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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. Directv's web site is currently listing this Sunday Bills game on channel 710. If you check the program guide it shows the upcoming Bills game on 710. However at 1 P.M. (Pacific time)when the Bills game is to be aired Directv shows next weeks Falcons/Colts game. I figured I'll just record it from my Directv App as I will be returning from California on Sunday. Occurding to the app the Bills game is not even listed. It currently shows the Denver/Lions game on 710. I contacted Directv and advised them of the problem. They are aware of it and said they are going to try and resolve the issue. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this problem and was giving heads up to the Bills fans who need to record the game.

    The bills game is a 4:15 start.

  2. This is unfortunate news albeit not unexpected. For those who have been paying attention, while he has not had the sack numbers, the Bills run defense has been considerably better when he was in the game. He played his position and held the edge on his side consistently. He has also had a termendous impact on the teams attitude, exhibiting positive leadership, and as others have pointed out, was a solid recuriting influence. Make no mistake - he will be missed on this defense. Hopefully the long delayed surgery will enable him to come back healthy.


    As for the preposterous comparisons to Maybin being made by some posters, this is like comparing water to wine. Incidently, it would take a similar miracle of turning water to wine to make Maybin even a fraction of the football player Merriman is. Hopefully the young outside backers the Bills have can learn to play the position nearly as well, but at least in the near term, this is a big loss.

  3. I watched the kid play through his entire college career and saw him do some amazing things against very good defenses that had multiple players go on to the pros. He is arguably the greatest college player ever.


    I understand his mechanics are outside the norm. We all get that.


    I just think the kid deserves a chance to play, given his prior accomplishments. And I believe he can succeed. That's all, nothing more. No delusional feelings like you guys want to pin on me.



    Look at the few posts above this one (KD, tgreg, MDF..) and you still wonder why his supporters take criticism personally?!? Probably because Tebow discussions usually turn into the supporters being condescended to, and made to sound like lunatics, just because we think the kid might work out. :wallbash:


    YOU guys are the ones that talk about "devotion", "converting", and "savior". YOU guys are the ones talking about his faith... still.


    Im not a religious fanatic, nor do I think there is any conspiracy against Tebow. I have no idea why his detractors have to always take it there, nor do I understand why his supporters get insulted.


    Maybe someone could explain that?...


    All good points. For my part, it is not that I think he does not deserve a chance - of course he does. My points are:


    - I doubt he has the skills, based on what I have seen at Florida and so far in the NFL.

    - He is a very devisive figure, whatever the reasons, and I would be shocked if that did not translate to issues in the locker room.

    - I really am tired of and confused about the arguement on a Bills message board. By that I mean, when it was a possibility he would be drafted by us, sure, but he does not play here. I do not get the fanatical "devotion" some people have to shouting out about Tebow at every opportunity, nor do I get the same bevaior on the negative side. (and this is not directed at anyone in particular, just a general observation) It is, you must admit, very different that any discussion on any other players in its longevity and persistance. I suspect Treg is right, the religious thing is polarizing, but I don't really know.

    - While he may well succeed, or he may well fail, since he is not a Bill, I really do not care, but I am glad he is not here. I would rather have Fitzpatrick.


    Yes, I did use the words "devotion", "convert" and "savior". Perhaps I was trying to be a little too cute, but honestly I do not know how else to describe this phenomenon. I certainly did not mean to insult anyone and I am sorry if you or anyone else took it that way.

  4. I was really hoping this would all go away when the Bills did not draft Tebow, but yet it continues on. What is the zen like devotion some people feel for this guy all about? I just do not get it. I much more readily see, on the other hand, the flaws in his game that do not translate to the success in the NFL, and the fact that he inspires devotion and scorn in equally committed amounts. Whether he can play QB in the NFL or not, we will eventually find out. More importantly, Denver will find out of they can actually win with a guy so thorughly devisive. My guess on both counts is no, which is why I am glad he is not here. Unfortunately though, it looks like the Buffalo Chapter of the Tebow fan club is alive and well and intent on converting the rest of us. Personally, I could not care less since he is Denver's problem (or savior) and not ours.

  5. The worst thing about Tebow is the following of fans that he had that didn't support their team until he was put into the game. What I saw from their last game was pathetic. Booing Orton on every incomplete was not only ridiculous, but had a negative effect on the entire team. Those who have played football know how the crowd gets you going. That's why there is an advantage when you're the home team. I'll give you that Orton was looking like crap that game, but even when Tebow was fumbling snaps and completing 40% of his passes, they were still blindly cheering.


