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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. To be honest I dont really get all the votes for Wood. He plays a position that really doesn't have a huge importance. He hasn't played a full season since he was drafted and we've had guys plugged in at C that have done just fine. Also, Levitre is much more of a "star" on the o-line than Wood is at this point.


    I think it has to be Freddy. He does it all for this team and as much as I like Spiller, he just don't have the same versatility and experience yet.

    Actually, Center is the key position on the line. The Bills offense going south last year had much to do with Wood going out. I do not agree that anyone they plugged in at center "did just fine". It was an absolute disaster for the most part. The bleeding was stopped to some degree when Colin Brown took over late in the year, but this is a far better team with Wood at Center.

  2. I'm talking to a wall here.



    Belichick said he's glad you think the way that you do. Keep on doing the same thing every year. You're bound to get the same results.........no playoff appearance in 12 years..........the most years to not make the playoffs in the entire league.


    Meanwhile, Belichick will continue to pick up groups of veteran players year after year to add to his base............and continue to win the AFC East year after year.


    Who likes to keep losing to the Patriots year after year?? Raise your hand.

    How did the "veteran free agents" the Pats picked up last year work out? They did not. Not sure why you think this year will be different. They have been trying topatch holes to make up for bad drafting over the past few years. This year's draft appears tp be better but we will see. In the meantime, at this point tehre is no need for the Bills to bring in additional free agents veterans. They have a nice mix of veterans and yourth on the roster and the best depth they have had in years. In case you did not notice, the Bills have slectively brought in some veretans to both start and build depth. Your post inidcates to me you simply are not paying attention.

  3. It would surprise me if Ruvel Martin failed to make the team. He is an absolute demon on special teams. It would take an outstanding special teams showing for someone to unseat him. Most likely casualty from your list would be Hagen or Clowney, although it would not surprise me if either of them beat out Jones. Choice makes the team. Carrington and Troup need to have very good camps, but they will get the benefit of the doubt.

  4. This just in: New players rarely play well for their new teams in their first season. Their biggest effect is usually on the team they leave.

    Exactly. Particularly true last year, with the shortened preseason.. The situation with Smith last year was also exacerbated by the lack of receiving options late in the year which forced Smith into a WR role full time. This is not his strength. I am excited to see how Chan integrates him this year.

  5. Yeah the D-line can`t stop everything. Sheppard will get dinged. Like I said he is small upperbody type. I really hope he breaks out,but I`m not holding my breath. Where is the depth ?

    I am not sure I understand your "small upperbody type" comment. He is 6'2" and 250. Bigger than Keuchly who many here seemed to want. How big do you want him to be at MLB? That is plenty of size. I thought he looked decent when he finally saw the field last year. This will be a much better defensive scheme and better personnel. The Bills obvioulsy think pretty highly of him. Depth could be a concern if he goes down, but it is unclear to me how all these guys will fit in yet. Give it some time.

  6. Cmon man. We have 5 picks in the top-125. Same as last year when we found 4-5 potential starters across those picks. The draft is far from over.


    And what you refer to as "so many other holes" means we addressed a hole, and really turns out to be 3-4 remaining needs when you list them. LB even being a spot that can wait until next year. As it stands going into Round 2, we really need a LT and WR. I think Nix and Co. can address that adequately, and then some.


    Lets just see how it all goes. :thumbsup:

    Wow - a voice of reason.

  7. Think Colts pick 1st and Martin was Luck's LT at Stanford, so figure that's a fit. Then Washington will likely pick Glenn to protect their new star QB. So Buddy, you better be prepared to be disappointed because I don't think you'll be able to move up for them.

    Too bad, because Glenn would be the perfect fit for the Bills.


    Maybe Mike adams won't be a total bust...

    Washington does not have a second round pick.

  8. Will this be where Buddy gets his LT? Pretty slick if they wind up with one of these guys at #41 after a lot of folks wanted them to get one at #10.

    Absolutely. Very likely one of these three will still be there. If not, a pretty good WR will be there. I love the Bills first pick - definite need and this kid is a player. No comparison at all to McKelvin. They are still in great position to get a very good LT or WR prospect.

  9. I hear ya. Troup/Heard and Roosevelt were players I was on the fence about as well. They probably would keep Troup, as long as he's healthy, since he is "their guy".

    Good job. I like your mock, but I would not be surprised at a DE prospect instead of one of your LBs, and perhaps a TE instead of one of the OTs.


    On the roster, I think at WR Easley, Roosevelt, and Jones are all on the bubble with Easley most likely to stick, and Roosevelt least likely. Final outcome will depend on training camp of course, but I think Clowney and Hagen have strong shots to unseat Roosevelt and Jones who did nothing much to justify their roster spots last year. Letting Ruvel Martin go would be a big surprise as he is an absoloute demon on special teams. I think Troup stays as does Heard - they like them both. It depends on what kind of shape he is in, but the Bills want him to succeed and he would get the benefit of the doubt here. I do not think Dwan Edwards sticks as a DT. If anything, Spencer Johnson makes it as that is his natural position and he can also play outside in a pinch. Kelsay and Merriman get great shots to stay. Carrington needs to step it up to stick, but like Troup, he will get every opportunity.


