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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Exactly. It is the sad state of what passes for journalism these days. I don't know what is more disheartening - that this sort of baseless speculation is publication worthy, or that people actually take it seriously.
  2. I thought so as well, at first, then I looked up his post history and he has had a couple of pieces of inside info that proved out down the line. They were equally cryptic posts. Now I am worried.
  3. This was exactly my impression as well. There is no question that TT's mobility helped the O line at times, but there were plenty of other times that escape routes were choked off and he was not able to read what to do with the ball. It goes both ways. I would love an upgrade at RT, but I think they will be adequate again, and I am fine with the selection of Jones with that pick over some long term tackle development project.
  4. Exactly. The NFLPA is waisting the player's money litigating issues that they failed to adequately address in contract negotiations. If I was a player I would not be happy they are spending so much money defending a primadona while there are real issues to be addressed with health and safety, retirement benefits, and quality of life for the vast majority of players who do not reach the upper levels of the sport like Brady.
  5. I guess you have not heard. The Bills were just lucky to beat such a superior team, with a better QB and better Coaching.
  6. This is exactly right and why in all probability Mario had no future with the team no matter how he performed last year. The signing of Dareus and Hughes last year virtually guaranteed they would be moving on.
  7. If you watched Mario underperform this position last year to,the overall detriment of the defense, I am not sure how you can make this comment. It is a very important position. It was just not played very well (really at all) by Mario. They still have a hole at LB. however, I am confident they can find someone to outplay Bradham's horrible performance last year. Lawson is a great pick, great fit.
  8. The problem with this is the Bills do not need to address the loss of Gilmore until it actually happens. Even if they decide to let him walk next year, they do have him this year, and they have real needs at DL and LB. it makes no sense to draft a Gilmore replacement at this point. Perhaps the Bills will see it your way and select a BPA, if he actually is at that point, rather than fill a need, but I doubt it. If that were the case, they would probably try to trade down.
  9. I think the are several members of this board who might actually stroke out if this happened. I would hate it myself
  10. You make a good point, but I would be very surprised if the Rams did not take Goff. It is all about the marketing for LA and Goff is a SOCal boy.
  11. I hope they sign him. He is the very definition of mediocrity.
  12. There was a thread on this at the time but this source is not at all credible. At least that seemed to the consensus at the time. I would not be surprised though if that very same article was the source for the tweet that has started this conversation anew. This is not at all true. It does pay, however, to have something intelligent to say besides "the Bills suck" as our young friend so boldly stated, in so many words.
  13. Since color blind people could not distinguish the teams on the field, I would hope not.
  14. This could be the dumbest guy currently in the NFL. ( or nearly in the NFL anyway)
  15. You certainly may be right.. Admittedly, I am no expert. Wentz certainly did not face the same level of competition which is a big question mark, but I like his mobility and competitiveness. Just a feeling, but I think he is Jim Kelly 2.0, with a bit of Big Ben mixed in. Goff strikes me as a bit soft. Totally my impressions, and not a fully reasoned scouting report. I would probably love to get my hands on either of them if I were the Bills management, as both have higher upside than Taylor.
  16. I am with you, except I prefer Wentz. I think he is the real deal.
  17. Je Right now the Jets do not have an NFL starting QB on their roster and have no cap room to sign one. Until then they are not a threat to anyone. The Dolphins have not really upgraded a roster that lost badly to the Bills twice last year, Perhaps better coaching will lead to improvement. All in all it is still too early to tell, including the Bills
  18. I did not say that. I said I would not equate McCoy to Wolfe.
  19. I would not be so sure about that. Your statement presupposes that NFL discipline is based on logic and continuity and not on what is in the best PR benefit of the league, or Rog Goodell, which of course are pretty much the same thing. The McCoy situation may be too juicy for Roger to ignore.
  20. Unfortunately true. Goodwin would add a necessary dimension to this team if he could actually achieve his potential, but based on past history you would have to think not. This is especially true if he skips a major portion of training camp. He is definitely a player who needs all the work on his football skills he can get. I do not think he can be counted on for much.
  21. These predictions at this point are hilarious. Just saying.
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