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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Every day before today you and other Trumpies. Go and grab those posts yourself. I love that you guys want me to go back and look at your hatred. I know it b.c I had to deal with it in this forum.
  2. There you are, welcome back to a soon to be free world Gary. I hope you leave your hate at the door.
  3. Looks like the American people got tired of how Trump was "Portrayed" by the media... This seems to be the first right thing you ever posted.
  4. Keep it up buddy, your abusive nature can not affect this forum no more. You can wait all you want, Trump lost get over it. Your other Screen name @coltrane34 says all.
  5. Supposedly @coltrane34 was in the middle of writing it and it got lost in the "red wave"
  6. Keep pretending, Trumpies rule is over now hopefully things can be civil again. Trump destroyed this country pitting Americans against each other and he loved it. His abusive nature, he was anti women (Biggest vote against him women's vote) bigot, super racist. Now things can change, like I said I can see lots of Trumpies in this sub-forum alone being broken of Trumps Curse and actually turning back into someone who can have a conversation. Well I guess you are the exception, I guess you want to go down swinging for the violence.
  7. Trump and his supporters won't be doing that much longer. I already see Trumpies changing their toon as if they were brainwashed by Trump and it took this loss for them to snap out of it.
  8. Don't worry it will die down in the next 100 days
  9. This forum might actually become a place again where people are not afraid to come and talk politics without being attacked for any opinions they have. Things are looking up, no more will the PPP be that scary place where only crazy people hang out.
  10. So funny how you have changed in less that 24 hours. Where was this poster before the election? Before the election you just attacked people.
  11. The only thing about climate change that was politically driven was Trump saying it didn't exist, and "you guys" all went along with his politically driven message. The real message is science and reflected by scientist around the world.
  12. Yea the republicans tried to commit voter fraud but it wasn't enough for them to sway the election.
  13. Yet republicans also used it. Of course the republicans would want to put something in court that's legal and waste the American tax payers time
  14. Crazy how close those still were, also crazy people think you could end the oil economy hahaha
  15. Love that little things can trigger them again. No Trump bully to protect them and show them how to be abusive.
  16. That's funny, when they don't give an abusive violent president behind them, they crawl back into the hole from which they came
  17. You guys did it the last 4 years and you cannot handle 1 hour of it.... Blame yourselves for being abusive piece of ***** in this sub-forum. Trying to run out anyone that disagreed with you. Attacking everyone that wasn't a full on Trumpie day after day. Don't pretend to all the sudden "take the high road"
  18. Stop all the sudden Trump loses and you decide to be "civil" after all the bull#### you people did in this forum. Trying to run out anyone who didn't support Trump. Expect 4 years of it coming right back to you.
  19. Nah the republicans would be doing the same thing, time for the kill shot.
  20. That red wave was fun bro! Where did you go, what was your main screen name?
  21. I just wish all those Trumpies that were going to hard last night would log in today... So sad that they sat there "Those dems won't be back in this forum, red wave!" In the end they became their own joke.
  22. This is why democrats don't make quick judgements, we let the republicans do those things and we just sit back and wait for the process to finish (If any of you were actually Bills fans you would understand that) So which user was @coltrane34 I see you refuse to log back into that name.
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