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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Bills are the Bengals of old
  2. Trump lied, did nothing, hired guys that would side with him. Got lucky the Fauci was in there b.c the others were all fake. It was disgusting and still going on now. Trump has done nothing for this country except create violence and unrest with his actions and almost need to insight violence. This country has never been further apart and Trump is loving it, a divided America is a powerful Trump.
  3. Can you go join the Dolphin forums...
  4. So... this game isn't what I was wanting facing a team that is selling the farm.
  5. At any moment Roberts could give you a huge return.
  6. This is the Second half Bills coming together...
  7. He has some of the best Wr's in the game...
  8. Josh Allen was drafted to play in this weather... don't give me that.
  9. Trump says things like this all the time and even laying out a plan to try and stay in office even if he loses.
  10. This might not be in our area but 195+MPH sustained winds is scary no matter where in the world you are. https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2020-10-31-super-typhoon-goni-philippines-vietnam-haiyan
  11. It is an old ship as we know from the first season. Doesn't have the bells and whistles those rich guy ships can afford. It does the job, carries the bounty "Dead or alive" If you actually read those things they are amazing. "The Ghost" is a really good one to have.
  12. Not hard to ask a Trumpie if they attended a rally... Also with all those cases getting sick so close to each other it isn't hard to determine. They trace that back with how long ago the rally was and with other getting sick and saying they went to the rally at the same date....
  13. You are so bad at this propaganda stuff... I though Trump would have taught you better.
  14. Doesn't matter you still should protect the crazy people that do go... Mentally insane shouldn't be offered an orange man. You know they gonna go, than go to Walmart and spit on people b.c they don't want to wear a mask.
  15. Those are the things they are making sure doesn't keep going on for 4 more years. Talk about not wanting to relive the past 4 years of Riots, Camps, Coups, Intolerance, and especially Segregation....
  16. True Trumps attacking nature has caused riots and criminal activity also on top of his rallies causing Covid spread.... This guy is horrible. Trump has been known to insight violence that is a good pickup aristocrat.
  17. Yea saw that coming yesterday.
  18. Yea I remember talking to football players trying to keep a 7000+ calorie a day diet.
  19. Seeing as this is the worst Patriots team this team will EVER face ... Yea it will be very bad. I could see multiple people being banned on this site b.c of outrage over the loss. I for one know if they lose I won't even post a single thing in the stadium forums for a few days, I will just pretend like this game never happened.
  20. So funny watching people go overboard. They do it every 4 years.
  21. Sounds like Trump's past 4 years as president.
  22. Good that it is getting to you, after all the bull#### you repubtards spewed in this PPP good to see when we throw it back in your faces you cannot handle it. Stop acting like PPP is a quality sub-forum... It has been an eighth grade hang out well before I came here.
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