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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. Notice that poster wrote that after I started discussing the point of politics vs financials with you.


    At the point you made your initial statement about politics over financials, no one in the thread had suggested that

    Other than the these three posts you mean, right?


    Yeah, don't forget the Motion Picture that is also being planned (for release in the fall of 2016 )


    nothing really new here, the media will push for their favorite in every way possible........just as in 2008 & 2012


    The All-Hail-Hillary Movies


    Get ready for Hollywood’s love letters.

    Clearly this post has more to do with politics than financials, no?



    A 3rd "project" in the works (?)


    the free campaign for the chosen dem continues............I'm sure it's all just a coincidence


    Is the coincidence he's referring to the financial windfall that will be reaped or the political one?


    Hmm... starting to see a trend here....


    I remember the left going nuts when Arnold was scheduled to be a guest on Leno's show in the weeks prior to the election in california.

    Why reference this instance at all? Is it not inherently political?


    Again, Joe, please tell me how I'm wrong.

  2. Everything you wrote in this post pretty much shows you don't bother to read what's been written. I never said the war was only about slavery. Never even suggested it.


    Ah yes, the "Civil War was only about slavery, and had nothing to do with larger economic issues" argument. :rolleyes:


    Yes, and when the North started putting tariffs on English/French manufactured goods, in the hope that American manufacturing in the North would be able to catch up, thereby cutting into the South's profit margins, and making them buy inferior goods which would cost them productivity?


    "Well, that has nothing to do with slavery, so...it never happened. It's not history. And even if it did happen? The South wouldn't have cared, because, they only wanted to fight a war about slavery".


    :lol: The only revision going on here is: attempting to take everything, that doesn't have to do slavery, away from the history of that era.


    EDIT: But, then, why should we expect those with advanced degrees in slavery, see anything other than slavery? It's like asking one of the Mac store tools to explain streaming video. Are they gonna say anything about Flash? "Flash? What's that? Does Flash even exist anymore?"

  3. What honest discussion?


    One where you sarcastically suggest it's "shocking" that a documentary series on HIllary is made?


    No one has ever suggested it was shocking.





    One where you claim that people are suggesting that political motives are the driving these shows RATHER than financial motives?


    That's not a suggestion anyone is making. You are trying to read some kind of subtext into posts where it doesn't belong. Nothing that you quoted says anything of the sort that these shows are political RATHER than financial.


    Then tell me what this poster is attempting to say, Joe. Please. I'm listening.


    Been living under a rock since 2008? It has nothing to do with financials. CNN and NBC's ratings have tanked since Obama took office way back when. They care much more about their "elite" street-cred (ie politics) than financials. CNN and NBC's movies will no doubt be "love letters" to the next democratic presidential nominee. They're clearly doing this to help Hillary and for the adulation and prestige of the NYC, DC and LA types. I don't see how you can even argue this point.


    Please tell me again how wrong I am.

  4. Ah yes, the "Civil War was only about slavery, and had nothing to do with larger economic issues" argument. :rolleyes:


    Yes, and when the North started putting tariffs on English/French manufactured goods, in the hope that American manufacturing in the North would be able to catch up, thereby cutting into the South's profit margins, and making them buy inferior goods which would cost them productivity?


    "Well, that has nothing to do with slavery, so...it never happened. It's not history. And even if it did happen? The South wouldn't have cared, because, they only wanted to fight a war about slavery".


    :lol: The only revision going on here is: attempting to take everything, that doesn't have to do slavery, away from the history of that era.


    EDIT: But, then, why should we expect those with advanced degrees in slavery, see anything other than slavery? It's like asking one of the Mac store tools to explain streaming video. Are they gonna say anything about Flash? "Flash? What's that? Does Flash even exist anymore?"

    Someone needs to pay more attention to what's written...




    That's right...I'm such a mother!@#$ing genious, I get mentioned twice. Suck it, bitches.

    :lol: :lol:

  5. Some days, it all works out, and your crew having a good time is predestined.

    Funniest part was, all my friends they frisked made high six figures easy -- if anyone was more likely to commit a crime it would have been me in that scenario. But the two cops just told me to stand aside and let them do their job.


    I was very tempted to be a wise ass considering the situation, but thought better of it.

  6. I want to thank you for the laughs..........I knew any response to you was useless.


    The funny part is that any discerning reader can see that you are doing exactly what the reporter in the story did,


    but you just keep on making it worse.


    Thanks again.



    And yet, you won't answer my question.


    I haven't been talking about the article. I didn't read it because 90% of the article of yours I have read in the past have been pandering to a line of thought that I frankly think is destroying the national discourse. You revel in divisiveness and conflict rather than things that focus on either reality or solutions. Political pandering for political pandering sake does not impress me. I know it does some people on here and I'm casting no judgement.


    I've been talking about YOU. Asking why YOU highlighted the relevant sections in the quote you chose to include on the board. I'm trying to understand YOUR point of view, not the authors or Bezos. And any time I attempt to engage you in a conversation about YOUR values and beliefs, you either run or claim that I'm approaching you with a bias already confirmed in my head. The later part is true only because you won't engage in a discussion so you leave me only your quotes to judge.


