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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. You know most of the New England fans are Tampa Bay fans now.
  2. Yea and proven cannot be used as sustainable success. So funny how they quickly forget the last time Fitz came in for Tua he threw a game ending INT. So right now Fitz relieving Tua is 1-1....
  3. Please Josh put these cheating #######s 6 feet under tonight! All I want to hear tomorrow is how awesome you were.
  4. It's ok after this Trump will never be president again.
  5. Saints did it also... We have seen it plenty of times.
  6. It passed the House now we get to see who in the senate is waiting to be assassinated by some crazy fool for voting no. Look at you talking on here like you know anything, how cute.
  7. Looking like a No from many republicans on the $2k It would eat into their expensive lunch parties and they might miss out on that mahogany oak table they been eyeing.
  8. I guess you knew the guy who did it? You are best friends with this type of people I have no doubt.
  9. https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2020/12/28/nuts-washpost-op-ed-wants-immunity-passports-opening From 15 days......to 30......to not overrun hospitals......to flatten the curve.....to indefinitely......to till a vaccine......to till we all have immunity passports. Gtfo You are just a fear mongering idiot.
  10. I blame the Senate for waiting months just to get this done also.
  11. What good is it's a public vote so each official has to actually go up to the podium and say Yes/No on the $2000. So we will know who hates the American people. I doubt they would say no to the millions for furniture and lunch parties.
  12. Yea but most companies did not enforce that.
  13. Come on Aaron, show us you are worth MVP.
  14. I am really not a picky man when it comes to women, just please don't be crazy.
  15. That is usually the case if you are keeping the team as is and just going through growing pains... This will be the second year in a row the Jets will have "Finished Strong" and both times will have screwed them for doing it
  16. Do you have something against London's largest Faberge egg?
  17. What does that have to do with this year? That is all in the past and does not matter anymore.
  18. Goff just lost lots of respect from his own teammates.
  19. I heard the Jets have a first round pick they want to trade for him.
  20. Fumbled on 4th down at the line for scrimmage can only be advanced by the person who fumbled it.
  21. I don't think Bakers ever going to get that Rodgers rate from progressive.
  22. Today went very well, every team looks ordinary.
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