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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. Im a bit worried...they need to contact the media to give them time to get to the presser...i would have thought 6 would get the most media attention...but its alteady 5

    I heard on WGR that the plan was for a dinner with players and wives/girlfriends tonight. Do not know how reliable that is. Every hour he is still in town is better and better news. I have a feeling this spills into tomorrow. Another night to sleep on it, discuss it with the fiance, maybe sleep on her too. Decision in the AM is my guess.

  2. The other poster said Manningham to the slot and I was responding to that.. Since that's where Nelson plays.


    Manningham is a nice player, but I don't see him as an upgrade to what we already have. Unless we move Nelson to the #2 spot and put Manningham in the slot.. I just don't know if Nelson has the speed to be the #2.. I would rather the Bills sign a more physical receiver as a #2..

    Nelson was only playing the slot due to injury to Parrish. He was much more effective as the number 4 wr/h-back role they originally played him in. He was essentially a second tight end in alignment, and most of his success came from being in that position vs. the slot. He was pretty ineeffective as a slot receiver actually. I see him more as a Gronkowski type than a pure WR. With 20 more pounds he would definitely be a tight end.

  3. Does anyone else think that Mario Williams is going to be overpaid to whoever signs him? I went back and looked at his two best seasons (over 10 sacks) and those were way back in '07 and '08.


    Is Williams worth 14 million a year? I'm not so sure about that.

    I am with you on this. I do not see how Williams is worth that kind of money. Big question in my mind. People want the big flash signings, big names and and big bucks, but I am not convinced that is the right track. I would rather see the Bills plug in two quality players for the same price rather than bet the farm on either VJ or Williams.

  4. Do you have any idea what kind of a circus caravan rolls in with a guy like that? Team killer. You're out of your mind. Last thing we need right now is another public QB debate tearing apart the franchise and locker room, with an added religious element to boot. Insane.

    aboslutely agree. This would be crazy. Never going to happen

  5. I would be surprised if Bell does not get a substantial offer in free agency. I realize some people here do not agree but Bell has shown more than enough to be thought of as a better than average NFL LT. The injury concerns may limit interest somewhat, but some team will snap him up and pay him accordingly. I can't really argue with the Bills not wanting to overpay based on his history, but cannot blame him for testing the waters either. I do not expect Bell to be back. I would love to have him, but the Bills need to be able to count on the starter in that position and they seem to be making the judgement that he cannot be counted on to be healthy. I expect this to be the number 1 pick.

  6. I would love to have Wallace - he is exactly what the Bills are looking for - but the Steelers are likley to slap a first round tender on him assuming they do not sign him to an extension before the deadline. Do we really want to give up a first round draft choice for him? That even assumes the Steelers would not macth any offer he receives. Very likley that NE will come after him hard. They have the #1 to spare, have a big need, and the cash to do it. The Bills are probably not in this game.

  7. I'd much rather talk about Jackson's heroism, great play and running style but Stevie's signing is illusory without Fred Jackson in the backfield. Now i realize there are many that think backs are a dime a dozen or that Fred's age doesn't warrant a long term deal; Additionally there's been a spark from Spiller but Fred Jackson is the Bills.

    Marshawn's signing is also a slap in the face to Fred. Fred is the better of the two. Now Nix has stated in the past that "we want to keep Fred and that he is a big part of what we are trying to to do in Buffalo" however he also seemed agitated when asked if and when Fred will be rewarded w a new contract and the response: "Last time i checked he's currently under contract for another year isn't he?"

    We cant fool around with the heart and soul of the teams ATLAS. Fair deal: 21 million over 3 years. 10 million guaranteed.

    This should not even be close to their number one prioity right now. He is under contract another year. Free Agency starts in a couple of weeks, then the draft, then signing drafted players. I would be shocked if they get around to Fred before summer at least - no reason to. Nix has stated numerous times that he wants to sign Jackson to an extension. Jackson has been told this. I am sure he will get to it at the right time.

  8. great...now i gotta read 834 posts to catch up.....



    forget that...let me save others some time too....






    ok folks, move along...nothing to see here.

    Seriously. I think Nix's comments today should put this nonsense to bed. It ain't happening, and should not.

