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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. Nothing Theisman says is credible - nothing. My favorite was when he was prasing Jim Haslet for coaching the Saints through the Katrina disaster in 2000. Even when reminded that Katrina was in 2006, and Haslet was not the coach, he continued on his "what a fabulous coaching job that was". Unbelieveable. You simply can't take anything he says seriously.

  2. This thread is too funny. Really. 1 preseason game and people are already annointing Clausen as the QB the Bills should have picked and the savior of the Carolina Panthers? Come on. I bet Levi Brown looks every bit as good as Clausen in tonight's game. (and frankly, I did not think he looked that good)

  3. How did you feel about the Bills drafting a guard in the first round last year?

    I was very happy with it, but since we spent two premium picks on guards last year that would not seem to me to be the best move this year. Like everybody else, I am not comfortable with our tackle situation but I just don't think Bulaga was the right choice, nor do I think there was by any means a sure fire choice for LT at number 9.

  4. Oher was clearly a better choice than Maybin on draft day. 85% of this board could have told you that. Hopefully Spiller is better than Maybin, but we will surely be disappointed in not aquiring Bulaga

    I do not agree on Bulaga. There was no reason to waste a ist round pick on a guard, which is what he was being projected at. As for draft day last year, I think your "85%" is a bit off, on this board and by NFL scouts in general. There was plenty of disagreement on Maybin vs Orako, and plenty of questions about Oher. Hindsight is great. There was no consensus on any of these guys at the time.

  5. There is also a lot more to it than QB rating. Look at the rest of the numbers on that line.

    Sanchez threw twice as many TD's as Edwards .... and also twice as many INTs.

    It is easier to get a higher QB rating when all you do is throw short. But that does not necessarily translate into winning games.


    I am not sure I understand your point. Sanchez played every game and Edwards did not. Well over twice as many attempts. Their yards per attempt and completion % are the same.

  6. There is also a lot more to it than QB rating. Look at the rest of the numbers on that line.

    Sanchez threw twice as many TD's as Edwards .... and also twice as many INTs.

    It is easier to get a higher QB rating when all you do is throw short. But that does not necessarily translate into winning games.

    Not sure I understand your point. Sanchez played every game and Edwards did not. Well over twice as many attempts. Their yards per attempt and completion % were the same. How many games did Sanchez "win" anyway, as opposed to how many he "lost" just based on his play?

  7. Are you talking about Bulaga or Oher?


    Bulaga, as I thought that was the topic of the post. Clearly Oher would have been a better pick than Maybin last year, with the benefit of hindsight. By this time next year we may be saying the same thing about some other LT prospect that we passed in this draft, but not Bulaga, and I believe Spiller will prove to be a very valuable player to the Bills.

  8. People will haul out any arguement to justify their belief the Bills should have reached for a LT prospect rather than draft a player at 9 who is much more likley to help them this year. There is a reason Bulaga fell so far in the first round. As for the Bills, he did not fll a need nor was he the BPA. Time will tell how all these picks pan out, but this guy would have simply duplicated skills the Bills already have - not worth a first round pick for them. The tackle situation will resolve itself in time, and this will take more than 1 year.

  9. Friday 13, 2010

    7:30 PM NFL PRESEASON GAME: BUF vs. WAS 2010 NFL Preseason Live Game: Buffalo Bills vs. Washington Redskins (LIVE)




    oh snap ! Will it be blacked out in the DC area?

    It probably will not be on NFL Network but will be shown on a local channel, so we get to listen to the absolute worst broadcast team in history. (well, maybe not that bad but pretty bad) At least we will see it live.

  10. Ryan has easily become my favorite coach to hate in the NFL. What a self promoting douche he is. If the Bills won no other games but beat the jets twice it would be a good season. (although I do expect more) I think the Jets will prove to be overarated and disappointing this year and I look forward to watching the fat man squirm on the sidelines.

  11. Did you ever hear Kelly talking about trying to develop chemistry. No. He demanded it. The linemen and WR's did their job or he ripped teir heads off. That's when they developed a noce chemistry and all go along. He demanded it, he didn't' develop it.


    Brees is the unquestioned leader of that team. He doesn't talk about working on his relationship. He gets in the huddle, yells everyone into a frenzy, and then goes out and leads them to championships. I've never heard him talk about trying to develop some relationships.


    So, yes, they do it. But, they don't sit around and talk about it. They go out and do it. So, my stance is... Trent just friggin go out and lead the team and demand that they all get on the same page. Don't sit and talk about how you need to get better at it.

