't won this game? My stances has always been the bills win the division, both teams split and the pats ceiling was a wildcard game..so I have no clue how today's game change my opinion And I never said this was the bills SB. You seem like I need to react like it was..I am not worth anyone's time here, but you go looking for something I posted. Ok.
  12. Ha ha any questions about what? The Bills won a game today, not the super bowl. Please...they played great today. I don't think you realize patriots should not have been In this position so soon after just two years...nothing over here for me to be upset about.
  13. This is pretty much how I see it. Not even mad at all about today's game...
  14. Cause I like to put things in perspective? The sky is not fallen. They are still in the playoff race and the Bills should win the division, Pats being there means a lot to look forward to for the future. Sorry you are bothered by that.
  15. This doesn't seem to hurt like you want it to. Sucks they lost in general but, ehhh! Good job on the Bills win though.
  16. No there isn't. Pats fans are not envious of the bills QB in anyway. Good job on the win. They split. Cool with me.
  17. I think you are making the moment more dere than it really was. Given this is the nfl, it's harder to win games, blow teams out and keep them from scoring more often than not. I am sure he wasn't surprised the bills offense was moving again. And I think he just wanted the win than than margin of victory.
  18. Mods, OP and whoever else. I am sorry in advance. I am trying to not derail the thread but i just have to reply this last time. NO sir i know what "address" means and How i was using it. I "addressed" someone other than you, YOU DECIDED TO GET INTO THE CONVERSATIONS and yes as you replied to me i replied back. You than wanted to saying "well all i said was he had a noodle arm, and you got upset and said it was baseless blah blah..." making your efforts apart of the situation. I am telling you-you weren't, so whatever you said or felt I really didn't care. My focus and actions were toward one poster specifically . And it wasn't toward them in a negative away either. ok. So you can have the last word or anyone can say whatever i am out this thread.
  19. *already said never addressed you, you replied to me....* but Ok, buddy. Merry Christmas!
  20. Generalizing much. I never overhyped Mac Jones.
  21. Again we realize he is a rookie, no? do we realize it's rookie season, no? it's one game and not a career right or you telling me Yes "the greatest coach of all time" drafted a QB that he would have to "protect" and "hide" is inabilities every single time? Does that even make sense? Why draft him if his inabilities are greater than his abilities to help you win? My point. I dont put Mac Jones abilities over any other rookie QB, but i suspect overall when he needs to get the job done, he will. if you are going to judge this one very special occasion against him, as i am trying to say.... Cool do you. Doesn't really matter much at this point. As i said, i know who i was addressing and what i specifically said. This is one game in bad weather for any QB to play in, but yea why did BB draft this dude....
  22. So when a team elects not to kick in the wind does that also mean they do not think their kicker is good? I mean you and that other poster is using a horrible weather game to judge a player, a rookie at that, so there really not much to say IMO other than "typical". and you are wrong, i was't addressing as far as i can remember...if i was addressing you i would of replied to you plan and simple. so yes you are wrong and i also specifically stated what i was challenging that poster on...and i love how a few posters here get upset over something the media says or when they feel nobody is respecting the bills, but me having a debate with someone...a debate which everyone here does, It's looked at as being "butt hurt and insecure" ha ha Ok. Sure. Cool. also..i don't care who here likes or dislike Jones or any Pats player...i just overall think it's interesting how they are judged by rival fans. But please.. assume what you already assume.
  23. Thkx for the compliment. But this board has a lot to say about him both good and bad and I am not in every convo. About him. I have only addressed one poster about Mac Jones today just cause I though it was a baseless claim. i am not going to bat for him with every poster.. please don't misunderstand. Now @coloradobills i hope you see that I am replying to someone who replied to me first.. I am not in here purposely trying to derail the thread. And thk u @JGMcD2 for your post. Peace!
  24. so we are going to ignore other posters and just focus on my post. Cool.
  25. You realize you are playing this same "lucky" team trying to win the division this year right..after only 18 months of being on top after 20 years before that?
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