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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Looks like rental companies will be happy with this. So wait they only raised it 6 inches!?!
  2. We'll in the end he was the real loser... The truth ends up working itself out. Time for you guys to create your own forum.
  3. Lol ok... And it has happened before and the world kept spinning.
  4. Why b.c a few players got it in week 4? Lol
  5. We'll from the look of things sit whoever has Corona
  6. More BS from the bull####-man.... How is your friend DR?
  7. As long as the Bills are on TV I am golden.
  8. This is ***** gold!
  9. Getting rid of PPP would get rid of some of the crazy on this site
  10. Hey it's Mr. gullible himself... Posting more fake twitter *****?
  11. You just responded to me doing what you just asked... Lots of crazy people wasting time.
  12. Wait just now they realize twitter is full of bull####? Buffalo Gal look at this...
  13. So funny watching people actually justify it. Watching weirdos doing this when not long ago they were protesting that masks was invading their freedom.
  14. You would think some of these people have jobs...
  15. This is a good practice game for him.
  16. Athletes actually only care about the win, they don't care who they play just like no one gives a crap if any of the bills are injured.
  17. Maybe for you it will have an asterisk but for the reality of the world we live in it won't.
  18. So funny watching you try to switch things around. Yet you are all still lying every day. He ran out of bull#### and now trying to use the lying card.... Sadly it doesn't work since it's the Repubtards that keep lying. I think this poor fool is confused.
  19. So crazy that one lying rapist president can make things like this so much fun, b.c honestly one of these might actually be right when it comes to Trump.... We don't know which one it will be and that is the best part. CDC have they gotten anything right?
  20. That is the problem with Trump, he lies so much you cannot tell when he is telling the truth... It's sad he has cried wolf so much that the American people cannot trust him. Also those first two few lines I never said that about protocols so you are no different making bull#### up.
  21. For a guy that has been so secretive about coronavirus he really seems to be enjoying the attention. Very good strategy since he wouldn't win a debate so might as well try to get the sympathy vote. And when he "recovers" he can show the American people he is stronger than a virus... Such a good plan. Hard to believe what this guy says b.c he lies so much. I hope he isn't lying about having corona...
  22. Yea he definitely isn't great and I don't know why they decided an old rapist would be good to put against... An old rapist for president of the United States.
  23. So funny he won't allow anyone to lump him in with any of the stupid ***** the Repubtards do... Yet he will make mass assumptions off of anything he can find negative even if said by one random idiot on twitter. It is just funny to watch him do this ***** and think he is being smart...
  24. He still thinks the virus was a democratic hoax.
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