    Shame on you Denver fans. I only root against Tebow for your pain.

    Actually reminds me of the Flutie/Johnson days in Buffalo when Johnson would get booed constantly. I was at a Miami game in Buffalo when much of the crowd actually cheered when Johnson got hurt. Flutie could do no wrong to his devoted followers. Careful throwing those stones at Denver fans - they have no exclusive on being boorish. I expect if Tebow was here, we would have the same problem.


    The worst thing about Tebow is the following of fans that he had that didn't support their team until he was put into the game. What I saw from their last game was pathetic. Booing Orton on every incomplete was not only ridiculous, but had a negative effect on the entire team. Those who have played football know how the crowd gets you going. That's why there is an advantage when you're the home team. I'll give you that Orton was looking like crap that game, but even when Tebow was fumbling snaps and completing 40% of his passes, they were still blindly cheering.


    Shame on you Denver fans. I only root against Tebow for your pain.

  6. espn - 6


    fox - 8


    BR - 4


    = 6


    And why do all the national media types keep calling David Nelson a TE, "The Bills are for real on both sides of the ball, as they showed in Sunday's 31-24 win over Philly. Defensively, they give up a lot of yards, but are opportunisitc in creating turnovers. Offensively, Ryan Fitzpatrick is the perfect QB to orchestrate Chan Gailey's offense, and RB Fred Jackson and WR Stevie Johnson are augmented by a couple of pretty good TEs" (from the Fox report above)?


    And the FOX crew called him that several times in there broadcast Sunday.

    Brian Billick, the coaching genius who called the Bills game, also wrote the power rankings. He is confused as to Nelson's position, but to be someewhat fair, the Bills do often put Nelson in what would be a normal tight end or H-Back position on the field. None the less, no excuse for Billick not to know this. I wish I could get paid for being incompetent.

  7. Seriously... I know it was Vick, but he didn't even really look athletic or quick in any sense... maybe he knew he couldn't catch him and didn't go "all out", but watch it and tell me what you think.

    Vick had a running head start of 20 yards as Shep was in pass coverage all alone in the middle of the field. Vick made him look a litle silly, but the fact there is not a LB in the league who is going to make that play. Not one.

  8. These were my thoughts as well. Also, Moats has been pretty shaky when it comes to setting the edge on the run.

    Exactly. Moats will not see significant playing time until he can show himself to be more than a situational pass rusher. As that, I would much rather have him than Maybin, but heed needs to be effective against run and pass to see much playing time.

  9. According to Fox Sports we have a couple of pretty good TE's.. LOL


    Fox Sports - 8th (up 4 spots) The Bills are for real on both sides of the ball, as they showed in Sunday's 31-24 win over Philly. Defensively, they give up a lot of yards, but are opportunisitc in creating turnovers. Offensively, Ryan Fitzpatrick is the perfect QB to orchestrate Chan Gailey's offense, and RB Fred Jackson and WR Stevie Johnson are augmented by a couple of pretty good TEs.

    Brian Billick is still confused about David Nelson's position, as he was on Sunday.

  10. you mean the jets gave up a lot of yards to an offense led by the best QB in the history of the league? wow, they really are bad.





    Best QB in the history of the league? Wow - overstate much? You were the one making the point about how fabulous the Jets defense is and how bad the Bills suck. Yes, they "held" Brady to only 321 yards, but they gave up a ton rushing, supposedly their strength, and lost the game. By the way, the Bills beat the Pats in case you missed it, intercepting "the best QB ever to play the game" 4 times. They really suck compared to the Jets! Wow, I wish we were 2 and 3!


    As for your Kyle Williams campaign, you do not know what you are talking about.

  11. I lost my longer response by clicking into the reply box and hitting the backspace (which activates the browser back button)...



    I think this is a dumb argument.


    The top 5 defenses based on scoring this year are a combined 16-4, and none are in the top 5 for offense. This is not much different than the 17-3 that was cited as evidence for scoring being key.


    Looking at last year to get more data, Atlanta was both 5th in scoring and preventing scores so I’ll toss them out an just look at top 4:


    Top Offenses: NE, SD, Phili, Indi. Combined record = 43-21

    Top Defenses: Pitt, GB, Baltimore, Chicago. Combined record = 45-19


    So, really, scoring more is the surest path to victory? I’d agree scoring more than your opponent is. I don’t see any substance to this argument.