    This is off base. With respect to Kelly, he went out of his way to establish himself as the leader of the team. He hosted the entire team at his house after every home game. He spent time with the lineman, backs, and receivers. He led by example. This is how leadership works - you develop the position of respect and some loyalty so that when it is time, you can demand performance. Leadership has been lacking from Trent's game no doubt. I am glad he realizes that and is trying to develop the necessary relationships to establish it. Time will tell if his play can put him in a position to command respect along with this.

  12. Does anybody else have mixed feelings about Schoebel? I certainly do, I know I'll be crucified on this board for not kneeling to his holiness and kissing the gound he walks on BUT....If he goes on to play for another team my opinion of him will surely deteriorate. Why not help out your life long team when they need you? Why switch teams at this point of your career? Where's the loyalty? It would be like me changing into a Redskins fan becasue I live closer to DC than Buffalo, and it's too hard on my family to travel to Buffalo to see them play. He jerked us along for the past two seasons

    ala Brett Farve. I may retire, 90% retired, 70%-30% will play, I am a Bill, I may be a Texan, c'mon enough already. I am glad Nix said enoughs enough. You either want to be a Bill or you don't. If he goes on to play for another team then my opinion of him takes a serious hit.


    Go ahead fire away!

    I agree - enough is enough. It was bad enough last year, but this year, when you have new coaches and a new scheme, and you are trying to establish a different attitude and focus for the team, you cannot afford to have one player putting himself above the rest and getting away with it. I do not think this was about money for the Bills, just time to move on and recognize you have some young players working their butts off for that position. I think Schobel's actions clearly indicate he was trying to force a move like this all along. Screw him.

  13. Brohm would have to significantly outplay Trent & Fitz to win the job. Considering Brohm's lack of game experience, I don't think that is a likely scenario.

    You are probably right, but I was hoping for a different outcome. While I think that under Gailey's offense and coaching Trent has chance to elevate his game, I still think the best we can hope from him is average. (which would be a signiifcant improvement over last year) I do not believe he has either the leadership skills or the mental toughness to be a top flight QB. On a positive note, average performance from he QB spot could be enough to make the Bills at least competitive and entertaining this year. We shall see.

  14. Yes. Remember how Chan seemed to make it a point to mention that Brohm had made "a jump" the last few weeks of OTAs?


    He also cautioned media and fans not to give too much meaning to who is taking the first snap, etc.


    I believe that the preseason games will weigh quite heavily.


    Chan has mentioned that some players play better in practices and some play better in games.


    I think he'll go by how they perform in the games.


    But clearly they want to give Trent the first opportunity to succeed or fail.


    All true, and probably the right thing. I am confident that whatever way this goes, they will have a much higher probability of success under this staff and because of this process. I had no such confidence under the previous regime.

  15. Why should I "believe Buddy Nix after all this time?" I've been less than impressed by his tenure thus far. I am not aware of any rules prohibiting Buddy from trading up or trading down. Maybe he lacks the negotiating skills to do it, or didn't want to do it...but he wasn't prohibited.


    Proof is in the pudding. He wins nine games with the offensive line he puts on the field this season and I'll eat my words. He wins fewer than the seven we won last year and he should be fired.

    Notify the NFL - apparently we were cheated out of win - we really had 7. Good to know.

  16. That makes sense. Fitz has games under his belt, a decent W-L record with the club, they have more contract $ going his way.


    Brohm has no NFL track record. He only has the so-called "potential" as it stands. It's up to him to change opinions, if he can.


    I suspect he'll get the 3rd qb non-game day spot.


    Brown is a late-rounder. I'd be surprised if they put him on the PS, what with the OL in a rather thin state. If they do, he's safe. I can't think of a club that would pluck him and so have to put him on their active roster.


    All speculation, of course.


    This sceario makes sense, but I think this is far from over. The next month should be interesting. I am not at all shocked that Chan is going for experience over potential right now, but if Trent stumbles and Brohm continues to improve, this could easily flip in my opinion.

  17. Per ESPN




    ""Trent Edwards took the first snaps of camp behind a starting line of left tackle Demetrius Bell, left guard Andy Levitre, center Geoff Hangartner, right guard Eric Wood and right tackle Cornell Green. Fred Jackson was the running back.


    About 10 minutes into the workout at St. John Fisher College, Ryan Fitzpatrick quarterbacked the second unit, leaving Brian Brohm with the third string. ""




    commence bitching....


    B word, B word, B word, etc. Seriously, I do not expect this to hold up throughout camp and pre-season. May make the most sense for now.

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