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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Has to be no less than 2 years. NFL needs to get this right...ish.
  2. I feel more comfortable knowing he at least had a reason.
  3. Hey man, I love these things let him be. And Yes.
  4. He is a backup who will keep your team out of the playoffs and also won't get them a very high draft pick.
  5. Yea true, the church likes to diddle little kids.
  6. Bills Dolphins Jets Pats
  7. It's Punt God... you cant change it.
  8. Call it a hunch, but I don't think he will be picked up.
  9. It will be very satisfying to see Brady's final game be losing to the Bills in the Super Bowl.
  10. As long as you pay you can claim to be Catholic. Money is the only object of desire for the church.
  11. I heard the James Webb Telescope was going to send back pictures.
  12. Maintence is done on the Dolphins forums.
  13. They need to make up a 19+ ppg gap. They need to set like cement to even be in the same league.
  14. But it's like a buying a house...
  15. Punt God is already the best holder on the team. He will probably go down as the best holder to ever play that position. They will make a FG holder HoF shrine for him next to his punting records.
  16. Nope I did nothing to you. Just showing how it's a part of everyday for everyone without even thinking about it. You came after me for a statement I made instead of just ignoring it or maybe even counter argue it. That is all I am saying. That's it, done with this thread now. Take it to pm if you still want to respond.
  17. They are using her own defense against her... this is great.
  18. I was talking about you. I am done here, too dangerous of a thread for this banter. Just remember your snarky remarks just add to the problem of this world, not solve it.
  19. Yes, overpopulation leads to worse education and less jobs or good paying jobs, poor education leads to people easily being manipulated. It happens all over the world but with overpopulation its happening more and more frequently.
  20. See how the hate still around, human nature. No one is any different, thanks for proving my point. You just attack people on the internet calling them a POS when in reality you are no better. You really don't have a serious issue. It's more of a population and educational problem. If this guy wasn't brought up like this it wouldn't have happened like it did.
  21. Yea far reaching for a week and then you will all forget about it like always. So please spare me the bull#### of pretending to be sympathetic like everyone does in this world.
  22. So basically it doesn't matter they got Ingram b.c Josh is just that good. Yes for the players but I don't see any player here.
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