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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Could not agree more. Peters is not on the team at this point. Get ready to enjoy some Bills football and accept the fact that neither you nor anyone else on this board has the slightest idea what is really being said or thought of by the Bills, and you can not control it in any case. I wish he were here, but oh well, he is not.
  2. What a tool you are. Further response not warranted.
  3. And what time would that have been? Enlighten me. Kelly refused to negotiate a contract with Buffalo because he did not want to play there. It was not about money, it was about his ego, a bigger stage, and the Bills reputation for being losers. When the USFL folded, The Bills made Kelly the highest paid player in the league at the time. As for the Peters situation, this is not about "Ralph being cheap". It is about a player throwing a tantrum and the Bills refusing to give in, as they should not, because it will impact the management of this team and their ability to retain a solid core for years to come.
  4. There is zero probability he sits for the season or the Bills trade him. That is just hysteria. I am disappointed as anyone that this situation is occurring, but Peters has no leverage and will show up. The alternative is career suicide and bankruptcy. Unfortunately, because he has chosen this route, the team will not be as good as they could have been, even if he shows up now. For that he should be rewarded? I do not think so, but others clearly do.
  5. Good one, Senator. All the hysteria will be over soon. My prediction - Peters will report before Game 1 and play for his existing sh***y contract, because it is better than not getting paid at all. He will suck through the first 4 games at least being out of shape and unfamiliar with the new offense. He may or may not get back to pro bowl level, and he may or may not make it through the season unhurt (my guess is not), yet his reputation will keep him among the "elite tackles" in the game, and we will be right back here next year.
  6. Correction - 9:00 am and 6:00 pm on Saturday the 16th.
  7. Unless you live in Pittsburgh, the local FSN channel will be blacked out. Outside of upstate NY (Bflo, Roch, Syr), Toronto, and Pittsburgh the only option is the NFLN replay currently listed 12:00 Mid on Saturday the 16th, or later that morning at 9:00 am.
  8. It is certainly not time to panic over the "offensive" display of offense last night, but it does point to a key factor largely ignored in the great Jason Peters debate thus far: It is the play of the QB that will determine the fate of the Bills this year, not any single lineman's presence in the game, even Peters. The Bills will go as far as Edwards will take them. Can he exhibit toughness and leadership? Can he make good decisions under pressure? Can he deliver under less than ideal conditions? These are big questions about him given last year's at times promising, but in the end, disappointing finish to his season. he certainly did not answer them positively last night. Yes its only two series in the first game so, as i said, not time to panic, but he looked awful. Indecisive, too quick to check down, and very locked in on primary routes. Not much evidence last night, but what was there was not encouraging. I am not trying to revive the Losman vs Edwards debate (plenty of that going on this morning already) but just pointing out that the absence of Peters was not the problem. The Bills will rise of fall on the play and leadership of the QB, not on whether their left tackle is a pro bowler or merely adequate.
  9. Neither new QB in the East really scares me. Favre is an upgrade for Jets but can not win games on his own. It will take some time, perhaps even the first half of the season, before Favre will even be comfortable with the offense and players. I think they will be competitive, but there is no reason to believe as far as I am concerned that Favre suddenly makes the Jets the team to beat. Remember - Favre has a losing record in his creer against the AFC East, including Buffalo. I predict two comeptitive games, with Buffalo winning at least 1. Chad Pennington is even less scarey. I hope he starts for the Dolphins. He is acurate at short distances, but slow and relatively weak armed. He has not proven to be hard to beat and he is on a team rebuilding lines, new offense, etc. Will not matter. 2 wins for the Bills. As for Parcels, last I looked he was not the coach of the Dolphins. What he has done as a coach has little importance to this discussion. He is now front office, not responsible for player development, motivation, and day to day coaching. His impact, if any, in his new role will take years to discern. I think the bills go at least 3 and 3 in the East, and perhaps 4 and 2 sneaking out a close win over either the Jets in NY or NE in Buffalo.
  10. The precise chain of events does not matter. Peters has made it clear he has no committment at all to the organization that elevated him from unwanted free agent tight end to pro bowl offensive tackle, while they clearly showed their commttment to him two years ago making him, at the time, the highest paid offensive lineman on the team. This was not the case with Schoebel. There is clearly something else going on here between Peters, his agent, and The Bills. My guess based on the public information and Parker's history is that his agent is playing this poorly and giving him bad advice. The Bills need him, but he needs to show up, and then the team will negotiate. If he does not, then he can sit and throw away his career. The Bills own his rights. He will show up and play, or he will find a new job. If the Bills back down on this point, there is no end to it. Peters will be in camp, sooner than later. If not, move on. Its a business, and no business would negotiate with any employee under these tems, when they clearly hold all the cards.
