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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. 1968 - 1972 records from 1&12 to a best of 4&9; Joe Collier, Harvey Johnson, John Rausch as coaches 1976, 77 2&12, 3&13 Jim Ringo 1982 - 1986 4&5 (strike), 8&8, 2&14 (twice) 4&12 Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullogh The brief respites from pain in all these years were the glory days of OJ in the early 70's and the return of Chuck Knox in the late 70's. He finally broke the string of 20 straight defeats to the Dolphins in 1980. Marv Levy was hired in 1987. That should bring you up to date.
  2. No, I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills. That does not mean I agree with everything they do, and certainly does not mean I am happy about the decline of the team over the past 10 years. It does mean that I am at least willing to reserve judgment until we have a staff in place, we go through the initial free agency period and the draft, and just maybe, until they play an actual game 9 months from now. If I did not feel that way, I would cease to be interested in the Bills and probably the NFL as a whole. Believe it or not, there have been worse times to be a Bills fan.
  3. +1 Sure people have a right to vent, but it is really tiring wading through the pointless negativity. Pick another team, or go back to playing Madden. (and yes I know I can choose not to read TSW, but sometimes there is actually intelligent conversation and useful information)
  4. Agreed. Of all the stupid questions asked, this was probably the worst. I could not tell who it was.
  5. My God - he has been coach since this morning and no staff is in place yet? We are doomed!
  6. How dare you be rational and reasonable! The national media knows all and the Bills suck - get with the program!
  7. You are absolutely right. I just read the postings and they are, by and large, the most useless, childish drivel imaginable. A very good case though for why OBD should not be listening to fan opinions. There are a few serious attempts - PTR has a good one.
  8. I am presuming from this that Chan Gaily lives in Miami?
  9. And we know this how? Because Charlie Casserly said so? I will wait to hear it from someone who actually knows, thank you. I think it is very interesting this "report" is substantiated nowhere else, although that has not stopped its spread around the media as gospel to be repeated.
  10. I saw the so-called "report". It consisted of Adam's speculation. He did not even bother to refer to the ususal "unnamed sources". He said, and I quote "I have a feeling that Leslie Frasier will not end up as the Bills coach". Wow! Great reporting job Adam. I am not sure what people do not get. The Bill's could not offer him the job even if they want to. His team is still in the playoffs.
  11. Mort's twitter makes no sense. (big surprise there) The Bills have done everything they are allowed to do for now. They cannot talk to him again and they cannot offer him a contract until the Vikings are eliminated. More whiney nonsense from Mort who is and has been on a campaign against the Bills since Tom "no one else will hire me either" Donohue was canned by Ralph.
  12. Precisely. Why is Charlie Casserly so worthy of being believed? Is this the same guy who was shredded by Belechick as a flat out lier for his report on Brady's injury? Is this report supported by any other "reporters" or any facts at all? This is an unconfirmed report by a discredited NFL hack with a burr up his butt because he did not get interviewed for the GM job. It may be true, but there is nothing to support it so lets just wait and see before jumping off the deep end on yet more unsubstantiated poor reporting by a TV talking head.
  13. On the topic of the original post, is anyone surprised that Mort would take every opportunity to trash the Bills? Is he naming any sources? Does he have any real information or just repeating the same whines he has been expressing since his butt buddy was fired? I take everything he says about the Bills with a grain of salt. He is campaigning. The real truth of what goes on behind the scenes here is unknown. As for comparisons to Washington and Snyder, anyone who thinks Snyder will take a backseat to Shanahan and not interefere in every decision is deluding themselves. No one here in Washington believes that; there is no evidence to suggest anything has changed. Little Danny just has too big of an ego. (and his office is not 300 miles away it is right down the hall from the HC) Good luck Mike. The Bill's current problems in attracting candidates is as much a media issue as it is evdience of real diferences in how the Bills are run vs other franchises, IMHO.
  14. No real surprise give the NE connections obviously. Maybe he can transform Cassel into a real NFL QB.
  15. More speculation based on no real information. Just another TV blowhard with an opinion.
  16. What it seems is that you are making assumptions about what has happened and what will happen without facts. Nothing wrong with speculatiuon, but thats all it is. As for Snyder, it remains to be seen whether he has changed his thinking. Cerrato has been fired before (by Marty with the Danny's permissions) , but came back. My speculation is that nothing has really changed in Washington, Snyder will continue to interefere in a dysfunctional organization, and the Skins will continue to underachieve and attain mediocraty. Allen and Shanahan (or whoever) will not make the difference. Sound familiar?
  17. There's no crying in football!
  18. You do not average 4 yds per carry, especially with a questionable OL, if you show a run formation every time. In the Miami game I only recall a handful of plays with 4/5 wide, and this was acheived by moving the RB out to the wing. I do not see a problem with this.
  19. AVP was never given the title of Offensive Coordinator. He was given responsibility for the passing game and play calling responsibilities, but no change in title or overall responsibility. That may in fact be how things are running now that the Dick is gone, but AVP is not the Bills OC. There is not one officially. I am sure this was done at the time to make this season a trial run for AVP as an OC - to see if he could handle it - and then make a decision at year end whether to officially promote him or bring somebody in without putting themselves in a position of having to fire AVP. Sound logic then - moot point now.
  20. I don't think so. Miami still had timeouts and was using them. I believe it was the next play after they called their final timeout that Jackson scored. There was still over a minute and half left and the Bills needed a first down to run out the clock. F*** Miami anyway.
  21. If I am not mistaken, the NFL has a rule about ownership of other sports franchises. If so, Jacobs would have to sell the majority share of the Bruins. This has been a stumbling block in conversations about him in the past. As for what kind of owner he would be, any owner who makes a commitment to keeping the team in Buffalo is a good owner at this point. Do not kid yourself about that.
  22. Neither beat anybody in camp. Both were understudy to Bledsoe. Brady stepped in when Bledsoe had his spleen ruptured and performed well enough that the Pats traded Bledsoe to the Bills before the next training camp. Romo got to play 3/4 of the way though the season because Bledsoe was stinking the place up and the Cowboy's were looking to the future.. The common theme is both were backups until given an opportunity to play. The Bills should give Brohm a couple of games this year to see what he can do.
  23. Jason Lacanfora is hardly a credible source. If any team would have a harder time than the Bills convincing a quality coach to come to town it would be the Redskins. Snyder is a disaster. A rich little fat man with a Napolean complex. The Redskins are a joke and a graveyard for coaches. He will pay big bucks though.
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