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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Are the Falcons gonna finally fire their HC?
  2. The Bills are looking better and better! This KC team can be beat.
  3. This is actually perfect for me, I have work at 4am on Tuesday and never get to see Monday night games.
  4. Just remember Alex Smith never been that great to begin with.
  5. This Raiders vs Chief's game is great, it has a little of everything.
  6. Allen also would have thrown that deep better
  7. Allen would have gotten the first down Mahomes ran backwardd
  8. Love watching the raiders play well... Makes the Bills look even better.
  9. I think he still gonna be good WR but he putting up insane stats right now as rookie
  10. Did you see those two teams though? Both will be beat up by much better teams in the division. I understand what you are saying and I guess they would need to figure something out if it changed but as of now this is the case.
  11. Hahahahahah I will bet you $1000 right now neither the Dolphins or Broncos make the playoffs.
  12. Titans don't deserve playoffs this year. So I would be fine with this.
  13. No it still works out b.c Dolphins and Broncos are not going to the playoffs. They said they can cancel games that have no playoff implications.
  14. Here you are watching them though. Everything would be normal of that happens so that doesn't make sense TBH.
  15. Dear God man... Just stop with this crusade *****. Lucky? They said they had bye weeks that can be removed for these and they did the plan... Titans ***** this whole thing up.
  16. They really are actually. Every other team is still going through with he plan... Titans are the only ones who took down multiple teams with them.
  17. Not really you would have to expect a player or two to get it throughout.... And that is what happening, except for the Titans of course. They are really the only team screwing this up.
  18. They built plans... They didn't expect the Titans to throw those plans in the garbage which goes back to "Can't babysit everyone" NFL is smarter than everyone here... You are still watching them.
  19. You know a pandemic is over when people are more worried about Bills players getting covid than schools being reopened. All it took was football to get things back to normal.
  20. I don't know why people are so angry about this... It's entertainment only not like this is anything important.
  21. How many other sports have 53+ people on each team not including coaching staff and help staff? The NFL is bigger than anything any of these other sports have had to deal with.
  22. Need to make sure... People lie, he might have come in contact with someone else that went in.
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