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I-town Bills

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Everything posted by I-town Bills

  1. Election law requires a showing that the process deprived a candidate of a fair and free election that affected the outcome. Like the opinion states, elections are about ballots not briefs. Pointing out a sometimes sloppy process is evidence for improving the process for future elections. Elections are held twice every two years so there are always systemic problems. Abusing the legal process is clearly not what elections are about. I assume you know the significance of the burden of proof.
  2. Complete garbage from someone who would be laughed out of court. This is the fantasy world of Gullible Travelers.
  3. I have some shocking news. Twitter and Breitbart are not admissible in a court of law. Lawyers who actually handle court cases are officers of the court and have a good-faith obligation not to misspeak. When you hire media darlings as your counsel you get charged a lot for a little expertise.
  4. 15000 children under age five will die today.
  5. The idea that thousands of acres of forest should be managed better sounds like another misdirection play. Still, most of the CA forests are on Federal land.
  6. Stop acting persecuted. We don't have to be divided. You chose to.
  7. Sorry toast it is a recognized legal theory. Your side already lost. Open your eyes at what happened with the shooter in Kenosha with the police. The separate but equal fantasy was grounded in 1954. The desperate swarm to justify black killings does not hold up to comparative scrutiny. We can do better because we are better than this.
  8. The problem is disparate outcomes and black men dying after police encounters. There has to be a better way and a little sympathy doesn't cost a dime. Looters and vandals have a different agenda than the protesters and should be strictly dealt with.
  9. They are just seeking lip service for justice in a game dominated by poc. If you are an NFL fan it is not too much to ask. Give your brothers a hand.
  10. I am thru forever last straw man.
  11. Limited outdoor seating events is a fairly common practice in my area not in stadiums. You sound kind of arrogant. My beef is people who use masks as ascots.
  12. Sounds like bad PR. Telling the fans the stadium is off limits could start a bad habit. Limited tailgating would have been good PR.
  13. There is always the concerted effort to justify the shooting of a black man under any circumstances. Meanwhile a white guy wipes out a black church in NC and the cops take him to McDonalds for a Happy Meal. The Kenosha cops seemed to have little issue with the actions of the aspiring vigilante. As mentioned before, disparate outcomes supports a legal remedy. This is not worth arguing because it is an endless echo chamber. Communities keep tearing apart over this.
  14. Billie I am just observing the process. Many things can be shut down and I have been on the receiving end. But today is Jackie Robinson Day and Buffalo is hosting a major league baseball game. Let's put our thinking caps on and contribute something positive.
  15. The NBA and everything else possible will shut down until we can get the attention of people who support such actions.
  16. Lol Antifa must be a right wing movement because they are the only ones who seem to know about it or mention it. antifa.com was based in Russia for some years before it got shut down. Still waiting for some/any criticism of Russia from our leader. Bizarre. Should I vote for Putin? Let's not encourage people with guns to go into other communities during social unrest. We can do better. This is just blood-letting.
  17. All he has to do is plead guilty, charges dismissed.
  18. Newly released and critical Senate bi-partisan report on election interference is just a desperate trivial rehash? Interesting. Meanwhile not much has changed.
  19. I am quite sure the President has been vigorously fighting against Russian interference in our elections. He has been a staunch adversary of Putin.
  20. It's been studied and found lacking. There is no normal sane reason for a politician to be recommending medications, but the cult latches on for dear life and this is quite clear. Why else would any of us care to promote a medication. Just find us ones that work and are safe per FDA standards.
  21. I believe Tara Reid. Was that her name? ??
  22. He got her appointed to a couple of commissions. Everyone is going way overboard on this but acting as if that's OK. It is an unfair perspective. People are not describing things accurately so it is just campaign talk really.
  23. Brown was separated at the time and there were no other such affairs to my knowledge. Sounds kind of harsh, righteous and judgmental. You can make a lot of money telling people what they already want to believe. Telling women what they should believe? Can we trust her around Putin or Kim Jong?
  24. Trump says she is not a US citizen. Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi are investigating.
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