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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. 1) Here is the bottom line.....there are no better fans than us. It isn't close. Make no mistake, people know this. Fans from other teams look at us and know what we go through. There were fans laughing today when the situation looked grim. But tell me, how f&^%$&*g great was it to wind up on top against a team with some talent and a smug coach? These people stopped laughing.


    2) Sorry to say this, but the Raiders were running succesfully against Merriman. There is no point in denying this. That said, I think that he is going to be a dominant LB on this football team. How great is that?


    3) Very disappointing play by McKelvin on the first play of the second quarter when the receiver just took the football from him. At some point, the Levy/Jauron cancer (and yes, I am calling McKelvin a Buffalo Bills cancer) will be chopped off.


    4) Go ahead.....compare Poz to Barnett. There is no logical comparison. Wow, this man can play football! I would take him on my football team any day of the week.


    5) Here is the thing about my man Dareus.....The kid bit on a couple of screens. I understand this. He is a rookie and this is to be expected. My point is that without him, we would hve been slaughtered. I love the way this kid plays football. PLEASE forget the stats.


    6)The TD run by Fred Jackson was about as nice a run as I have ever seen by a Buffalo Bills football player not named OJ.


    7) I am going to make a statement. D. Nelson is going to be a great

    receiver. I like his potential more than that of Stevie Johnson, or at least as much.


    8) I will do it. Props go out to Spiller. He went down WAY too easy more than once, but he played well today.


    9) I will also concede that Bell played well today. So did Levitre. They were quite the pair. Even when Fitz threw the pick, they played their positions played well. That bad pass was all on Fitz.


    10) Speaking of Fitz, consider me of the opinion that here is no qb better suited for this particular football team right now. This man can play football, and I really appreciate this.


    11) I want to say more bad things about McKelvin, but I'm not going to ruin a beautiful day of being a fan of the Buffalo Bills football team.


    12) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Excellent points as usual, Bill. I thought the O Line played well all day, especially on the run, but Fitz had time when he needed it as well. Dareus is a stud. Did you ntoice that after getting burned on screens earlier in the game, he actually came off his block and came across the formation to make the tackle on screen to the other side in the 4th quarter? I totally agree on Nelson. I was very impressed with Spiller in the way he read blocks and exploded to the hole. He is definitely not a pile driver, but his speed and quickness are unquestionable. Definitely getting there.


    Merriman had a tougher day today, and the lack of rush is troubling, but he has defintiely made a difference on this defense and I think he will continue to improve - he has essentially been out for over two years. McKelvin had a tough day. I thought he played that deep ball really well but it was certainly disappointing he could not outfight the WR for it. The DBs are going to have to play better as a group, especially next week.


    The best thing about this game is the way they came out after a poor first half and took control of the game. No quit in this team - love it. Fitz is a great leader and they absolutely believe in him. Gailey gets a lot of criticism around here, but he has this team believing in themselves and playing hard for one another which is great to see and a night and day difference in attitude from the lost years of Jauron, Mularky, and Williams. I love his play calling - they are fun to watch. Tighten up the D next week, and I see no reason they can not hang in there against New England.


    I thought there was a real possibility of this. It had to be reviewed because it could have been a TD for the Raiders. If the Raider WR had joint possession at any time with Searcy while in the endzone, its a TD (as a tie goes to the offense). Based on how long the decision took to be made, it was obviously a VERY close call. Someone better tell Searcy (and probably all the DBs) F your personal interception stat, on a hail mary you spike that B word to the ground!

    I was really scared over this call - it could have gone the other way. I am sure Searcy will receive some "personal instruction" on this point today. Rookie mistake that he got away with thankfully. How depressing would that have been?

  2. Typical stupid Bills' front office move. Why not wait until the end of the season? They extended Jauron for 3 years after the team got off to a hot start. Bad investment. They extended Lee Evans mid-season after the team got off to a hot start. Bad investment.


