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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. I agree with the OP's sentiments, but I have long ago quit expecting anything else from ESPN. The Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) as it was initially billed, could once be counted on for quality sports reporting and in depth coverage. Not anymore. I still find some entertainment value in it on occasion, and do watch Sports Center, but mostly on mute to see if there might be some sports story that I want to look into further through real news outlets. As for their "analysis", particularly on NFL football, it is mostly a big F grade, geared towards superstars and big cities, because that generates ratings. The vast majority of their viewership does not want in depth analysis, they want easily digested sound bites and info on the stars. Not unlike their similar tastes for "news". The comparison to Entertainment Tonight is apt.

  2. Frankly, I am tired of the Aron Schobel Show. He has been a decent player for the Bills, but this maybe I will, maybe I won't act has been going on for several years now. He does not warrant any special treatment. The Bills have handled this correctly so far in my opinion. If he wants to retire - great - good luck and thanks for the memories. If you want to play football (and collect $8 mill) show up. No special rules. Personally, I would rather see a fully committed, perhaps less accomplished, player in his spot than a guy who only shows up when has to to collect the paycheck. Time to move on.

  3. Actually it is easy to see how there is a possibility for this team to have a worse record than last years.

    1) More difficult schedule.

    2) Almost completely new coaching staff.

    3) New defensive scheme.

    4) No starting caliber QB

    5) Lost 2 starting receivers

    6) Only addition of note is a rookie skatback.


    There is no doubt that this team, on paper anyway, is marginally worse than last years.

    The question is, can the new coaching staff, most notably the head coach, take essentially the same team that Jauron had and manage to do more with it. It won't be too long before we will begin to see if Jauron was as big of a problem as a lot of people thought, or not.


    You state these assertions as if they were fact when they are far from it.


    Schedule - difficulty of schedule cannot be predicated on last years performance of any team. This is proven every year in the NFL.

    New coaching staff - yes they must learn a new system, but this is entirly positive in my opinion given given the horrible job done by the last regime.

    new defensice scheme - Yes, learning going on. On the other hand, Buffalo's soft defense under Jauron and Fewell was maddening to say the least. A question mark.

    No starting caliber QB - Biggest question mark. Can Brohm thrive with increased maturity and solid coaching? Can Edwards be made seviceable by better coaching and game planning? far from a definitive answer at this point, despite the questions.

    Lost 2 starting receivers - We lost two mediocre starting receivers. TO is past his prime and not the right answer here. Josh Reed has never been better than average as a slot receiver. Time to see what the younger guys can do.

    Only addition of note ... - According to who? Can you predict how the Bills draft choices will play? They made a couple of solid veteran FA additions at LB and DL for the new scheme. Spiller is more than a scatback.


    This team has question marks but it is far from fact that they are "marginally worse on paper". I like the direction and think there is no way this team is worse than last year. Playoffs - unlikely. Competitive and entertaining - very likley. We will soon see.

  4. Brian Brohm will make the Green Bay Packers look dumb for letting him get away


    That is the only way the QB situation gets resolved


    Agreed. I do think this is entirely possible. People have been very quick to write him off because of his first two training camps with Green Bay, but this kid has loads of potential and it just mat be he needed time to get his head right and a fresh start. If he does not beat out Edwards for the job, I would be very disappointed. Trent simply does not have "it". Been true all the way through college and now his pro career. Not a winner, lacks leadership ability and mental toughness. Perhaps Gailey can make him serviceable, but he is not the answer.

  5. All ten things don't have to happen. I still don't see how this team is any worse than last years.




    Agreed on both points. All the wish list items in this somewhat snarky piece do not have to come to pass for the Bills to be competitive. Its starts with coaching and they will be much better there - both player preperation and game planning. Staying relatively healthy is the next most important, especially on the lines where they are thinnest. After that, even average play from the O-Line and this team will surpirse people. I do not think any of the QB's are pro- bowl caliber, but I am hoping Brohm shows enough to win the job as I think he has the most potential.

  6. You give it up. You offer nothing to this board of any value, and we're all dumber for reading your responses. You offer nothing resembling a coherent argument, just blind hatred of a player on the team you're supposedly a fan of. If you're anything in real life like you are here, if you dropped dead tomorrow I'm not sure anyone would attend your funeral.


    It's an honest comparison to make, and the OP wasn't making the leap to say Edwards would follow the path Brees took, just making the same comment so many have made that some QB's don't flourish until year four. FWIW, Eli didn't hit 60% completion until year five, and prior to winning the super bowl at the end of his fourth season there was talk of him being a bust in the middle of the season.


    Generally I'm against anyone being banned. It's a forum for people to speak their minds, and barring severely egregious repeated comments I don't think anyone should be prohibited from participating. But you need to go. You are King Douchebag.