    LB and DB are really up in the air, depending on who they draft. I do agree that McGee will have a tough time making the team. OL is the returning group plus at least on OT they draft. (we better hope so anyway)

  10. I think its very telling that the BIlls have yet to bring in Floyd for a visit, and don't appear to have him coming in at all in the upcoming weeks.


    I honestly think he's off the Bills draft board due to the alcohol issues.

    I don't think this means anything. The Bills attended the Notre Dame Pro day in force. No need to bring him in seperately.

  11. We get draft picks for this, correct? Anyone know the formula for this? Big Contract, if he turns out to be a starter, I think we get a pretty good pick..

    The sigings and loss of free agents gets netted out by the league. With the Williams and Anderson signings, the Bills will get no compensation.

  12. Bills GM promises Jackson extension offer before camp -- NFL .com

    (not that this is any more reliable tan PFW.com)


    "I told him when we get through it we’ll at least do it before training camp. That way there’s no chance of him getting hurt. He’ll be healthy and he’ll have an extension before he goes to camp. We’ll be as straight as we can with him.”



    I'll believe it when I see it.

    I have no doubt at all that Nix will present an offer. Whether Fred is happy with it is another question. I think the Bills will try to be fair, but if he is expecting CJ type money he will be disappointed. I love him as a player but he is 31 and coming off a broken leg, and the Bills have a starting caliber back in the wings who will need to be resigned in a year or so.

  13. :blink:

    Did you read what I wrote at all? Where did I say anything about Tebow's talent? That had nothing at all to do with my post. But really, keep trying to pound that point home.

    I did read what you wrote. You said you thought Elway tanked he season and was trying get rid of Tebow. That is the point I was responding to as being ridiculous. Perhaps you should read my post.

  14. As I believe is the OP's point, Elway is NOT the guy to try and emulate. IMO, he tried to tank the season last year, and also get rid of Tebow at the same time. There's no other way to explain trading Lloyd the way they did. Or starting Tebow over Quinn. Or the way Elway seemed to be upset every time the Broncos pulled out a win...until of course he was caught on camera and the media started questioning it, then he was all smiles and celebration. I really do believe he thought he could throw Tebow to the wolves, make the team and city hate him when he failed, and get Luck all in one move.


    Pretty much crashed and burned on that one. As you said, Manning gave him an out, but my guess that backfires as well. Not so much that it would have been better to keep Tebow, just that Manning isn't going to do much but keep Denver in mediocre land until he retires.


    One thing that has been made very clear to me, the Bills front office has a plan. They think about these things and aren't making moves just because they think they are smarter than everyone else. They seem to think about the whole picture, and if the right move isn't there for the right price, they wait until something better comes along.

    Ah, yes of course - an anti-Tebow conspiracy where the team tries to lose to get the number 1 by playing Tebow to make him look bad! I don't know why people just cannot admit that Tebow is just not a good NFL QB. In this case you have John Elway, one of the greatest NFL QBs of all time, making a judgement that Tebow is not a long term solution at QB. He went out and signed Manning instead to compliment an already dominant defense with a great QB in an attempt to win now. He sent tebow packing because apparently he is smart enough to realize, unlike the Tebow fanboys, that having this guy on the bench and in the locker room, with all the hysteria his presence creates, would be devise and counterproductive. Since he will likley never be a full time NFL QB, it is not worth the risk. Good luck to the Jets with that. I hope he starts. I think I would trust Elway's judgement here a great deal more than that of Tebow's many fans.

  15. Great article and makes solid points as to how Williams will impact this D. No question about that. Clearly calling the Bills pash rush in 2011 "solid" is somewhat questionable from a results perspective. However, to his point, their issue was not really on the inside, where Dareus and the rotational tackles did provide some push and prevented QB's from stepping up. This only gets better with Williams back. Kelsay did provide pressure on the other side, but lacks the pure speed and atheleticism to seal the deal. No one they tried was effective on the other side. Williams plugs this massive hole, and could make this a truely great line.

  16. He wouldn't be leaving to talk with another team if the Bills had managed to sign him.


    So now that there is confirmation that he is leaving Buffalo without signing usually means he isn't interested in playing here.


    Leverage, the Buffalo Bills put the most money on the table, its why he came here first according to NFL network & ESPN

    What confirmation that he is leaving without signing? If you are referring to the PFT report, that is not confirmation.

  17. Hahah @PFT article, that is a whole bunch of nothing. So they know he is leaving tonight. Great. But they h e no idea what that has to do with him being a Bill or not. If he signs to he could leve, if he doesn't sign he could leave...


    A whole lot of nothing

    Exactly right. No claim made as to results in this report. Desperate desire to report something.

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