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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. So sad when they want the Bills to run the ball... Nah we are now with the good teams you can go tell some other bad team to run the ball. Stupid weather talk in reality you might get 1 game that is bad weather in Buffalo.
  2. I think this is what you were talking about... Yea you Repubtards look awesome. I don't see how anything is wrong with this... It's the Repubtards that have been making the death threats and doing dangerous things that make people need cops outside their house. It's funny that you think anything bad about this but than again you are a feeble minded brainwashed Trumpie. You just keep embarrassing yourself on this site.
  3. You talking about the death threats that Repubtards are putting on people b.c of lies and corruption from the Trump administration. Look this is your own people telling you to stop.
  4. Not me, it's the courts and the law you are trying to say is dumb. Which is funny since you are a feeble minded man who got brainwashed by Trump.
  5. If you don't like someone's ranking you ignore it so they cannot get paid for doing these things.
  6. Gonna be good seeing Milano back out there.
  7. How is this evidence? You don't even know what evidence is no wonder why you lash out like a crazy person. Makes you wonder why the courts and Barr himself didn't look at this as evidence. Maybe b.c they are not as dumb as you. OAN is a brainwashing fake entertainment that has you by the balls. Where is your answer for that? Where is your answer for why this isn't evidence in the court of law? Good to watch you Trumpsters squirm in agony. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-politics-elections-7624560e990ec55383a2a3e421c3a52e Hey look a Trumpster doing something they weren't supposed to.
  8. Can't wait to see Milano out there on Sunday.
  9. You obviously don't care about people dieing. Just telling you not to spread bull####.
  10. Hey look California ICUs are overwhelmed... But who cares right? Trump said the virus isn't real.
  11. I think we had enough of doing what Trump does the past 4 years, which is blame everything on everyone else.
  12. I don't ever want to talk to that guy... He is too tinfoil hat for me.
  13. Why do the courts have zero evidence shown? Look at you on the edge of insanity b.c you know you are wrong. You are slowly realizing that Trump has played you for the fool you are.
  14. I meant in the interview, why not look more professional and not like an idiot who is brainwashed.
  15. Please show us any evidence, it's all we been waiting for and zero evidence has been shown. You are the one who lost... You aren't even considered human b.c humans shouldn't act the way you do.
  16. Oh ok... So she started as a shirt tucker.
  17. MJ had his own super team...
  18. Just stop voting b.c it's all rigged. Look at your post, it's one step away from crazied lunatic. You support a guy who lies to you and brainwashed your feeble mind. You support corruption, the ignorance of your extremisms are borderline criminal. @Big GunGun This you doing this *****?
  19. Finally some common sense. Wait... trukeys?
  20. Nah political crazies can still be fans of teams we love sadly. I just wish he didn't wear it in the interview...
  21. She looks like a 7 apple martini lady.
  22. I just cannot get angry when Josh doesn't use the check down... It was the problem we had for years with a bad offense when the QBs always checked down. I understand he should do it a little more often but just let the kid play, he will learn, he has shown the ability to do that year after year. Full trust in Josh.
  23. ***** why is he wearing a Bills jersey!?! So odd that they look like the type that believe in deep state. Trump is setting things up for a democratic future in the next elections.
  24. I love crazy women.
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