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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Make sure you Trumpsters keep giving Trump your money and 100% devotion or he will turn on you too... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/01/08/pences-break-trump-comes-amid-25th-amendment-talk-capitol-riots/6582212002/
  2. Yea I am gonna take my answers from the guy who is always wrong...
  3. Believing one man and willing to destroy democracy over that man's lies of election fraud, instead of letting the courts decide like a democracy should. You allow the president to take total power and use fear and terrorism to try and take what he wants.
  4. What about BoJo? He def had a great punting year... Even though he didn't have to punt much.
  5. Rejoicing over the fact that Democacy held true in the face of a totalitarian president who tried to destroy what makes this country great.
  6. Maybe they are slowly snapping out of it after watching the events unfold?
  7. They can run the ball all they want but if they don't score TD's they are gonna lose the game easily.
  8. Yesterday alone he said he called in the National guard immediately... Actually Pence had to call it in b.c the president did not want to do it.
  9. I am great democracy held true, Trumpsters are calling their own people BLM and Antifa b.c they are falling apart. Democrats and Republicans working together to oust Trump and his 3rd party of Trumpsters. Trump will never be allowed to run for president again. Great day to be an American. Just sad it took terrorism to do that.
  10. Didn't take long for Trumpsters racism.
  11. Imagine how big his grudge will be when they lose tomorrow...
  12. Your idea of unity is a totalitarian system, under a tyrant leader who uses fear and mayhem to try and get what he wants... Is that the party of unity you want? Democrats and Republicans alike have come together the past couple days to force out the third party and put an end to the tyrannical rule of Trump.
  13. I told you, you cannot find common ground with the brainwashed. Be happy that Republicans and Democrats have found common ground in our Senate as of late to force out the 3rd party of brainwashed lead by Trump.
  14. https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/humanoids/how-boston-dynamics-taught-its-robots-to-dance
  15. Yes we know you love when people die.
  16. Yea the Trumpsters party is falling apart, they call the people in their own side BLM and Antifa, they are destroying each other while we watch Trump fall apart in his videos. America is finally getting back to normal.
  17. When they call their own kind BLM and Antifa you know they are falling apart.
  18. Looks like Trump is taking up the whole street.
  19. You are the dumbest person in America. Sad with you being a Bills fan b.c it hurts our team having people like you root for them. GOP is dead, MAGA is dead, Trump has destroyed you and the republicans don't even want you on their side, they want to separate you into a third party, the Trumpsters party.
  20. I don't think I have anymore tears after watching that.
  21. They hid the forum and will ban anyone that is not with them. It's the type of "freedom" they wanted.
  22. So you saying you do cocaine? I wouldn't doubt it with ally he ***** you spew on here.
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