  11. The Bills own his rights. If he sits out three years, he still owes them three years. He has no leverage, which is why he will show up eventually.
  12. I have to agree. The Peters situation is unfortunate, but the fact is the Bills showed a major commitment to him two years ago. Now the guy quits on the team. I have no sympathy for him. I wish he were in camp, but he will show up eventually despite all the hand wringing from fans who can not seem to understand the big picture. He will show up, because he has no choice. Hopefully he will show up in time for the O line to get enough reps together before the season starts, but if not, Chambers will gain valuable experience. The Bills hold all the cards here and should not cave or they will only create an unmanageable situation for any future players finding themselves in this position. Chill out KrazyKat. Go Bills.
  13. The Bills hold all the cards here. Jason has completed 2 years of a 6 year deal. He may deserve more money, but there is no reason to rip up his contract now. He is not going anywhere, and has no leverage. What is he going to do - sit out the year? 2 years? He will still be under contract to the Bills in the NFL. If anything, they should promise him a renegotiation after this year, or perhaps offer a bonus clause as an adder if he makes the pro bowl, starts X games, etc. This kind of posturing by players, this complete lack of respect for his committment as represented by the contract he signed, is sickening. I can certainy understand he feels underpaid, but how about a little repect for your team mates, if not to the club that took a chance on you when no one else would, and taught you how to play NFL football.
  14. Just wondering - is there any topic that Obie Wan will not post an OL whine to?
  15. He may be past his prime, but I believe he is still an upgrade over Willis. Look at his numbers last year: 4.1/carry (easily better than Magahee); 13 TD's; and 48 1st downs out of 199 carries. What is not to like as a temporary stop gap/part time player? He is a proven performer, with great determination and power. He would make the team better, and allow the Bills to groom a young replacement. I like him a lot better than either Rhoads or Brown,neither of which are the long term answer anyway.
  16. Marino is, and always has been, a closet queen.
  17. Cheer up everyone - its only one game in a long season and process of building. Plus, it is hockey season, and the Sabers are 3/0.
  18. Clearly, some people should not have access to the internet.
  19. You want to talk football? OK. First of all, the team with the most "talent" does not always, or even ususally, win. That is true in football and in most other sports. Did Pittsburgh have the most "talent" last year? They did not, and were predicted at the beginning of the year by many "experts" to be middle of the road. The Yankees have not won the WS since 2000 although they perenially have the biggest stars. Ditto the Detroit Red Wings and the like in hockey. Pure talent does not equate to wins - coaching, character, team chemistry, schedule, and luck all have at least as much to do with it. Thats why the Redskins are going nowhere this year, despite your contention they have many "talented" players. Although I do not agree with that premise, and despite good coaching, the team is full of thugs and low character individuals and will fold under pressure. Lets not forget the fragile 37 year old QB backed up by a second year player who has taken no snaps and Todd Collins. The great Bills teams of the 90's did not have more than 5 or 6 great "talents" in the vein you describe. In fact, I would venture to say that had you been asked to name the great talents on the Bills before they started winning consistently, you would have been hard pressed to come up with three. Kelly on offense was the only name player with unquestioned talent. On defense, Bennet and Smith were always considered great talents, although in Bruce's case, it took him several years to play well. Reed was a third round draft choice. Thurman a second rounder with major question marks. The O Line was full of low round draft choices and free agents, except for Fina. Kent Hull was a USFL refugee. What made that team great was the way they came together and played as a team. They had many very good football players, and some that in retrospect (once they established winning) were considered great players. Maybe people reacted to your post with such venom because your basic premise makes no sense. The fact is, NO ONE knows how good or bad the Bills will be this year, how good or bad a QB JP will be, or even who will be judged the real talents 3 to 5 years from now. The team that plays the best as a team wins. That takes talent, plus a whole lot more. I could not care less what the national pundits and critics and fantasy football gurus think. They are wrong 90% of the time. Personally, I think the Bills will be a whole lot better than last year, certainly better coched, and with better team chemistry now that the selfish, unleader like veterans such as Moulds, Adams, and Milloy are gone. We shall see, and that is what makes the game fun.
  20. I live in the DC area and have watched this guy play a lot. He has only adequate arm strength, is sometimes erratic in accuracy, tends to panic and make bad decisions, and is not particualrly mobile. At times he can look great, and at other times attrocious. JP has far bigger upside at this point. Ramsey deserves a shot with a team that will commit to him, but absolutely needs a team with a pass protect first philosophy. Not worth a first rounder for the Bills as he provides no real upgrade.
  21. Not worth a Number 1 straight up - especially the 8th pick. I would guess the Jets are trying to package him in a deal with the Texans for the #1 pick so they can take Leinhart. They are going to have to cut him anyway - too far over the cap.
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