    If anyone should go, it should be you. Your post is vile and unwarrented. What makes you think your opinions are worth anything?

  7. If Clausen is still the third stringer going into next season, it will be a major signal that he's not likely to make it. But even if I loved Clausen, if I were a coach, THIS YEAR I would be very likely to put him third if I had a decent second-year man. Rookie QBs make huge mistakes.


    If I expected my team to suck, I'd give Clausen as much time as I could. But the Jags think they have a playoff shot this year. Third-stringer is where you would expect Clausen to be, even if you and the team loved him, particularly so early in the season.


    Clausen is with the Carolina Panthers.

  8. If they'd said or indicated they didn't like him, I would have minded this all much less. They haven't. The only thing they did that indicated they didn't like him is not drafting him, and again, there are so many factors complicating those decisions, you can't legitimately read not drafting a guy as not liking him.



    What they did say is that they thought the three on the team would be fine, and that they deserved a chance. I couldn't disagree more.


    This could be one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard. Since when does any team come out and say they do not like this player or that player? It is sort of obvious that if they like his potential as a QB they would have drafted him. Clausen simply carries too much risk to draft that high when you have so many other needs to fill. It does not seem to be only the Bills who thought so. Nix was quite up front about his desire to improve the QB position if he could.



    What they said is that there was no option available to them that was better right now. Despite the sentiment on this board for Jason Campbell, Troy Smith, and every project QB onm this year's list. They did try to get McNabb - a clear upgrade. Any other options, I do not believe are clearly better than filling other holes.





    Sunday, Sept. 12 MIAMI Dolphins 1:00pm      W  


    Sunday, Sept. 19 at Green Bay Packers 1:00pm L


    Sunday, Sept. 26 at New England Patriots 1:00pm L


    Sunday, Oct. 3 NEW YORK Jets 1:00 PM W


    Sunday, Oct. 10 JACKSONVILLE Jaguars 1:00 PM W

    BYE Sunday, Oct. 17 BYE WEEK


    Sunday, Oct. 24 at Baltimore Ravens 1:00 PM L


    Sunday, Oct. 31 at Kansas City Chiefs 1:00 PM W


    Sunday, Nov. 7 CHICAGO Bears (TORONTO) 1:00 PM W


    Sunday, Nov. 14 DETROIT Lions 1:00 PM W


    Sunday, Nov. 21 at Cincinnati Bengals 1:00 PM* L


    Sunday, Nov. 28 PITTSBURGH Steelers 1:00 PM* L


    Sunday, Dec. 5 at Minnesota Vikings 1:00 PM* L


    Sunday, Dec. 12 CLEVELAND Browns 1:00 PM* W


    Sunday, Dec. 19 at Miami Dolphins 1:00 PM* W


    Sunday, Dec. 26 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS 1:00 PM* W


    Sunday, Jan. 2 at New York Jets 1:00 PM* L




    9/7 Could go a game or 2 either way.

  10. Perhaps TE does not have the upside of either Henne or Sanchez - who knows - but neither of those guys have looked like a competent NFL QB so far. It is astounding to me the way the pundits rave about the Jets and Dolphins yet their QB's have not shown themselves to be even average so far. The Jets won 9 games despite Sanchez's erratic play and Henne is consistently not up to it when the game needs to be put in his hands.


    Assuming better line play, better running games, and better coaching as most would readily agree to for the Jests and Dolphags, these QB's have not exactly risen to the top. Not sure what Edwards or Brohm will do with better coaching, game planning, and hopefully, better (or at least consistent) line play this year, but there is every possibility the Bills will be better off at QB, or at least as good, as those two teams, despite neither TE or BB looking like they are all pro material so far.

  11. Poorly conditioned? Please.........they lacked talent, but were not poorly conditioned. This concept that they became fat and poorly conditioned after Rusty Jones left is laughable.


    Who said anything about Rusty Jones? I was referring to the facts that the Bills over Jauron's tenure were routinely outplayed in 4th quarters, often looking gassed and overmatched, combined with the highly unusual, consistently high injury ratyes. This speaks to poor conditioning, as evidenced by the "Camp jauron" atmoshere of the Bill's training during his reign.

  12. I guess the "Edwards Concussion Theory" is like Rasputin...you just can't kill it. This isn't the first time I've tried, as have others.


    Is it possible that Edwards' concussion had lingering effects? Only he can know for sure. But the rest of us have to go with the evidence:

    Cumulative record of the teams the Bills faced in first 4 games: 16-48

    Edwards best game of the season almost definitely was his first one AFTER the concussion vs SD.

    Common sense tells me the concussion didn't mean squat. By the time they started losing, he'd had 3 weeks to recover, and in the meantime had one pretty good game against a far tougher opponent than the first 4.


