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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Your cat a chonker?
  2. Lol that is just crazy. Windows only close when you lose your franchise QB.
  3. WTF a total rebuild? The Bills could be division leaders after this weekend.
  4. Every team is experiencing that at some degree. You just need to draft well. You hit on a couple picks and you are right back at the top.
  5. Thanks , this allowed me to blacklist another writer.... The Bills are the only team to pay a QB and to have the Super Bowl window closed.
  6. 5-2 Patriots... 2 safeties in the game.
  7. Kids weren't allowed to the stadium this year as to not depress them with the Sabres level of play.
  8. It's like that for all stadiums that I have been to, higher up gives better views. Same for hockey which is why I will never sit in the lower areas.
  9. The game doesn't matter as long as the Bills take care of business. If they don't who cares anyway b.c they didn't deserve it then.
  10. Take a picture
  11. Need to move into the future, rip it down!
  12. With global warming the WNY area will be the premier destination of rich getaways.
  13. Raiders!!!!!
  14. Only the Bills can ***** themselves.
  15. I like the added "now" as if this has-been happening forever with charities.
  16. Or just pass the ball when you are thinking about running it.
  17. He was banned on the Patriot forums.
  18. Dolphins almost lost to the jets... they aren't even a threat..
  19. Bills only had 1 good QB ever so this isn't surprising.
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