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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. I was agreeing with you and talking about the OP. The OP, by virtue of the :lol:, is apparently trying to make fun of a thread from last November in which some people wanted to see the Bills be more active in trying to put 3-4 defenders on the field, and one of those players was Gibson. The context was that this was in November when it was obvious to everyone that the switch to the 3-4 defense was not going well and fell far short of the miracle cure for the Tampa-2 defense that some had predicted in August of last year. The point about Maybin is that it totally undermines the poster's point. Instead of picking up a failed Gibson (who looked the part of a 3-4 defender on paper), the Bills stuck with the Aaron Maybin project. Maybin himself was just cut, so the fact is both were failures and gambling on one or the other wouldn't have mattered much in the long run. Capice?

    Obviously, I missed the sarcasim. My bad. Too serious this morning I guess.

  2. This article is absolute junk. Sorry.


    The author writes with a well-educated style, but his content is every bit as ignorant and made-up as typical Marshall Faulk fare.


    I'm too tired to rattle off all the inaccuracies. I counted over a dozen.

    Agreed. Not an issue of being a "homer" as some suggest - this article is just bad. Highly inaccurate observations.

  3. I saw the play last night that Parrish came out. The ball was a bit overthrown and Parrish ran hard for it. He didnt get there in time, but continued running to end zone, then slowly walked back down the sideline while practice resumed. He walked over to what I assume were trainers and they briefly looked at his leg. He didnt appear to be limping or anything, just walking slow. They didnt seem to be that concerned, just stood there and talked. He took his helmet off and his night was over (this was late in practice). Its possible its all precautionary?

    AQccording to Gailey it is precautionary. He felt a slight tweak in the hamstring that he previously injured so they held him out. Roscoe will be fine and he will be the slot receiver. No chance he will not be.

  4. Does anyone see a pattern here?

    Clabo stays in Atlanta despite more money from the Bills, we think.

    Burnett goes to Miami, after Buffalo makes a pitch for him.


    Sorry guys, but the pattern of being a losing franchise compounded with the stigma of Buffalo as a city is killing this team.

    I mean it sounds like the FO is actually trying to sign guys, but can't. maybe Ralph knew this all along and didn't want to embarass the franchise and city?

    Food for thought.

    Good points. Let's examine this situation - "I currently live and work in San Diego, a very nice city with perhaps the best climate in the country. Would I rather move to Miami or Buffalo? Let me think - yeah, Miami sounds good. Weather, beaches, babes - yeah, that sounds good". In the days when the Bills were a perenial contender, free agents ignored all that because at least they could be on a winning team. Until the Bills become competitive, they will have a very hard time recruiting anyone. It seems to me they are trying, but they are going to have to make this transition in the short term lacking the ability to recruit free agents with choices. Get used to it.

  5. I can agree with this. I don't mind Smith. Just don't think this team needed him. I will root for him though. At least your analysis is somewhat objective and makes sense. And, I like what Gailey can do with personnel.


    But overall he's still a player, that isn't good enough to be a starter at any position on the field, other than special teams, and we have great guys already there returning kicks and punts. 4 Million per is a lot for that.


    I do hope it works out though.....I don't drive 10 hours per home game to hope we suck. I'm so sick of being garbage.

    Not saying this is a spectacular move or anything, but I am not sure who the "great guys" are on the Bills returning kicks. Spiller was the best and he averaged 23 yds per return. Smith averaged almost 29 - 2nd in the league in yds/return and 5th overall in yards. He did not return punts for the Jets and probably will not for the Bills as Roscoe is very good at that. This is a major upgrade to the return game and adds offensive flexibility and roster flexibility potentially. Good, not great, move IMO, although I would prefer to see an OT and ILB first. If they manage to fill those plus this move, it will look alot better.

  6. If for a number of reasons the Haynesworth transaction doesn't work out then the Pats will cut him. What is the risk? The Pats gave up little for him. Is there an upside with him compared to his disasterous stint with Washington? Absolutely.


    The Bills are not in a position or stage to take on this flimsy character. The Pats certainly are better positioned to handle this challenging personality. They have a stronger and more mature roster. Their coaching staff is much more stout than the Skins' staff was. If Fat Albert starts his bullhead resisting act then he will be quickly escorted out the door.