  9. If that's directed at me, you're barking up the wrong tree.


    I am fully aware that if Donte had a better cast surrounding him, he'd have looked better in Buffalo. He was asked to do a lot, including things he had no business doing. That said, the power of his mouth exceeds his talent, and he is not anywhere near in the company of an Ed Reed or a Polamalu, guys who merited top ten position. He was not the worst in Buffalo and he is certainly not the best now that he is surrounded by better talent. He is middle of the pack, he's a hard tackler, and can alternate between great stops and getting faked out of his jock. He is producing just fine for SF, a team that paid him less than the Bills were offering.


    I thought people overreacted to his every move based on his draft position, but now that he's gone, if he's got nothing good to say about the team that gave him a chance (and really improved money since he was possibly a second rounder), he's the enemy.

    Agreed. Great post

  10. Not the point. It is something that is totally bitchable about. They just threw this garbage game back on fans, and fans have no recourse. That is something that is bitchable about. Very.


    It's garbage. I also have DTV Sunday ticket to watch the 8 other games that I don't attend. Now 9 games with the Toronto garbage. But again, don't tell me there isn't anything to B word about. This was supposed to be Toronto's game. They supposedly want it. It's supposedly going so well. Then, why the fugg is it back in Buffalo at a cost to us when it wasn't supposed to be there?


    Don't give me the "booked up" garbage.

    You have a point. I would probably be pissed too. I just do not see this as something unique to the Bills. Any team would have done the same in the same situation. They are not going to give away the game for free - its a business. Would it have been a nice gesture to give the game for free to the fans? Sure. Not a single franchise that would have done this though.

  11. Agreed that it was definitely "a do as I say not as I do statement". But the hating on the board for his skills as a player are just hating and the comments of a jilted lover variety. He is a pro bowler and I believe he was the top rated free agent at his position when he left the Bills. The Bills decided he was good, but not worth what he wanted to play for. Other teams felt differently. He is a consensus top tier player by any measure among those that don't have their vision clouded by their past biases.

    Consensus top tier player? Really? He was not even the best safety on the Bills. Third best, actually, to anyone with eyes. I was never a big Whitner basher. I always thought he got a bad rap from Bills fans becasue of his draft position, but I am not unhappy he is gone. If they could have kept him for a reasonable price fine, but he had stars in his eyes and would not sign, even though in the end he probably did no better than the Bills offered. It took a long time for him to get any offers as you may recall. Good riddance. They were better at that position last year than when he was starting for the Bills. That's a fact.

  12. Come on, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel ;)

    Seriously. I had season tickets for 25 years including 15 years I did not live in Buffalo. I was always forced to buy the pre-season games even though I rarely attended and they could not be sold. This has always been the case across the league, not just with the Bills. It is part of the deal. If anyone is that unhappy with the product or the prices, don't buy them - I choose not to. Not worth the 14 hour round trip and all the time away from my family to do so. I choose to invest in DirecTV instead. Pretty simple really. Does that make me a shill or a homer, or both? Not sure. :)

  13. Technically no one has to buy anything. To those who don't like it, don't renew and tell your sales rep that's why.


    It really is ridiculous that the NFL has the balls to charge full price for preseason games. The Sabres, by means of comparison, include the preseason games in the season ticket packages, but at a much lower price.

    They also play 41 home games and the average prices are higher. Apples and oranges. Pre-season games have always been included in the season ticket package at full price. People have always bitched. It a'int going to change. But them or don't, as you point out, but people in Buffalo who already enjoy very low prices comapred to the rest of the league have very little to B word about, at least in terms of pricing. Now in terms of product ...

  14. In an age when communication about Sports was all about the newspaper writers, Larry Felser was amoung the best anywhere, not just the very best in Buffalo. He was well respected in the NFL community and did Buffalo proud. There is certainly no one that compares in today's crop of local writers - not even close. Thanks for all the memories Mr. Felser, and best wishes for a long and healthy retirement.

  15. Um Stevie Johnson started two years in a row.

    David Nelson has playmaking ability.

    Wanny isn't a new hire.


    They switched to the 4-3 two years ago.


    Yeah besides that spot on.

