He will let his mindless zombies handle the virus by using "Herd Immunity" at his Million MAGA March... As he was seen waving to them... As he was going to play golf.
Ok let me ask you this...
How come Trump is allowed to say he won but the media, popular vote, Electoral college, and even the government are not allowed to say Biden won?
Man those steroids are in full effect for Gronk now. He has gotten bigger as the season has gone on lol... Most guys are worried about losing weight during the season.
See I was right you are just a troll. Go to your conspiracy site and ruin that forum. Can't answer questions like a typical repubtard, no wonder they couldn't beat Biden. Hell they might not win for a very long time after what Trump is doing to them.
I never said he was, I asked a question.
Notice how you are too scared to ever talk bout anything being talked about. Instead you snipe little comments and than make stupid comments on top.
How do you feel about Trump just giving up on this country and you? He decides to golf everyday now and has refused to actually help anyone. He is trying to nosedive this country on purpose and is putting Americans up as cannon fodder.