    If the front office were smart, it would allow Fitz to perform for an entire season and evaluate the entire body of work. If only... :)

    What you suggest would not actually be the smart move. They have plenty of data on Fitz with which to make a decision now. Waiting until the end of the year only gives the player all the leverage. If he has a great year, he will be a hot commodity and would be stupid not to listen to offers, drastically reducing the Bills opportunity to keep him.. The attraction for him to sign now is to reduce his risk. This places somne risk on the Bills but also gives them negotiating leverage. The smart move is to lock him up now if you are convinced he is the guy you want for the next few years at least. Is there risk in this? Sure, but otherwise they need to be prepared to move on without him next year, which they do not seem to be. They need to lock up as many core players as they can this year - that is what the cap room if for.

  3. That couldn't be further from the truth. Their best defensive player is MLB Rolando MCClain. Yes you lose an asomugha your cb position takes a hit( he was one of the best) Still Raiders starting cbs aren't any slouches either. (C johnson and S routt had better burn rate than asomugha) You win in the trenches not what you have in secondary. (Raiders instead of investing in Asomugha put that money in that Dline.


    D Mcfadden is without a doubt raiders best player on offense. IF Kevin Boss was healthy zach Millewr loss would be very small. Boss is a way better blocker and a bigger threat down the field. Raiders have some great looking rookie Te's that are going to be darn good in time. They are way faster and more athletic than Zach miller.


    You might not believe it but Raiders passing offense is goiing to be light years better than last year unit. maybe after thios week your opinion will change.

    I do not believe it. You still do not have a QB worth a damn.

  4. Not a big fan of Sanchez on or off of the field, but his QBR rating of 17 just isn't right! I'll stress that I don't think hes a top QB, but he did play a solid game. I think the fact that McNabb received a higher rating than Sanchez clearly illustrates that ESPN has some tweaking to do with the QBR system! That is total BS! McNabb only passed for 39 yards. Sanchez had over 300. Sure, he had two dangerous turnovers, but at the end of the day, it was his arm that moved the ball for the Jets.


    What they should do is average the QBR and traditional passer rating systems to come up with a NIQBRS (new and improved quarterback rating system)

    In fairness to ESPN's system (God - did I really just say that?), if not for the even more boneheaded play of the opposing QB, Sanchez's mistakes would have cost them the game. The total yards really do not matter. QBs put up big yardage numbers in losses all the time. I like that aspect of the new system. (Even if ESPN is a bunch of clowns)

  5. Shouldn't we wait until he actually plays a real NFL game before we bestow praise? Renaldo Nehemiah could run with the best of 'em too. I'm not fully convinced that Easley can catch too well when real helmets are flying. Never mind that the UConn football pedigree has taken some hits on the NFL waiver wire.


    So please, stop with the idiotic comparison of Easley & Evans. One is not like the other.

    He was only responding to the assetrion that "the Bills have a bunch of slow receivers", not nominating Easley for the hall of fame. (moot point anyway since he is lost for the year) In any case, try a liitle harder at reading comprehension before you refer to someone else as "idiotic".

  6. It wasn't smack you look at who you start on the oline(One was a Raider reject Eric Pears buried on raiders depth chart) versus Raiders Dline. It a big big advantage for the Raider. The game of football in any league is won and lost in the trenches.


    I think your severly underrating Raiders wr corp and skill positions. Its true they probably will be missing some key guys still( Louis Murphy K Boss and Jacoby Ford- hammy which isn't good for a guy that relies on speed)


    Still Raiders are going to move the football through the air on the bills there isn't a doubt in my mind. This isn't last year as raiders do have alot of WR depth this year. Your making too many generalization about raiders passing gamwe off one game. Thats a big mistake on your part. Raiders have so many players that are serious matchup problems for a defense.


    You can bet Raiders will play alot of two TE formations against your 3-4. All three raiders Te will be actived this week.(boss dosen't play this week either) They have alot of guys that can be matchup problems there. David Ausberry(didn't play against Broncos) ex college wr 6'4 245 4.47 and David Gordon 6'4 265 4.64 - but still raw reciever who a very good blocker.

    Only one problem with your gidiness over the Raiders passing game - Jason Campbell. I watched this shmuck play in DC and he is mediocre at best. A turnover machine when the pressure is on. Stop the run and the Raiders are in trouble. I expect a tough game, but the Bills will get ahead and then its game over. 24-13 Bills.

  7. Wow...he seems to be playing well for the dolphins. Hmmm...Evans seems to be playing well, McGahee seems to be playing well. Who isn't playing well? OHHHHHH....the buffalo freaking bills.

