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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. You're angry b.c your buddies are all criminals.
  2. More republicans in trouble... It never ends.
  3. Got to love that....
  4. The best part is all of them are republicans. More reasons why the republican party will probably never recover.
  5. Worry about fixing your own party and maybe you wouldn't have to sit here and troll. You got brainwashed and now realized you got played by your own government. It happens to all republicans.
  6. You know the title of the thread?
  7. I am talking about him saying "your hero's" not a single on of those ***** are hero's and it's disgusting to even say it. Also who gives a ***** about the Clinton's... They are not politicians anymore, they are just people that need to be handled by the law. Stupid ass republicans worried about people that aren't even around anymore. The law needs to handle them. We need to worry about actual politicians. I understand that this is all Repubs have so they will run with it forever b.c they are too stupid to think about things that matter... All b.c they would rather lie about today and tomorrow.
  8. Keep your crazy to yourself.
  9. You like being wrong?
  10. Lol from $1.9T to $600B... Not even close but they did it on purpose to try and make more issues instead of actually trying to help this country.
  11. When we say he tried to destroy this country it wasn't some extremism comment, it was true.
  12. Republicans tried to destroy your right to vote by committing voter fraud.
  13. More companies that can make the vaccine not only cheapens the price but allows more people to get it.
  14. Funny if it were true at all you would have brought it up a while ago. You are the desperate one, all this propaganda didn't come back here till you got desperate. It's ok keep destroying your own party.
  15. Nothing you can do, the feeble minded will find this stuff and get sucked in. The good thing is this does not hurt the democratic party. This hurt republicans who are not sided with people like this. The democrats don't need to do anything but watch this and document it. This is going to be a problem for the more level headed republicans will need to deal with and extinguish. If not it will rip that party in half like it has shown to do in Georgia. Stuff like this makes democrats stronger.
  16. I don't care who the ***** it was. I don't bother since you are most likely lying 🤥
  17. Hard to tell b.v every republican loves to lie, but push your bull#### on a site where people will believe you. In your mind Jan 6th went off without a hitch. Did you tell your cousin you were happy people died including a cop? I bet he would love to hear that.
  18. Our government is going to end up bailing out republicans b.c they will give all their money to the terrorists. Why are republicans so stupid?
  19. Yea yea sure sure. Just like you guys are trying to spin "no visible threat" for Jan 6th and look how that turned out. I can't believe people still trying spin this... Typical republicans though.
  20. Does it anger you in those photos you can see Trump being friendly with the Clinton's? You see he has always been 2 faced b.c he does not care about America... Only himself.
  21. He does not care about America, he does not care about destroying democracy. He will never learn b.c he is pure evil. We have all these republicans in this thread supporting him and look at what the people who are closest to him are doing.... Running away
  22. Only if the Rams end up sucking.
  23. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/top-travel-destinations-for-when-the-pandemic-ends-in-2027 Planning my 2027 vacation right now.
  24. Sure you are, maybe you are being lied to since he is republican.
  25. They calling this a face lift? This is more like a bomb going off in Houston organization...
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