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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Yes, every player is unique, but Barry Sanders is an all time great and the comparisons being made are meaningless. Spiller has an opt out clause after 2014 which he will most certainly take if he has a good year and the Bills do not offer an extension of what he perceives reasonable value, which seems unlikely. As for the injury bit, Spiller has missed all of two games in 4 years. Pretty impressive for a running back actually. He played through a high ankle sprain last year and still led the team in rushing and averaged 4.6 yards per carry. "Getting looks" will not be an issue unless he blows out a knee this year. Your arguments actually go to my point - Bills fans tend to devalue their own.
  2. The most basic point is that only Barry Sanders was Barry Sanders. He was a unique talent. To some folk's logic here because Spiller does not conform to their view of a hall of fame quality RB he is useless and dead wait. The Bill's opponents would love it if Spiller were not on this team. He is electric and a threat to score on every play, yet since he does not live up to their ideals, many fans devalue him. I choose to enjoy him while I can in a Bills uniform. Once he hits free agency he will be gone.
  3. The Bills are the primary target because they are the ones with the money and public profile, even though they do not directly control the Jills or have any control over the crap the suit alleges. How else would the lawyers get their payday?
  4. I suppose there could be another sucker out there like Indy, but I would not bet on it.
  5. $500K for lawyers I would presume.
  6. Prior is not going to sniff the field in Seattle.
  7. Well said. Very true. Any new ownership group does not need Jim's money. He is not rich enough to make a meaningful contribution. As a public face of a new group, and for his expertise and relationships in dealing with the current Bill's management and ownership, along with the goodwill of the fans he brings along, I could see him getting a stake in the team. Somewhere around 1% to 2% possibly.
  8. Exactly right. The market will dictate, and since the Bills are the only team for sale in the foreseeable future, they are clearly in a seller's market. $1B could be the minimum starting point and I could could see it going higher, perhaps much higher.
  9. I would agree with this. It would be crazy for the Bills to trade up to 1 given other needs they still have, unless they saw a QB they had to have among this year's crop. I do not see that at all. Clowney would not be worth it.
  10. I am in the on crack category. This guy has bust written all over him.
  11. If Mattthews is there it is a no brainer. They will take him. If not, they will be looking to trade down.
  12. Agreed - very good points. Also, Goodell does have a big say. How he manages his influence in the process - with the owners, prospective owner(s), and the politicians will be a big factor.
  13. Leave it to Buffalo sports fans to want to run the most talented players out of town.
  14. I agree. He is not by any means a game breaker. No lock to even make the team, even if he is healthy. Gragg probably has more potential.
  15. Then why would you say he is out?
  16. There does not need to be a compromise with Toronto. The idea of moving the Bills to Toronto is nothing but a pipe dream.
  17. This was a good read and does a pretty good job of outlining the very long odds this option has. One thing people tend to overlook is that Bon Jovi may be rich, but he is not nearly rich enough to front ownership for an NFL team. Minority owner and a potential public face sure, but he is not a major player. Even supposing a majority owner with the cash to front the acquisition comes forward, there is the stadium issue which will not be a slam dunk and may not even be possible. Lets not forget about NFL approval and relocation fees. Finally there are a myriad of issues involved with actually placing a team in a foreign country. Not the least of these will be modifications to the CBA to account for foreign residence, tax issues, currency differences, etc. There will be legal and immigration issues as well. All this points to a couple of things: 1. Buying and running an NFL team in Toronto will be considerably more expensive than any US based option. 2. None of these issues are at all likely to be settled in the timeframe necessary to complete the purchase of the Bills. If Bon Jovi wants to be a minority NFL owner, he would be better served to partner with a US based bid, preferably one in Buffalo, where his contacts and public cache may actually prove beneficial.
  18. Exactly. I normally do not fall for this, preferring to avoid TG's articles, but did click on this one to see what the debate on this thread was about. I feel dirtier for it.
  19. I do not care about his supposed political beliefs one way or the other, but like virtually all the crap this guy spews, his "conclusions" based on the two major events he mentions are ridiculous. The Toronto article is just a rehash of previously expressed interest for the most part, and does in fact go on to explain some of the many reasons why this scenario has extremely long odds. As for Cam Neely, I doubt he officially speaks for the Jacobs family, who understandably is keeping quiet about their intentions. If anything, Neely was simply trying to quell any potential fears of instability of the Bruins. He is not exactly a credible source on this.
  20. They have a bearing if you are putting any credence in Casserly's opinion on draftable QBs. Personally, I think there are probably a fair number of posters here who have more credibility.
  21. As far as I can tell, Casserly drafted two first round quarterbacks in his career - Heath Shuler and David Carr. Both were monumental busts. In the case of Carr, Casserly's decision to draft him was the primary failure that led to the Texans horrible record in his tenure. I am not sure why anyone would take his opinions on drafting QBs at all seriously. Obviously, huh?
  22. Well said. You are the only one spouting politically based crap here. Most reasonable people, when looking at Trump's record over decades, would be able to conclude without any political influence whatever what kind of person he is.
  23. Speak for yourself with respect to political motivations. Trump was an a-hole long before he became politically active. I do not need the last 6 years or so to form a judgment of a man who has been in the public eye much longer than that. I am not going to bother to to list all the reasons he is an untrustworthy, dishonest, self aggrandizing poor excuse for a human being. He has a lifetime record - look it up - and save the politics and self-righteousness for another time and place.
  24. Sad indeed. If there was ever a man not to be trusted, Trump is he. Possible, but I would think unlikely. Not his style to be in the back seat.
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