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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Great summation PTR. The Bills had plenty of time. Time was not the problem. They had 4 plays to make an additional 10 yards they would have needed to try a winning filed goal and could not do it. 1 minute left, 2 minutes left - does not matter.
  2. He is not playing DE - he is a linebacker in Washington.
  3. Further proof that Florio is nothing but a hack.
  4. Could not agree more - opposite sides of the same coin delivering the same result.
  5. Certainly playing on the same defense as Haynesworth does not hurt, but I see quite a bit of the Skins living in the DC area and he is mostly playing OLB, only lining up hands down occasionaly. In what I have seen, he is effective when blitzing from the OLB position, totally lost in space when not rushing the passer, and no more effective than Maybin when lining up as a DE. I had hoped to see the Bills use Maybin more creatively to get him some opportunities to use his speed, but that is asking a lot of this coaching staff. Orapko does look stronger though, I would have to say. Maybin needs 20 more pounds of muscle.
  6. The big difference here is that the Skins plugged Orakpo in as the starter from Day 1 (and he was in camp on time) while Maybin was relegated to back up/situational status from the beginning. (and missed over half of pre-season) Is this because Maybin sucks, or because our coaching staff refuses to allow a young player to take on a major role? The history under Jauron has been the later. Comparisons at this point do not mean much. The guy is only seeing the field for a handful of plays each week. It also may well be that he is much better suited to the role the Skins have Orakpo playing - OLB. Again, we will never know under this coaching staff.
  7. Like most other years in my 45 years or so of Bills fandom, I enetered the season with at least some hope - of a competitive if not dominating team and some enjoyable afternoons (and some frustrating ones) wathching the Bills. I was encouraged somewhat by the game performance on Monday night and the win the following week. It is clear now though that this team is in deep trouble and beyond redemption in the short term, and perhaps not for several more years under competent leadership, which itself is a big unknown. There is a silver lining to this situation for long suffering Bills fans. Just think of it this way. The sting of losing the team forever when the Old Man dies to well heeled owners with glistening new stadium deals and plenty of high priced corporate seat buyers awaiting in Los Angelas, or Toronto, or wherever will be felt far less. At least the short term pain will be over, to be replaced by the ache of loss and eventually fond memories of the good times. Sure I had hoped to enjoy Bills football in whatever time we have left, but at this point, perhaps it's death is the most merciful result.
  8. You really should not try to write when you are drunk.
  9. Pure speculation by Schefter. It is what lazy reporters do.
  10. Bobby April at least seems to coach with some enthusiasm. The collapse of the special teams into completely undisciplined play is troubling, however. Are they that bad as players or is he simply unable to reach them? Whatever the reason, if it does not change he will be exiting stage left with the rest of these chumps.
  11. I also agree with the observations about Byrd and Wilson. Both have skills but the passion they each played with was impressive , though unfortunately, not contageous to the rest of the slugs.
  12. I appreciate the comments Bill. I agree 100%. TE is shot - any chance he had to be a competent QB is gone with this sorry excuse for a line. I can not see him getting it together now. I also see no additional wins this year. The Jets are likley to win by 40 points next week.
  13. I am sure everyone would feel better if Wilson had fired Jauron this morning, but unfortunately, Wilson is right in not making an emotional decision after that debacle. Simply firing jauron does not solve anything at this point unless you have a plan. Who would take over? You can not bring someone in from the outside mid season, realistically. April has been the assumed choice, but the horrible performance of the ST this year does not speak loudly for his ability to change the course on an interim basis. He did not rule out making a change later in the season. The bye week makes the most sense. Not sure there are any good options which means riding out the season and hoping for a high draft choice and a decent QB falls to us. 1 and 15 is not a bad plan at this point. The season is clearly lost.
  14. Edwards is done. if he ever had potential, or the ability to play at an NFL level, the opportunityis certainly gone. he has shown today he has no business in an NFL game.
  15. One other thing - if the Bills do not fire Jauron tomorrow I will never watch another Bills game. I am done.
  16. I give up. I have maintained a positive attitude, believed they could turn this around, but this is the perhaps the most pathetic, poorly coached, uninspired no effort game I have ever seen. This is saying a lot since I have been watching this team for some 45 years. I am disgusted. I am actually looking forward to the eventual sale of this team and move to some other area. I have had it. It is simply not repairable.
  17. Understood, but the sad fact is that TE does not display that type of leadership. Who knows how he is in the locker room, but sometimes he should call out sloppy play and mistakes. We do not want a TO/TE war in the media, but that is not what I got out of that interview - just straightforward analysis and "we need to do better". I agree. It is about time sombody on this team stepped up and represented a winning attitude amoung the players.
  18. 1. Because its true. 2. Because somebody on this team needs to show some leadership, and sometimes that means calling it like it is. I see nothing wrong here. He is not throwing anyone under the bus, nothing outrageous, very measured.
  19. Then you were not paying attention. The middle of the Bill's defense was noticeably weaker after he went out. This is a huge loss for the Bills with no adequate replacement on the horizon.
  20. Absolutely! Let 'em play. I am so hoping the Bills wipe that smirk off Brady's face tonight. Go Bills.
  21. Cheers to you, Bill. I always enjoy your reasoned and respectfull posts. I especially look forward to your day after games analysis. It is posters like you who make stopping by TSW worth the effort. Go Bills!
  22. This is not about money. Rhodes looks less than average in the work in pre-season. He did absolutely nothing to distinguish himself and move up the depth chart. It was a simple choice between a guy who is clearly on the down slope of his career vs a younger guy with plenty of upside potential. It was wiorth a try to sign Rhodes and see if he had anything left in the tank, but since he did not show himself to be better that the existing 3rd string guy, why keep him.
  23. Did you even watch the Steelers game? They gave up 10 points on defense to Pittsburgh's first string offense. On the Steeler's only offensive touchdown drive, Big Ben made several great plays to keep that drive alive. The defense was not the problem, and has not been so far in the pre-season. The offense needs to sustain drives. Switching to a 3-4 is out of the question for this team. They do not have the right players or the right coaches for it.
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