    Agreed. This is a siutaion of little risk for the Pats. Only a 5th round draft choice, which they probably have stockpiled anyway. Haynesworth has always had attitude issues. This did not suddenly manifest itself when he arrived in Washington. He is lazy and the epitome of a me first player. If Belichek can turn him around, he gets a guy who can contribute and cause problems for opponents, especially with another player clogging up the middle. If not, no risk. In any case, not a good fit for the Bills. By the way, in case people forgot, the Bills just spent a high number 1 pick on a player who has potentially even better skills and a much better work ethic. Not sure where people think Haynesworth would fit in our defense anyway.

  7. Dude you are by far the biggest troll on this site, are you related to Ralph or something? Anytime anybody has anything negative to say about the Bills you jump all over them for whinning or crying? Guess what? You're wrong, the Bills havent been in the playoffs in 11 years, its our right as paying fans to demand more in our teams. You're not a better fan becasue you will drink the kool-aid and never question the Bills. In fact that makes you a worse fan. Des a good parent let their kid do whatever they want? Or do they push and expect more out their kid? I just wish for once you would shut your pretentious mouth, you sit back and act like some wise sage but in reality your nothing. For years Ive seen you crap on people who have legitimate claims and concerns about this Bills, you have over 10k posts and not one of them worth a crap. SHut up and let people vent about their team.





    You are a serious jerk. If you have a differing opinion, fine, but your post is a personal, insulting childish attack. Grow up.


    Nonsense. Let them sign Boss and/or Clabo and there will be nothing but cheers. And, you don't get to 4-12 without making multiple "wrong moves."

    To the point of PTR's original tounge in check but accurate post, who they sign does not matter, the range of resposne from the masses here would be the same. Pretty well documented. On the Poz signing, I have already seen the entire range. If we signed Clabo, for what no doubt would need to be rediculous money, you would see the same thing. While ther might be some initial excitement, after the first sack he gives up, or if he got injured, the world would indeed turn quickly. Its the nature of a forum like this. I thought PTR's summation of it was quite humorous and dead on.

  8. We keep a player: "We overpaid. No one else wanted him. Great, lets keep this 4-12 team intact. I swear I'm done with this team!"


    We lose a player: "WTF is wrong with this front office? Ralph is cheap! Now we're worse than a 4-12 team! I swear I'm done with this team!"


    We sign a free agent: "We overpaid. No one else wanted him. I saw him play once and I thought he sucked. I swear I'm done with this team!"


    We lose out on a free agent: "WTF don't we have $39M in cap space? What are we saving it for? Friggin' Ralph is cheap! I swear I'm done with this team!"



    Great post PTR! You are spot on.

  9. Actually this is quite capitalistic. It's not unusual for a big company to maintain a presence in a market even when that presence costs them money. For example, NFL Europe survived for several years, despite huge losses, because the NFL hoped to build a fan base in Europe that would eventually create another revenue stream.


    Jerry Jones supports helping smaller market teams simply because it's in his best financial interest to do so. By maintaining franchises in a selection of cities (and not only in mega-cities), the NFL maintains itself as a national brand with widespread relevance.

    Agreed, and in fact, monopoly is the ultimate goal of any capitalist enterprise in its purest form. The NFL is a monopoly, protected by the Government as such. In order to maintain that monopoly and keep the busines growing they must ensure that all members of the monoploy are able to survive and thrive. This benefits all the members.

  10. Forgive me if I don't understand, but any UFA can be signed at any time, outside this lockout. I don't understand the short window idea, minus you want guys into camp and such.... Am I missing something?

    With UFAs, no, I do not think so. They can sign anytime, once it opens. Obviously, sooner is better. The real key according to what I heard is that free agency will open with undrafted free agents, then on 7/25, teams will have an exclusive opportunity to resign their own free agents, through 7/27, then on 7/28 they are completely unrestricted. This gives the Bills a short window to resign Poz and Florence before crazy offers start coming in. We will see pretty quickly whether they want to be here or not, and whether the Bills are anxious to keep them or not. I would think so, at least in Poz's case. It will be a feeding frenzy on 7/28.

  11. I see your point but I thought Lynch had plenty of opportunity here, and Jackson ran behind the same lines. His performance is Seattle last year was very similar to his time here. Time will tell, but I do not think Lynch will ever amount to much more. Also just my opinion of course.