    Update for you through week 1 - Willis McGahee, 4 attempts, 3 yards, team lost Lee Evans - 4 passes thrown to, 0 completions, team won Incognito - his team lost, who really cares. Oh by the way, the Bills won 41-7 in case you have not heard with Jackson rushing for 112, 4 passing TDs without Lee Evans, and no sacks give by our guards, no penalties by the guards, and plenty of rushing room.

  8. Whitner wanted to be in Buffalo too, so did Poz...

    Oh really? Then why did Whitner turn down contract offers from the Bills even before the lockout, and why did Poz go to Jax? Because they wanted to be here? According to Poz's agent the Bills made a very good offer but he chose to play in the 4-3 at Jax, and for perhaps other reasons. I cannot see any blame to the Bills for that. Whitner wanted rediculous money from the Bills and went the free agency route, but did not get even what the Bills reportedly offered.

  9. Some teams are out to win, some are out to make money.

    Here is a newsflash - all teams are out to make money. They are business enterprises afterall. Some teams have much more money to spend and still be profitable. Jacksonville is at the bottom of the barrel revenue wise, a failing franchise. The bills have avoided the bottom due in part to the Toronto deal and in part because there are real fans (unlike Jacksonville)who continue to support the team by coming to games. So even though Buffalo has cheap ticket prices, no personal seat licenses, and a dearth of corporate sponsorship dollars, they are able to stay in business. The Jags cannot afford an $8 million QB who deoes not figure in their long term plans. No surpise there.

  10. Carrington is another outside backer. Moats is likely third string either way. Bryan Scott has also been playing the equivalent of OLB in nickel and dime packages. I don't see Moats being active much, barring injury, but it's hard to tell what they have in mind for him because he's been so invisible.

    If they address OL depth in the next week or so, Moats may be the first cut. Like you said, he is third string inside or outside right now. They are not through tinkering with the lineup yet.

  11. I do not understand the man love for this guy around here. He is a fringe player at best, evidenced by his bouncing around the league. He will likely be cut by New Orleans as well when their real RB gets healthy. Better than Spiller? Better than White? You people need some perspective.

  12. Your points are well thought out on the notion of the best way way to build a team i.e. build from the lines. Where I disagree with you is that just because Parrish was on the roster before Gailey got here doesn't mean he can't be an asset. Do you want Gailey to get rid of everyone who was on the roster before he became the HC simply because he was acquired by a prior administration? Truth be told this regime is systematically getting rid of the Jauron/Levy/Donahoe mishap selections. Cutting him or not giving him a contract doesn't increase the franchise's ability to address other critical needs. With or without him the organization is in position to acquire additiona players.


    If Gailey believes that he can utilize his talents, even if it is in special usage situations, then what is the problem with that? I'm sure that you would admit that Gailey was able to exploit his abilities better than his predecessor. There is no doubt that there are durability concerns but the organization is not going to break the bank on him.


    The Clabo issue is a canard. He wasn't going to sign with the Bills. He wisely used the Bills to leverage his contract position with the Falcons. He signed with the team he wanted to be with. The argument that just because the Bills sign Parrish or Brad Smith to a good contract diminishes the organization's ability to sign offensive linemen doesn't hold water. In addition, just because one weakness isn't addressed doesn't mean that you can't address upgrading in other areas. As you very well know the Bills are dramatically below the cap, even with the signing of Smith and new contract with Parrish.


    Quality OTs are highly valued. There is a dearth of quality OTs available. The ones that are on the market have major question marks associated with them. No one is arguing with you that Parrish wasn't a good draft pick for us. So what? The majority of the picks for the Bills during that era weren't good picks. If the HC believes that he can utilize the talents on the roster then why not keep him? It's not as if this team has an overstock of such playmaking players.


    Very well said. +1


    I checked on last years punt return average and Roscoe was tied for 23rd in the league. With a long of 33 yards and no TDs. Ex-Bills Jim Leonhard was tied for 19th




    If hes great, what are the 22 guys ahead of him? All galaxy?

    I think the point on this was career punt return average. He did not happen to break one for the first 8 games he played last year before getting hurt. One long return changes this completely.

  13. Not from my view, Bill Polian was almost always in the news back then because he was fighting with Littman and the owner for basically everything, stadium improvements, drafting players, signing FA's... the Bills won despite the owner and Littman. Look whats happened to the team since Polian left!


