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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. There are idiots in any large group. Most people are quiet when a player is injured. So it only takes 1K idiots out of the 70K fans there to make it seem that all KC fans were cheering for his injury. I doubt it was anywhere close to most. These clowns are at every stadium.




    Like I said, there are idiots anywhere. The people on this board who call Bills fans "classless" etc. most likely have not been to games in other stadiums. Ever been to a Steelers game? Look, there are even idiots at KC games. Most fans don't cheer for injuries. Giving up your season tickets as a prior poster mentioned to prove a point that does not need to be made does nothing, other than allow you to feel better than the classless idiots.

    First, I did not give up my seats, which I had for 25 years, to prove a point. It was getting very difficult to get to any games given other committments in any case, and I would have ultimately done so anyway. However, in those 25 years and the 10 years of going to games prior, I had never witnessed the type of callousness and idocy I did that day. It was widespread and out of control. There were always fights in the stands and parking lots, and I did my share of drinking and being rowdy as well, but I was embarrassed to be a Bills fan that day. Thats the only point.

  2. Flutie fans cheered when Johnson got injured. At my Bills Backers club, the Bills were playing Miami and some middle-aged woman with her blue #7 on stood up repeatedly and yelled "Hit him in the head!" when Johnson was on the field. Later he was injured and she cheered like crazy.

    I was at this game. The behavior of the "fans" in the stadium was disgusting that day. There were loud cheers when Johnson was hurt - much more than a few. All day, there were fights in the stands between the Flutie and Johnson proponents. I had my 11 year old son with me at that game. It was embarrassing. To that point I had held on to my season tickets after 15 years living outside of The Buffalo area, but dropped them the next year and have not been back. Sadly, many posters on this board display the same sort of attitude.

  3. I don't agree with any of the statements you have listed but I wonder how long you have been a Bills fan. The organizations ineptitude and they way they QUIT during games takes a toll on fans. I will always support this team but I have no problem with people that do not want to be fans any longer. This organization has not earned their commitment.


    Other than the run during the Super Boawl years this has been a mess of an organization so please stop with the "Holier than thou" fan statements... people can complain all they want. This team deserves it.

    I never expect anything more than the typical "woe is us" BS you express here after any loss, but one thing to keep in mind is that it is really boring. It would be nice to just once come to this site, whether win or loss, and be able to engage in a rational discussion but I no longer expect it. Instead it is constant whining, no analysis or discussion (with a very few notable exceptions - you know who you are), and people feeling sorry for themselves. Reasons not withstanding, this is really boring. If you are that miserable, take the OP's suggestion and go elsewhere, or have something meangful to say about the game or the team. Lest you think this is personal, just lumping you in with the rest.


    So our d is better than the Ravens' d? Wow.


    I think we have the talent to be equal or even better. But is it there yet? I'm not sure. Didnt Mario barely get his first sack last game? Gilmore is still getting beat I'm hearing.


    I do like the optimism around here. Normally its the exact opposite. Everyone depressed and defeated.

    If you have actually seen the Ravens play this year, there is a noticeable slide in heir defense. They are just not as good as their reputation right now. Suggs makes a huge difference, but also consider that Lewis and Reed are at the end of their careers and not the same players. Besides Ngata, they are nothing special on the D line. I think the Bills D has the potential to be much better than the Ravens this year. Still have to prove it by being consistent.

  5. I swallowed what uncle Roger asked me to swallow. Oh, I swallowed my Pride too.

    The big deal is that players and coaches are very specifically barred from ever touching an official, for any reason. It is the same in every sport. His reason does not matter. If it was a player, or probably if it was another coach, he would be sitting for at least 1 week and maybe more.

  6. The Shawn Jefferson play at 2:03 of the video is the "just give it to'em" play, which is why Berman questions if he is in. The Bills Daily article is incorrect when it references Tony Simmons--- Tony Simmons was on the NE roster in 1998 but isn't in the box score for that game:




    I've always loved Ralph's response to the fine--- linked to in the Bills Daily link



    Here's Bills Owner Ralph Wilson's complete statement regarding the $50,000 fine handed down by Commissioner Paul Tagliabue:


    "On December 2nd I received a fax from Commissioner Paul Tagliabue informing me the Bills are being fined $50,000 for criticism on my part of officiating in the last moments of our game with New England. I described two calls, back-to-back, as probably the worst I have witnessed in the 60 years I have watched pro football. Those two calls cost the Bills a very important game, one in which our team fought back very courageously from a substantial deficit. Society today is more enlightened. Fair comment and criticism are rampant. The entire media as a unit is frank and the millions watching a game are frank. But the Commissioner lecturing to me as if I were a novice, instead of one who has been involved in football infinitely longer than he has, contends that criticizing a call has 'destructive and corrosive effects on the game.' What is more destructive and corrosive -- errant calls in front of millions of viewers or my statements of opinion? People all over the country registered shock at the way the officials, however honorable their purpose, took the game away from us. Even the league has admitted to us that the calls near the conclusion of the game were incorrect. On Monday morning, the Commissioner can sermonize on destruction and corrosion, but he has never experienced the pain of blowing a crucial game due to officiating. I have yet to decide whether I will pay or challenge the fine. But, at 80, I do know I don't need pompous lectures from the Commissioner and I feel that the $50,000 is not only unwarranted, but punitive in nature. The next time he may ask me to sit in the corner."



  7. You should know better than to try and be positive in the week after a Bills loss. Have you not heard - the sky is not falling, it has already fallen, and based on the evidence of one game we all know that perpetual doom has decended on Bills Nation. They will be lucky to win a game, the whole team sucks, Nix/Gailey/the entire coaching staff and front office sucks, Mario will never make a sack and is a total bust, Fitz is the worst QB ever, etc. Do not enjoy the season one game at a time as they are played whatever you do. Come on OP, get with the program.

  8. I fully understand your disdain for negativity. However, I can assure you that denial isn't a way forward. What we all saw last Sunday wasn't just a bad game. It was a complete and utter lack of preparation, a total breakdown in discipline, and the absence of any kind of leadership.


    On Sports networks, the Bills are being called things like "putrid", "awful" and "just a bad team."

    Jim Kelly himself said that he had become less hopeful for our team in recent weeks.


    The point I'm making is that this team cannot be saved by a "stay the course" mentality. The fans need to remain vocal and engaged about what's making them unhappy. The Booing of certain players on Sunday (Fitz) is a way to let OBD know that we don't apreciate what's going on. EVERY true Bills fan at that game should do it without hesitation. BOO FITZ. -S#!t, Boo Gailey too, if you get a chance. In the Gailey-Fitz era things have clearly gone from bad to worse. If the fans continue to accept this, it will be another ten years before we see the playoffs.


    Better coaching, Better Players, and Better Play. -That's all we ask as fans.

    You should definitely stay home.

  9. The idea, I believe, was that our defense would be so improved this year that pinning opposing teams on the 20 would win us the field position battle throughout the game.


    Unfortunately, our defense appears to be another in a long line of sick jokes played on Bills fans throughout the years...


    I'm fine with having a kickoff specialist although why not just make him the kicker and free up a roster spot and some cash to pay a skill position player.

    Yes, based on the evidence of a single game, the Bills Defence appears to be awfull. Let's order the bullets for the mass suicide right away. It is hopeless.

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