    Also note that the Super Bowl teams were top defenses who also had very good offenses. You still need a top defense to win championships. Ask New England.

  12. something incredibly strange has happened among Bills fans of late and i can't seem to put my finger on it. several fans on this board and beyond have grown so bold in their belief that the Bills are pure, good, godly and infallible that they've gone so far as to refute any reasonable attempt at perspective and discussion.

    anyone saying anything hinting at the Bills having faults is suddenly regarded as a traitorous moron, and asked to somehow back up their hypotheses with facts (they're hypotheses so facts aren't part of the equation), told to go fornicate themselves and urged to go root for the Jets, Patriots, Dolphins and so on.


    i thought there was room on this board to actually have discussions. but it's becoming increasingly apparent that the delusional few have taken the reins.


    just one person's opinion.



    So what's new? 6 weeks ago it was the same, but with the opposite bent, i.e. "they suck", Andrew Luck sweepstakes"; "Lucky to win 2 games", "Nix and Gailey are idiots", etc. Anyone suggesting a reasonable chance of success was branded a homer and a moron.

  13. the news over on tbd seems bent on bursting the bubble based on the Cincinnatti game. Of course they raise some valid points regarding defense in general, our lack of a pass rush, etc. However, we have put up a lot of points, we are close to the lead in interceptions and we are, in the final analysis, 3_1 and have defeated New England. I've watched Dallas, the Jets, and the Eagles and nobody is jumping from their ships, even with horrid records and horrid football play.

    I said it before the season and I'll say it again with confidence. If we got to the bye week 3-3 we would be in line to get a nine win season which is what we should have demanded at the outset. We have 3 wins with two games to go before the bye week. Nine wins is still what we should demand and so far this crew is delivering it.


    Are we going suck again this season? Probably...most teams do at some point. The good and great teams get up and play better the next week. Much as I hate the Patsies, they have a habit of never losing two games in a row. We might take that concept from their playbook.

    Great post. This team was not going to go undefeated after all. This is a process. People should relax and enjoy the ride. A 9 or 10 win season and competing for the playoffs would be a fair expectation and well beyopnd what most fans and NFL observers expected.

  14. Unfortunately I was traveling yesterday and have not yet seen the game - just highlights - but I am none the less still euphoric over this win this morning. What a great victory for this team. I have said this before but I absolutley love what Gailey is doing with this team. Not just the creative offense and brilliant play calling, but especially the attitude he has instilled in his players. What a great job of coaching. I love this team.

  15. Unfortunately I was traveling yesterday and have not seen the game yet - just highlights. Despite that, I am still on a high this morning after this win. There is something special going on with this team. I have said this before, but I absolutely love what Gailey is doing with this team. Not just the creative offense and brilliant play calling, but more so the attitude he has created with this team. What a great job of coaching.

  16. Not excusing their ignorance, but in fact he has been used much like a second tight end. He lines up on the line sometimes, in the backfield sometimes, and split out sometimes. Because of his height and mismatch potential whether you call him a 4th WR or a second tight end, the net effect is the same. Roscoe is a big loss in this respect, because now Nelson will likley move to the slot and they lose some flexibility. Hopefully, Roosevelt can step up to the slot position sooner than later because I love the way they have been using Nelson.

  17. I think that's a little backwards. Gailey had the choice to keep Evans if he wanted. Evans was traded because Gailey determined that the deep ball to Evans was not part of the plan this year. More to the point, he determined that Evans was not part of the plan this year once he concluded Johnson, Jones, Nelson, Easely, etc were all better.


    Even though he spoke politely of Evans in the aftermath of the trade, Gailey's comments made if fairly clear that after evaluating Evans for a year, he did not think highly of his overall WR skills. Evans basically received an elongated form of the Edwards/Lynch treatment.

    Agreed. A couple of points: 1. while the deep ball was not a big part of the game against Oakland they did take some shots down the field against KC and were successful. It is a myth that the Bills cannot go deep without Evans. 2. A look at the winning touchdown against Oakland, or any number of other plays during the game, would tell you why Evans was not valued. the versatility in the offense is predicated upon the wide receivers being capable of playing a number of roles based on the situation. It was plainly obvious last year Evan did not fit this scheme. I hope he does well in Baltimore - I always liked Evans - but he was a non- factor in this offense and would continue to be.

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