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Everything posted by JakeFrommStateFarm

  1. I would definitely go dome which will put the cost of the stadium at 2-3 billion. Retractable roof will be too expensive. Also PSL's will not be enough to cover the cost as you will only get 200m-300m from them. Most of the cost will come from tax hikes to the citizens of Buffalo. Keep in mind that people have to vote yes to tax hikes and many will not. I have followed closely the funding of the Chargers and Falcons stadiums. In both cases, tax hikes were voted down and the owners threatened to move the team. In Chargers case the team was moved because of repeated no votes to tax hikes. The City of Atlanta and the county eventually voted for tax hikes but only to the rental car and hotel and motel tax. This was sold as out of towners paying the tax not the locals. This works because the Atlanta airport is a major international hub with over a 100 million travelers per year. If citizens of Buffalo vote down the tax hike watch Pegula threaten to move the team as leverage. It's going to get interesting folks.
  2. I wonder what that Isaiah McKenzie fellow is doing these days
  3. I want to make sure I understand. So Tua is declared a bust after a handful of games last season and this seasons training camp. But Josh Allen gets 3 full years to prove he's not a bust ? Got it.
  4. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking for Fromm to make a strong push for #2
  5. Tua is going to be a good one. He just needs time
  6. He's on his way to being a bust. What if they miss the playoffs again this season?
  7. He's done. I wouldn't be shocked if no one else signs him
  8. Jones could be a good one. He just needs some time
  9. Ertz had a very bad Wentz throwing to him last season
  10. Wow !!! Thanks for posting this as it is a pretty bad indictment of Wentz. I never knew all this happened in Philly. I'm not a Wentz fan and I personally would like to see him fall flat on his face. It will be interesting to see how the Colts go from Rivers the consumate nice guy to the ego driven Wentz. I like Stafford, Darnold and Fitz. I just think Fitz is too old.
  11. As an outsider who occasionally visits this board, the number of Mahommes vs Allen threads is deeply disturbing
  12. It just means if Cam can't go, Jones will come in and torch the Bills defense
  13. I am hopeful Fromm will beat him out for the number 2 spot
  14. Definitely not thread worthy. Rex Buckhead? Really ?
  15. He should have just ubered to the airport. The cost of economy lot is 14 per day
  16. Tua admits he didn't know the playbook that well last season. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/tua-tagovailoa-admits-he-didnt-fully-grasp-dolphins-playbook-as-a-rookie-221942638.html
  17. That's easy. The report will say the taxpayers of Buffalo are going to shafted paying for a billionaires stadium
  18. Did TE University help him with his butter fingers?
  19. This is horrible! I never knew Bills fans suffered so hard for so long !
  20. I did a reconnaissance mission for the board. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMh_8cunulG/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  21. Sounds about right. This is a contract that could cripple a small market team like the Bills for years to come. It could be Allen with a bunch of UDFA that make up the team
  22. That's what I thought as well. But I've been told Buffalo is such a great place to live that fans will want to live here forever
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