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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Here comes the tinfoil hat brigade. So funny how the right wing nutbags were making jokes saying "Those democrats are gonna call fraud when Trump wins" Why did you decide to become the joke? They also told you the percentage that they could swing either way so their is that. TBH it looks about accurate when you look at popular vote.
  2. Oh no here we go... Tinfoil hats at the ready. (Remember when the republicans thought the democrats were gonna call fraud) hahahahahhaah
  3. Which one will give Stimulus check first?
  4. I heard the vaccine comes out tomorrow and will be in our drinking water.
  5. Clinton didn't need to tell anyone that b.c it was known it wouldn't happen... But thanks I guess
  6. How did we know they would cry about stuff. This you first election?
  7. YEa so was I, you girls just dont stop crying. Today showed you Trumpies are full of multiple screen names.
  8. Where did everyone go?
  9. This is exciting, doesn't matter who wins this country is going to ***** but still fun to watch. Fun to watch Trumpies freak out also.
  10. Yours is the diarrhea spread around the other threads than.... And yours are just little rabbit pellets sprinkled around.
  11. I never put out a map... You still look scared b/c now you're making stuff up.
  12. I dont care about florida and arizona who are usually republican, if they turned blue awesome. I know you are scared but it's ok Trumpie.
  13. Rich Republicans are now home while democratic voters are now getting off work.
  14. I love your extremism views. Anything else to add mr extremist?
  15. He will be if it was real. I wish people took video, pictures don't tell anything especially on TWITTER. Need real documentation for this, today when I voted I had no trouble In/Out but I went before everyone else got out of their normal work time in this area. I know this does happen but people need to video it and not just take pictures.
  16. SO you get your polls from outside the matrix lol
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