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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. I am not sure if they always do it in DC... I have seen it there many times with other people. You done yet? I know Trump is, he will never be president again.
  2. I don't care about internet tough guy thing you taking, nothing you say really matters b.c you are brainwashed. I understand you are mad, you look like a fool here, so now you're trolling b.c you got nothing left. Trump let your arguments down, let you down.
  3. These people are the direct reflection of our president. Which is why the republican way is going to die on Jan 20th
  4. You an save that praying for yourself, hopefully you open your eyes and cut the puppet strings when you realize Trump has lied to you, and extorted from you your American freedom. Hey did you know he was trying to leave the country go golfing on the 19th. That is how much he hates America, while people die and starve he was planning a trip to Scotland.
  5. Trump is the exact same....
  6. Here is a conspiracy for you ***** face... I planted that ***** knowing that Trump would lose the election and knowing that the senate race would go into georgia and play out like this. Just b.c I knew someone would talk about people that voted him in the first time. That way I could spill all that ***** out just for 3 thumbs up and a trophy.... How is that for deep state Mother *****, yea you are so ***** brainwashed you cannot tell when people are telling the truth. Typical ***** Trumpie, you are useless as a human being anymore... Puppet.
  7. Trump brainwashed you well. I have said many times I voted for Trump but b.c you saw it today you don't believe it b.c you are in full fraud mode that Trump has you on. Mr. puppet, your master is calling
  8. Trump's EGO is about to be destroyed, I am willing to bet he wants violence today that is the kind of ***** he likes. His EGO needs to be inflated and it will be by the feeble minds of his Trumpsters.
  9. Yea it's all you got b.c you got nothing. Who would have thought the republicans are yelling fraud. Trump has trained you all well.
  10. We had a bad defense back then, we would have crushed Fitz if he was playing on Sunday.
  11. Damn I was hoping he would stay on b.c his offenses are so outdated.
  12. Man if I ever gave a ***** about what you think... You are brainwashed.
  13. Trump was trying to leave actually on Jan 19th... https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/trump-scotland-golf-turnberry-inauguration/2021/01/05/0218037e-4f64-11eb-a1f5-fdaf28cfca90_story.html Hey people are dieing of Covid, no money, let me take the presidential Jet to Scotland.... Peace of *****!
  14. When I first voted for Trump I thought he was going to go after everyone no matter the side. Drain the swamp (Both Sides of corruption) I really didn't like Hilary after voting Obama twice and even little Bush once. Instead he became Swamp Thing, using fake news as his defacto shield to be as corrupt as one could be in a country with our governing system. I have never been so angry at what I did. Never again! Republican party is dead! So I guess you can say he took a person who was on the line and made them full on democrat from here on.
  15. Let's share the mentality of our own team, they really feel like they can beat anyone. Watching the way these guys play for each other 1/11, I am fully in and just channel that energy. All week I been in another gear and it's been awesome.
  16. I knew it wouldn't take long, I been saying Proud Boys are a racist group, Trump himself is a racist (He only likes votes). His attitude, anger, corruption, lies all feed into these feeble minded brainwashed Trumpsters and they act as he would. They are the puppets at the ends of his strings to do his bidding. America has many fail-safes for this, it takes time to get though all of these b.c there's so many stopgaps to prevent dictatorship. So you have to wait for decisions from other parts of our governing system and it takes time, but it is proving to hold true now more than ever. God Bless America!
  17. It's a good day to be an American self thinker, and not be brainwashed in anger, lies, corruption... Aka a republican.
  18. I wish... Yea TBH even if he does lose we shouldn't allow him to do it. The bet should be to change his name to Nick Wrong for a year whenever he does an interview.
  19. What would you wave a banner of religion?
  20. Listening to Warnock this morning and he seems like a very good man for the seat. "If I told you 5 years ago, 10 years ago that you would be the first Black senator for the state to Georgia. Would you believe it was possible?" Warnock- "In America anything is possible, and that is why I love this country so much, and refuse to give into the forces of sinisim"
  21. All those Trumpies who were growing balls and coming back here for the georgia senate race will now be gone, again. Hiding in the Billsfans secret basement plotting the next conspiracy theory to tweet about.
  22. No they don't... They have one of the best run defenses... That is it. The Bills don't really need to run the ball... Ever.
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