    Nelson's playmaking ability is strictly limited to schemes designed to create a mismatch. When the Bills had a full compliment on offense, the first part of the season, Nelson was the 4 th receiver, often lined up in a tight end or H-back position, or split out slightly from tackle, but generally the 4th WR on the field. In this situation, Nelson was able to exploit mismatches and confusion in coverage very effectively. The bills were rolling on offense then, and Nelson was a star. Once the injuries began to pile up (Parrish, Jones, LT, Woods, Jackson) the Bills suddenly had very limited offensive threats, and much poorer OL play. Nelson was expected to play more of an every down role in Gailey''s offense as a slot receiver, but with other offensive threats increasingly non-existent, and the OL struggling, Nelson became a non-factor over the second half of the season. I love the guy, but he is no "threat" on his own. He can, and has been, very effective as an overload to the defense, but will not be productive as a starter at WR in any of the top 3 slots. I think this was pretty well proven last year.

  16. He could come back and play the slot position Roscoe will probably be vacating. Not as a number two. A number 3? Yeah, Evans could do that.

    Evans cannot play the slot. He never has been and never will be an over ethe middle receiver. No thanks on Lee Evans. I was pretty happy to see him go at the time actually. It was the right time to move on, even if the plan to utilize younger receivers did not work out due to injuries.

  17. Your cash-to-cap analysis is off. The Bills use it to mean that if the cap is $130 million, then the team will spend no more than $130 million in real cash in that year. Contract signing bonuses, while paid off in year 1 in cash, and spread out for cap purposes.


    The Bills have much more in actual cash to spend than they do in cap space. Take the Nick Barnett contract. Its 3 years, 12 million, with a 1.5 million signing bonus. That 1.5 million counted as 1.5 mil in cash in 2011, but only 500k towards the cap. In 2012, it still counts 500k towards the cap, but not in actual cash.


    There's a lot of things to bash the bills about, but most NFL teams use a cash to cap or similar philosophy, so that isn't one of them.

    You are exactly right. People continue to harp on this issue but it is a non-issue for the reasons you have stated. The bills are going to have at least $40 m in room on cash to cap, perhaps more. This is plenty of room to get everything done they need to get done on extensions and resigning their own players as desired, plus go after some expensive free agents if they choose to. It is only a matter of will (and spending wisely) not a limitation of the cash to cap philosophy.

  18. This is exactly the kind of short sighted, parochial thought process that has kept Buffalo and Western NY on a continually downward spiral for the past 30 plus years. Local politician's have routinely been unable to come together on agressive strategies for rebuilding the city and revitalizing the economic base, while the State funnels everything to other places. People that do not believe a new owner will run, not walk, to greener pastures have their head in the sand. It may be that Buffalo can just no longer support an NFL team in the modern NFL economic era. One way to find out in a hurry is to refuse to support the upgrading of the facility to the point that gives a new owner a fighting chance to compete. It is pretty simple economics. With a purchase price of at least $800 m, much of which would end up being financed, the debt load on the team goes from virtually zero to tens of millions per year, eliminating the modest profits the franchise now enjoys. Adding stadium renovation capital costs on top of that make an already difficult business case for WNY impossible.


    Do you really think the Buffalo area fans can support $150. per seat pricing plus seat licenses like NE, Baltimore, Washington, Dallas, NY/NJ etc.? Where is the business support for expensive boxes and other luxury seating? Without taxpayer support, this franchise will not survive. I can sympathise with people who believe that taxpayers should not have to foot the bill. However, do not confuse your principles with reality. The end game is the loss of the franchise and a further erosion of Buffalo'a already third tier status. If you do not think the Bills are important to WNY, then by all means urge your elected representatives to just say no to the greedy NFL. (and they are no doubt a greedy bunch) Otherwise, encourage them to get behind working out an acceptable deal, sooner than later.


    Just my opinion of course - flame away.

  19. Who are the "they" that keep saying this? His surgeon says he can play. His own doctor says if it was his own son he would tell him to go play. So I don't know who these so called people are that says his nerves have not or will not regenerate. I think whoever gets him will be dramatically better

    He is medically cleared to play, meaning, there is no medical reason he cannot play. This is much different than being able to play. Manning had serious nerve damage resulting from a neck injury and what sounds to me like at least one botched operation. He does not have complete feeling in his right arm. How bad the numbness is I don' t know, but this would seem to be a serious problem for a right handed QB! Don't you think? He could very well be done, certainly never the same.

  20. Ahh yes, the weekly "franchise QB" discussion...

    It's one of my favorites, along with the "trade down in the draft", "Ralph is cheap", and the endless comparisons of how well ex-Bills players are doing for other teams, even though nobody wanted them when they were here.

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