    As far as the Jauron stuff goes, I think you put way too much stock on those 6 games, and have projected it onto the FO. I think a more realistic way of looking at it was that they always seemed close to turning a corner. We all know about the 7-9, three straight years...you only have to reverse a couple games a year (and Lord knows, there were a number of gut wrenching close ones in the Jauron years) and you have at the very least a team that is vying for a playoff spot.

    I think this is spot on. What is more telling about the 2008 season is the total and historic collapse after the first six games. Jauron's teams in Buffalo simply never finished well - whether it is finisihing a season, or finishing a game. He was easy to beat by competent coaches on the opposing sidelines and his players may have tried hard but were poorly conditioned and poorly prepared to deal with adversity. (the term "weak willed" comes to mind) Those traits were regular as clockwork. A competent head coach was probably worth at least 2 or 3 wins in each of the past 4 years - perhaps more - even with some of the obvious holes in talent.


    I like what I see from Nix and Gailey so far with respect to both filling the talent holes and properly preparing the team. We will soon see. (can't come fast enough)

  13. I am hoping that Brohm is able to win the job. Poor coaching, bad schemes, bad lines and other excuses aside, Edwards simply does not exhibit the type of leadership and confidence on the field the leads to good QB play. I do not think he has it in him. If Gailey sees differently, and Trent wins the job, fine, but I am really hoping Brohm wins the job coming out of camp. Lets see what he can do.

  14. Thanks, I would like to thank you and most everyone else for being thoughtful, professional, and curtious listeners.


    Just wanted to have most all my thoughts on one posting. After about week 8, I will refer this Special Posting" to so many of my fans here.


    Another favorite quote of mine " He who laughs last laughs the loudest."

    I wonder if you could possibly be any more of a self important, mindless little troll? You yap constantly with the same opinions, offer nothing in the way of real analysis, and congratulate yourself for your insights. Get over yourself.

  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5290404


    I did not see this posted anywhere (so maybe nobody cares) but as expected Fat Albert is a no show in Washington and demanding a trade. This is one Snyder mistake that will keep paying dividends for the Redskin's opponents for quite some time. It will be interesting to see if Shanahan can actually instill some team first attitude with the rest of the players. Haynesworth is the epitomy of the problem with this team for years. Not Bills related really (unless someone thinks we should trade for this turd) but kind of funny given last year's hype over the signing.

  16. I started a longer reply but man, this post equating Sanchez to any QB on the Bills, Leodis to Revis, as well as Evans to Edwards is just plain silly.

    Season Team Passing Rushing Fumbles

    G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate Att Yds Avg TD FUM Lost

    15 15 196 364 53.8 2,444 6.7 12 20 26 195 63.0 36 106 2.9 3 10 3



    So what is your point about Sanchez - that he is far superior to any Bills QB? Maybe someday, but it seems you are buying the hype and not the facts as indicated above. Marky Marks stats from last year are actually worse than any Bills QB. Evans is twice the receiver Edwards is based on accomplishment. Revis is a great player and we do not know about McKelvin yet. The Jest are over-hyped, especially the pretty boy SoCal QB. Maybe he will improve this year, maybe not. He certainly has the pedegree and the hype, but was fortunate to start his career on a team and in a system where he was not expected to be the difference maker, and was not.

  17. As Jamie Dikes put it "Jason Campbell would have been an instant up to our QB position."

    Maybe you have never seen Jason Campbell play? He is the very definition of mediocrity and would not have been an upgrade. You can quote stats all you want, but jason Campbell will never have the decision m,aiong ability or leadershipm qualities necessary to be a good NFL QB. That does not mean any of the Bill's QBs will either, only that Campbell is no upgrade.

  18. What did I say that made you so angry? I support my team by watching them every week via Direct Tv NFL Ticket which cost over $300. I support my team by buying merchandise like jerseys. I support my team by educating myself via the internet, radio, and tv. Did that answer your question!!!!!!!!!!!


    What I won't do is paint a rosey picture of upcoming season. I don't believe the Bills are going to win many games. I think the team is rebuilding, struggling for an identity, evaluating talent or lack of, learning new schemes, system, and philosophy, etc.. IN THE LONG RUN, I am optimistic this can produce a winning team which leads to playoff wins and a Super bowl win.

    However, in the short term, this year, next year, and maybe the following year the team is most likely to struggle. I want to win NOW!


    A true fan is able to objectively critique their team and accept the teams weaknesses and strengths. I guess your not willing to even address and or listen to others negative feedback. How shallow is that?

    The problem is you do nothing but whine. You offer the same tired opinion on every thread with little (or nothing) in the way of any real analysis or thought. Just "the Bills will suck". Great. This is why you are tiresome and many people think you are a troll.

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