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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. You don't want to see it, tinfoil hat, deep state crazy.
  2. Trump's lies never stop he says he immediately deployed the national guard... Nope, you did nothing not even when Pence your supposed buddy was in there. Pence actually had to call the national guard in...
  3. Are they going to be able to scream loud enough though? I just hope the people that are going know you need to be LOUD on Saturday.
  4. Maga is dead, they destroyed america.
  5. The Trumpsters want a totalitarian style of government.
  6. This has nothing to do with that. This has to do with people being fed lies about an election that ended up being fair and not fraudulent. This is the time democracy has proven to hold true, in the hands of a tyrannical president who has lost the mental capabilities to govern our country, tried to use fear and terrorism to take down the Capitol. He failed and the American way held true where Republicans and Democrats alike came together to finish the jobs they were voted in to do, after a horrific scene happened with Trumpsters acting on a presidents wishes to destroy democracy. God bless America, justice prevails and the lies are finally snuffed out.
  7. You are missing the point... No he isn't. He is a Trumpster, he is doing it for Trump. He is a Trumpster does not matter if he is Black. I don't think you understand BLM is movement against racism and police brutality... Has nothing to do with your political stance. Republicans can be in BLM and so can Trumpsters.
  8. If you are there in the name of Trump to destroy and do criminal things you are a Trumpster. Does not matter who you are if you are there doing that and think it is ok, you are a Trumpster.
  9. It's stupid ***** like this that makes Trumpsters look like idiots. You know he is a Trumpster even if he is black. You are trying to separate things that don't need to be separated except by idiots that are trying to find some way to escape blame.
  10. Stop with the lies and bull####. We know this so what Trumpsters do, brainwashed. It's stupid ***** like this that makes Trumpsters look like idiots.
  11. Trump will be lucky to be allowed to live in the US after this. I heard North Korea says they have a spot for him to make home.
  12. Actually it started last night and still happening today, even the people closest to him see he has gone off the rocker and insane. They are running from the tyrant as fast as they can.
  13. You can't have more than one? He also friends with Kim.
  14. You would be is Trump your best bud was on the outs.
  15. Wow you are severely brainwashed... Those are your fellow Trumpsters and you are calling them Antifa, how will they take things like that said about them?
  16. If you didn't commit it than you aren't being called those things. Stop with the extremisms they are old.
  17. Xi is already afraid of Biden so he has been right infront fo Trump who is best buds with Xi making trade deals with other countries as preparation for what Biden will do. Trump mess up very badly with this world, it will take a very long time to fix. Good thing is the republican party has lost any sense of future they thought they had and sits in shambles.
  18. Chan hopefully will retire for good, his offense was outdated and simple.
  19. Olive branches are for the people willing to accept one, Trumpsters are not willing to do that.
  20. Trump lawyer asks to withdraw, citing that his services were used to ‘perpetuate a crime' Jerome M. Marcus- "The client insists upon taking action that the lawyer considers repugnant and with which the lawyer had a fundamental disagreement"
  21. Trump allowed China to gain this power.
  22. This is common ground thread and that is the common ground of the people right now. You cannot find common ground with the brainwashed b.c they cannot see common ground when fed lies.
  23. As of right now yes, most dangerous to DEMOCRACY and innocent people of American who did not give in to lies and corruption.
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