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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. All he did was look at Lemon's Wiki Page and use that to prop Lemon up. Forget the fact that the "speech" (which it wasn't) never once used the term Black Culture. I can't wait to see what other "evidence" Tasker pulls out to support his unbiased and informed opinion. So true.
  2. The only one making absurd claims is you, my friend. The funny thing about that Don Lemon link you shared is NOT ONCE does he use the term "black culture". So again, link me a speech where one of these "intellectuals" you cite use the term in the same fashion you do. The stench of your bullshiit is strong in this post. There's NO way you greatly respect anything on CNN.
  3. Just a lame Ron Burgandy joke.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sABVhW1tc14
  5. In order to speak intelligently about a subject, you must know what it is you're talking about. In this aspect, you clearly do not know what you are talking about. If you did, you'd realize that you are taking ONLY the negatives and ascribing them to an entire culture which is NOT what the men and women you are referencing had in mind when they "coined" the term. Hijacking a term and using it as a shield to push your ignorance is why your argument is failing. That would take a book. In fact, there are hundreds on the subject. Which is the point. Show me one. Full speech, please.
  6. It helps if you get the names right of the men you are claiming are on your side. Next time I have dinner with Neil, which happens often, I'll be sure to show him your thoughts.
  7. It is NOT the correct vernacular, no matter how many times you attempt to say it is. The terminology you're hijacking incorporates far more than the negatives you are lumping into it. The intellectuals you are referencing disagree with your stance.
  8. More of a horseshit term as "black culture"? Please. Get over yourself. Forgive me if I'm not swayed by rally against divisive classification IN A THREAD WHERE YOU ARE DEFENDING YOURSELF FOR DOING THE SAME THING. You are a smart man. But you are a dumbass.
  9. He does not have a point or a leg to stand on. Uncle Tom was originally written as the hero by HBS. Keep that in mind. Unfortunate? Or deliberate? Think about that before answering, and think about your proposed solution to the issue at hand.
  10. Funny thing about the 60s. What other big societal change was ongoing at that time? Oh wait, you ignore history and outside forces when arriving at your (incorrect and ignorant) conclusion about "black culture".
  11. Correction, not all African Americans participate in what you are erroneously labeling "black culture". There's an ocean of difference between your conclusion and reality. Thanks for playing.
  12. For a guy who I know is one to opine on his fair share of conspiracy theories, it's staggering to me that you can ignore the impact of history and American society on what you are (incorrectly) labeling as the shortcomings of "black culture". Step your game up.
  13. Definitely thought this was a joke thread when I first clicked on it...
  14. Good work, E! Way to stick it to the man!
  15. For the life of me I cannot tell what this cartoon is trying to convey.
  16. You're welcome.
  17. :lol: There are always a few guys who get around the Gator's official Recruit Future Felon mandate. No team is perfect after all.
  18. We've definitely had a beer together before...
  19. Wait until it's running as an ad on your tv....
  20. Overreaction, yeah. Impossible? Not at all. But I don't think they have they can afford to cut him with the state of their WR corps at the moment.
  21. My favorite part of the article is this: "The Bills practiced for two hours in the morning, followed by media stuff and the important part of the day: two glasses of Guinness at Thirsty’s, the best bar in the world with no name on it. True. It’s a plain white house in the middle of Pittsford. You’d have to know it, though, to know it’s there." #highschoolmemories
  22. Ah, the Gators. Gotta love how they continue to represent their university with class and grace.
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