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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. Let's see some consistency before we say Isaiah gives us anythting.
  2. Yea but unless someone burns half the total supply which is what happened with SHIB that token won't do the same thing.
  3. You were the delusional one thinking your Patriots were anything special.
  4. Probowl doesn't even mean anything which is why I laugh when people defend average players with "but he made the probowl" This is a prime example of the probowl being garbage. Just look at the AFC QBs that made it... 2 of the 3 shouldn't even be in if it's about on field play.
  5. Trading meme coins isn't a problem as long as you get out at the right time. That coin won't lose more then a few decimal points if that. The coin supply is beyond the capability of that.
  6. Why get in after the 135%... seems stupid to do.
  7. The best part of this is you Hate the Bills so much you are praying for Watson to be on the dolphins. The only problem is only your team would suffer. "HEY MAN your team wouldn't be so hot if "insert stupid hypothetical""
  8. Yea maybe you guys since you cannot beat them.
  9. You are fooled but then again your team cannot beat the Dolphins so I'm not surprised.
  10. You do know that this is the playoffs right now... the Bills cannot afford to lose a game.
  11. Florida doesn't really have much inland unless you are talking about North Florida. Most of the middle is marsh.
  12. They aren't though... Miami is the best team to play b.c they aren't good.
  13. You can see the team that played against Zack Wilson gave up that game... they allowed him to look like the fastest player on the field.
  14. Put the crack pipe and scenario machine down and take a chill pill.
  15. That is the Tua we know, throw the ball as hard as you can and it still floats... into the defenders arms gently.
  16. They have had like 4 different QBs this season.
  17. Josh Allen would have gotten that first.
  18. Coaches take Tua out and put in Brisset.
  19. Miami playing a 4th string QB.
  20. These guys are just ####### enough to do it on purpose. JK... but they are #######s.
  21. I got a Patriots hoodie and my dad got a Bills hoodie... now mom said she did it by accident but I don't believe her. Yes I am a Bills fan and my father is a Patriots fan.
  22. Cole is missing too many teeth now.
  23. I wish Judon nothing but the worst kind of karma. If that's all you have to go by that is what you use. Not our fault he is a piece of ***** during those time.
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