So is this what tomorrow's picture was supposed to be? Anyone have a high res version?
Here we go Nasa has 5k images you can download of this which allow you to see the detail in even the smallest (Furthest) of galaxies.!&&p=721e45ebb946bb56JmltdHM9MTY1NzU4Mzk5MSZpZ3VpZD0zYTAwYWQ5Ny1iZjk2LTQzZmEtOGM2Zi0wOWE0ZTU1MGEwMzMmaW5zaWQ9NTE3Mg&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=8cfa0bd8-0175-11ed-a9e9-78a0f7caddf7&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2ViYi5uYXNhLmdvdi9jb250ZW50L211bHRpbWVkaWEvaW1hZ2VzLmh0bWw&ntb=1
Just looking at your post history on this topic says the same about you.
Show the proof, every one of the crypto's that are backed by gold, silver, copper, plat... all have sources to where the metals are reserved.
I hate how long if at all it takes for a NHL player to make it up to the level. These guys should be thrown out there earlier than later, just the only way to move forward anymore in the NHL.
This team needs to be competitive this year, they still need 1-2 starting goalies before the season starts.
More reasons why social media should be regulated. Too much false information around, this all started about 2016 and has gotten worse every year.
Poor guy like poleshifter gets false information from amateur YouTube videos and fake Twitter posts and think it's real. Then he invests all his money into it all the while not realizing his information is bad.
He wasn't trash talking he was provoking the guy to hit him with his arms wide open telling him to do something. Why do you even think the video camera was turned on b.c the guy kepted following the other guy provoking him. Now you are just angry b.c you were wrong.
Hey if that is what you think keep thinking it. Laws always apply... maybe not in your weird way of thinking. You were already proven wrong so sit down.
I said same bull####... don't get it mixed up. Like I said when you are verbally abusing someone to try and make them get physical it ends up being no different. Don't be ignorant.
Only you would think tires and clouds are the same b.c you lost this argument.
They guy was screaming at the other guy the whole way down and was provoking him the whole time. They both deserve what they got or what the guy who pushed him is about to get. I
It is perfect justice all around.
Unless you are one of those who like to provoke fights and that is the reason you are sticking up for him.
That has nothing to do with it, bunch of drunk idiots being stupid. They all deserve what they get or what is coming to them.
Verbal assault and physical assault is all the same bull#### when you are drunk b.c one is trying to get you to be physical and the other is the result of the idiots doing the verbal abusing.
You obviously didn't understand what the guy who got punched was doing b.c you only see the aftermath.