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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Einstein was wrong. Of course God plays dice with the universe. How else can you explain this man's career.
  2. +1 (and to DrD's initial post as well)
  3. I know in "the NATURAL scheme of nature" (my favorite quote of JiA), laughing at Tom's jokes might be a dead end in evolution, but I can't help it if the man has genius comedic timing in his posts.
  4. You're missing the point. Gay Pride is one day of the year. The majority of people who participate in the event aren't dressed as inappropriately nor doing anything more lewd than you'd find at Dyngus Day. It's one day a year where they celebrate standing out. Your original post wondered how they could operate with such hypocrisy (wanting to be treated the same while simultaneously wanting to stand out for being different). It's a valid question -- but one that applies to every group within the world, not just homosexuals. You think poles want to be treated differently? Of course not -- but that doesn't mean they don't see themselves as special because they were lucky enough to come from polish decent. It's the same thing. There is no difference in principle between a Gay Pride parade and a Polish Day parade.
  5. Exactly what Pooj said ... I don't doubt your sincerity nor begrudge your noble efforts helping battered women. It's wonderful work and you should be proud. But it's not at all what DrD was talking about. There's no correlation between the two other than the act of violence itself. It's such a dead end in evolution that it's continued to exist throughout humanity's entire existence as well as being prevalent in a multitude of other species found in our world. You're right! You're a genius! How has no one come to that conclusion before???
  6. New tgreg episode on tonight (8:30pm, Disney XD)! It's a Dungeons and Dragons / LARPing episode. So it's best to watch in costume.
  7. How is this point related to what DrD was saying? You're making a false connection.
  8. It's exactly the same logic Dan is betwixed over in his post. But it's okay for poles because ... they're poles? There's no difference between a gay pride parade (which happens once a year) and Dyngus Day. There's no difference. Both events even have weird fetishes (guys in drag in one, dudes whipping chicks with kitty willows in the other). Both are just people celebrating who they are. Neither the people in Dyngus Day or Gay Pride Parades are celebrating being the same as everyone else. They're both celebrating being different. For a day.
  9. In response to Dan's statement, yes. I prefer John Carpenter's version. "The Gay Thing" was just a schlocky rip off.
  10. Yup. Because straight people never have parades celebrating their pride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Mdh8lTNPw
  11. At no point in time in this thread where you and Tom talking about Hypocrisy. Just like I was never talking about someone named "Jim". You're drunk and posting again. Just admit it. It has nothing to do with whether or not I conceive of hyperbole as lying. It has everything to do with the English language telling everyone that hyperbole is not lying. I understand you have a difficult time with the English language (as well as keeping up with names, facts and general events within a single thread), but it's not nearly as complicated nor as insidious as you're making it. If you need more info, try here , it MIGHT be a bit advanced but just sound out the big words and don't be afraid to ask for help. If that fails, there's always this: www.amazon.com/Student-writing/dp/Karl_Rove_Makes_Writing_Fundamental/098564835/ref=br JB peeing on the fire was rife with gallons of subtext and symbolism. But unfortunately I'd need a couple graphs and an easel to really break it down for you.
  12. No. Hyperbole does not amount anywhere close to a lie. In no shape, form, definition, or usage does anyone employing it as a device ever conceive of it as such. *Does Swift's use of satiric hyperbole in "Gulliver's Travels" mean he was lying about the state of the politics in his time? Of course not. He was commenting on the time, drawing parallels to issues his society was currently facing and passing judgement on them. Does that mean he was lying or somehow suffered from a lack of integrity? Good grief. You and Crayonz are cut from the same cloth but he got all the humor and you just got the dullard. Actually, Tom is not only winning this debate, he's crushing you.
  13. Hyperbole doesn't mean lie. Never has and never will, no matter how much you wish it were so. I already apologized for any confusion my original post may have caused, even if you were the only one confused by it. As for whether or not I'd use the same degree of hyperbole (not a word for lie) on posters as I did with Jim would depend entirely on who Jim is and what I said about him.
  14. Okay, this thread just got amazing. Post #s 183-195 are a study in comedy. For you both. Tom did all the dirty work, but I'll chime in because kicking someone when they're already down is the way I like to fight. I'm not a journalist. This is not an official record of any kind (thank God for that). And for the record, I'd make a sh*t journalist. Far too impatient for that line of work. :lol: Best. Response. Ever. Not only is it okay to make sh*t up and pretend someone else said it, it's how I make a living. I'll grant you, it's not a very good living, but I eat. Sometimes. Actually, we don't treat you to our hypocritical preachings. You pay for it. Winning!
  15. Sure he can, but it'll ring false. And again open him up to more attacks than he'll silence. If he were smart he'd actually throw his weight behind it because, as you said, Health care isn't going to win or lose the election. The economy will. And if people wanted to call him out for supporting his own plan, then at least he can take the "sticking to my principles" route and come off as less of a panderer (than both he and Obama appear to be currently) in the eyes of the swing voters. I can certainly hope what? That Santorum was only right about this one thing during the primaries? I'm pretty sure even God agrees with me on that one. The man was a clusterfu*k of a human being. Actually I hope Romney does offer a fight on healthcare that goes beyond partisan rhetoric. If nothing else it would help move the conversation forward in the country rather than letting it fester. He won't do this of course because he can't ... but I'd love to see it. It'd be ballsy.
  16. Spidey is already out performing Avengers overseas. Will it last? Probably not. Batman has the best chance to dethrone the Avengers world wide ... but due to its darker source material and more adult leaning story, that seems unlikely though not impossible.
  17. Ha! Bastard. I'm not sober enough for that kind of mind f*@k.
  18. Good for him. Still won't help CNN's ratings.
  19. The quote in question was said in hyperbole of course and never intended as a direct quote. The intention was to point out the ridiculousness of the actual statement itself. Anyone familiar with Dave's posting history, and the context of the reply, should be able to discern the difference. But clearly that point was missed, which falls on my as the writer so... my apologies.
  20. With respect, he hasn't. I lived with him as my governor. I was then, and still am, a fan of the guy personally. He talked about it often as being a model that would and SHOULD be used nationally. He has no ground to stand on with regards to ACA -- which is what Santorum (correctly) warned would happen. Will it have a huge effect? I don't know. But to say it will have little to no effect on Romney's campaign is underselling it I think. It's a hugely divisive issue that both candidates support/supported. Obama stuck to his guns on it and made it law, Romney backpedaled away from it to shore up his base. I think he would have been better off embracing it from a purely political perspective (thus giving Obama no where to go with it). But by backing away from it, he's opened himself up to unnecessary attacks now.
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