  12. Sounds about right. Jackson, no matter what Bills fans will tell you, is about mid-level in the NFL.

    Perhaps, but not as good as Lynch? Anyone paying attention in Buffalo clearly saw Jackson repeatedly outperform Lynch, who does have occasional flashes, but is generally mediocre. He made one good run for Seattle all year, but it happened to be on the national stage. He will be back to his 3.2 yds per carry ususal self again this year.

  13. We were taking a QB was the call & sent messages that was our direction to multiple sources. Nix went on PFT & so did Chan talking about how we were considering every spot a possibility & liked a huge amount of people. We talked up our 3rd pick & our potential desire for Buffalo to come back into the first round for Ponder was a potential option. It spooked the Vikings to jump early to get him, knowing he might not be there & he was considered 2nd round material.


    Considering nearly our entire draft went to secure the defense & we had the ability to take 3 good looking QB prospects early in the second round, what makes you think we wanted a QB ? A tweet ?? A rumor from Andre Reed ?? Chan complimented many people over the past few months, should all of them have been a target ??


    I think the bigger picture was is that we instilled fear in the rest of the league as to what we could do, that's the trick we haven't played in a while. Then today we toss Tom Modrak to the curb, which tells me we have a plan to actually go somewhere. I'd plan on poker being played & a new attitude coming from the sheriff at 1BD.

    Interesting perspective. Would be kind of cool if it were true but we will never know. I liked Ponder, but I am happy with our draft.

  14. While the decision probably could have been made last year after the draft based on past record, the fact is that Nix was new to his role and probably wanted to give it time to make his own evaluation. It seems to me at least that Modrak had less influence in this year's decisions than in the past, perhaps indicative of Nix's lack of confidence. The timing after the draft is correct - this starts the new year and does not disrupt the organization in the middle of draft preparations. Bravo Buddy - well done.

  15. The amount of disinformation on Ponder in this thread is laughable.


    Ponder does need to get better at the deep ball, but he's hardly got a noodle arm. He's got no problem getting velocity on the ball and throwing mid range passes with a lot of zip. He's probably doesn't have the highest potential/ceiling, but is a low risk QB who might be the most NFL ready at this point in time.

    I agree - much mis-information here. Ponder has a decent arm, perhaps not the Cam Newton strength, but highly accurate and plenty of zip on intermediate and sideline routes. He is also highly intelligent and schooled in a pro style offense. His arm injury issues may scare teams away, but my guess is he does not last until round 2. Someone will trade up into the bottom of round 1 to grab him. I think he has many less questions than Locker and Mallet for example, and probably fewer questions based on the offensive style he played at Florida State than Kapernack or Dalton. If the Bills go defense number 1, and take Ponder at 34 if he is there, I would be OK with that, but I do not think he will be there.

  16. I am quite sure that Evans caught a few more passes than Nelson or Roosevelt did, and dropped many less than Stone Hands Johnson did. Also, getting open is only half of the reception equation-the quarterback has to throw it to you and half way accurate too.



    If Chan and Buddy pick anyone at #3 other than a future franchise quarterback, they both will deserve to be working in the UFL with Marty.

    Steve johnson dropped less passes (8) than Welker, Reggie Wayne, Brandon Marshall, Terrel Owens, Miles Austin, and Pierre Garçon while catching 87. He dropped the same amount as Fred Jackson who caught far fewer. The "stone hands" characterization does not hold water. If you are thrown to more often, you will drop more. Everyone remembers the big one he dropped of course. What I watched with Lee Evans last year was an inability to get open, on virtually any pattern, and an unwillingness to fight fir the ball in traffic over the middle, come back to the ball, etc. He was thrown to far less as a result. Johnson is the number 1 receiver folks. He may well have caught more deep balls but frankly I do not feel like looking that up.

  17. That's a very naive statement. Individual healthcare costs is dependent upon one's needs. Just because it's cheap for you doesn't mean that holds true for everyone. It escalates when you have kids as well.


    I'm single, no kids and carry my own insurance. I pay over double what your rates are. So let's not just throw around blanket statements.

    Very true. Cobra is based on the level of healthcare plan previously provided by the employer. Basically, you have the right to buy your previous coverage without restriction to previous conditions, at prevailing full market rate. NFL players woiuld not have cheap coverage. They are obviously prone to all sorts of major unjuries and surgeries, etc so it would not surpirse me at all if continuing coverage for this high risk group would be $35k per year. When I was between jobs a few years ago I was offered Cobra ta $2k per month, $24k per year for family coverage. People have no idea what this stuff really costs.

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