    I may be a prick, I wear that badge with honor, but I'm an honest prick who is capable of changing my mind on issues if the evidence and information changes. There are plenty on here that I disagree with politically (you and OC still think of me as a liberal when I am not) but I have learned things from them and admitted when I've been wrong numerous times. You chose to highlight the fact Bezos supports gay rights in such a way that linked it to an inherent liberal cause.


    Funny thing is, I see it as a human cause. The question is, do you?

  7. U no read good

    Fair enough. And here I thought you were able to hold an honest discussion. Guess not.


    The problem is.........he starts out with his bias already firm,


    and no matter what you write, he spins it in his head, and sees what he wants to see.




    If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is, my friend. Step your game up.

  8. Down with history?

    Holding two advanced degrees in the discipline, with a focus on slavery in the Americas as my specialty, I have no problem with history.


    It wasn't fought over slavery.

    I bow to your expertise on many things, this isn't one of them.


    And I do not subscribe to the belief that it was the sole cause. But to say or suggest it played no part is to completely dismiss the mountains of primary source material that suggest otherwise.


    It was fought over constitutional issues of federalism and states' rights


    No question. But at the core of both of those issues was slavery and the impact abolition would have on the agrarian economic infrastructure, especially in light of the industrialization of the north. You can't separate the two issue, no matter how much revisionists have tried to in the century and half since.


    (little known fact: four of the Confederate states - representing maybe half the Confederacy's economic power - seceded AFTER the war started, in response to Lincoln calling up the state militias to suppress the rebellion and for the direct and stated cause of states' rights.

    Yup. Still doesn't mean that slavery was not one of, if not THE, primary factor motivating the hawks in South Carolina.


    And most people in the North didn't give a **** about slaves - the Union nearly lost the war after the Emancipation Proclamation, because many Northern states preferred to recall their volunteer militias than fight "for !@#$s".)

    Yup. Again, doesn't mean that slavery played no part. And as a military historian you know better than most the desire of the populace is rarely in lockstep with the state's motivations to wage war.

  9. Hilarious. :rolleyes:


    Thanks for proving my point. Nah, you're not a hateful prick at all. :lol:


    The only thing we've been over is: you make my point for me, or make easy for me to ridicule you, in 8/10 threads.

    That ratio is more than a little off... and if you think I'm hateful that's a you problem. I'm actually quite pleasant. Charming some say. I just refuse to suffer fools which explains why we don't get along.


    ...That and my fear of people who use emoticons as a crutch.

  10. You should probably focus on actual text before you start trying to figure out subtext.


    Walk before you try to run.

    Thanks for the tip.


    nothing really new here, the media will push for their favorite in every way possible........just as in 2008 & 2012


    The All-Hail-Hillary Movies


    Get ready for Hollywood’s love letters.



    A 3rd "project" in the works (?)


    the free campaign for the chosen dem continues............I'm sure it's all just a coincidence

    I remember the left going nuts when Arnold was scheduled to be a guest on Leno's show in the weeks prior to the election in california.


    No one has said anything about the politics being more important than making money.


    Clearly you haven't read the earlier posts in this thread or are unable to detect subtext. But it's all good.


    Care to revise your bullshiit statement, Mr. Miner?

  11. I'm not sure why I am bothering, but you have rather simplistically spun the support for Gay rights into a civil rights issue and (as usual) mis-stated (by implication) the conservative position.


    But leave all that aside.........it's not the thread topic.........you cannot see that the reporter ignored the the other liberal leanings of the new Post owner as just the average beliefs.



    Take those blinders off...........



    I was not the one who bolded and italicized the following two sentences:


    he is in “the top ranks of financial backers of gay rights in the country.


    I don’t think it was disingenuous — they just see liberalism as the natural state of thinking people, and not as any kind of ideological leaning.


    I'm only working with what you give me, B. And it's hilarious as always. Please, tell me why you chose those specific sentences to highlight, were we not supposed to see them as being related? What inferences is a person to draw from your decision to connect those two separate thoughts other than supporting gay rights makes one a liberal?


    Used to be that right would stand up for the oppressed. Guess that ship has sailed with you, eh, B?

  12. No one has said anything about NBC making money or not making money on this venture.


    No one has said anything about the politics being more important than making money.


    It can be a financial success and have political motivation at the same time.

    Clearly you haven't read the earlier posts in this thread or are unable to detect subtext. But it's all good.



    Been living under a rock since 2008? It has nothing to do with financials. CNN and NBC's ratings have tanked since Obama took office way back when. They care much more about their "elite" street-cred (ie politics) than financials. CNN and NBC's movies will no doubt be "love letters" to the next democratic presidential nominee. They're clearly doing this to help Hillary and for the adulation and prestige of the NYC, DC and LA types. I don't see how you can even argue this point.

    Here's the best example of someone who just doesn't get it....


    And I can argue this point because unlike you, I'm aware of how the business side of these deals work.

  13. Why does it have to be politically motivated RATHER than financially motivated?

    If you believe the political bent is stronger than the financial one then you are incapable of seeing the forest through the trees.


    Which is exactly what they are counting on.

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