    Looking at what Bill Polian managed to do with the Bills, Panthers and Colts he is arguably the NFL's most brilliant GM / president in the last 30 years, and RW fired him He also fired John Butler and lost AJ Smith in doing so, 3 of the very best talent evaluators the NFL has ever seen. Because of those firings the Bills went thru over a decade of ineptitude and incompetence.


    On the bright side...the stadium has been filled year after year and RW made a bunch of money

    We will probably never know what happened between Polian and Wilson that led to his departure. Maybe Polian will write a memoir some day but until then it is conjecture. One thing people tend to forget is that Polian was operating in Pre-salary cap days, and the Bills were big spenders at the time to keep their core together. Butler came in continuing that approach with the cap to the point that in the years following his departure, theBills were in salary cap hell. Also, as I recall it, Wilson tried during Butlers contract year to negotiate a new deal and Butler refused to discuss it. It was widely believed at the time that Butler had a handshake deal in place with San Diego, but clearly he wanted to leave. Was that because of Wilson, or because the Bills we in major trouble with the cap and were headed for a downslide because of it. Perhaps he just did not want the challenge of cleaning up the mess he created. As for Smith, Butler took him with him. He was not fired as I recall.

  14. I never said Ralph was Mother Theresa. I'm asking would you rather have the Bills as they are or no NFL team in Buffalo ever? Don't read schitt into this.



    It is a question we will be forced to answer soon enough. I suspect that if the team does in fact get moved after RW dies, a more than good possibility, you would be hard pressed to find too many fans who would say"oh well, they sucked anyway". I am not ashamed to admit I am much happier to have had Bills football as part off my life for the last 50 years than not to have had that opportunity; warts, disappointments, infuriating moments and all.

  15. I think he is being a baby and selfish and not showing any class or leadership. It seems my opinion is in the minority here, and I understand the arguements, I just generally do not like it when players spout off like this and put themselves before the team. It is highly counterproductive, even if he has reason to feel slighted. Very disappointing from Fred Jackson IMO - I thought better of him frankly.

  16. You dont know that to be the end result for sure. Noone does...I would rather it be over with and lets get to the next phase of Bills football regardless of the future. Yrs of stupid decisions and terrible front office moves had hardened my feelings. Props to you for the patience and willingness to go through it longer. I go to 3 games a year regardless and support them but I would much rather move on and deal with it than keep putting it off. It is torture watching them both during the season and the offseason. What fun is it knowing ur undermanned both on the field and off it. I think Nix has a plan and he is sticking with it but in the end Wilson is the owner and something stupid will come from him and stop all progress. Its really past the time to have him own this team. Sooner or later we will have to face the truth might as well do it sooner and stop this farce of a NFL football team. Get someone who will run it right and stay if not oh well...I dont want them to move and I doubt they will the economy isnt there anywhere to build and pay for a Nfl franchise these days so my bet is they stay.

    If that is what you think you are free to be a fan of some other team. The OP and the many of us like him who have lived through many ups and downs, and far worse Bills team than the current (and far better) are also free to be fans and continue to hope for the best and look forward to a turnaround. It is very tiring listening to the constant unconstructive whining. My suggestion is to enjoy it while it lasts because sometime soon this team will be elsewhere. Then you can be a Pats fan full time if that is what you want.

  17. I think because they screwed him on his contract the last time, and now they are talking about re-signing Kyle, and Stevie and Fitz, but not him, when he has been a warrior for this team. And he's right. They really low-balled him when they had him in a corner a couple years ago. They should have just taken care of him, and they should do it now, too. It wouldn't take much, and it would send a great message through the locker room. Now it looks like he's done everything you would want out of a player over several years, without fail, and one of the very few who will never be paid what he is worth (or way more than he is worth like tons of players do).

    How is 4 years/7.5 million for Jackson a lowball? They renegotiated a contract with him despite the fact he was locked in, and was not even a starting running back on the team. He has been treated just fine. I am not sure this is an issue except in the minds of a few fans. I do not hear Jackson complaining. As for Spiller starting, Gailey said it was to get a sense of how far he has progressed. Myabe we should take him at his word until we see some evidence to the contrary?

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