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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. You clearly are not reading my posts... I said, in each post, that I do see the difference and feel it is wrong.
  2. You're right. HUAC didn't endanger anyone's lively hood. And the Hannity's, Limbaughs and extremists on the right have never called for boycotts of the entertainment business's products because of actors or musicians speaking their minds. They've never overblown an entertainer's statements and made them into boogeymen to throw to their audiences like red meat. Go ask the Dixie Chicks how they feel about it. Again, both sides are wrong when they resort to this. In the case of Chick Filet, the owner, whose statements are abhorrent to me personally, should not be denied the right to operate his business so long as it's in accordance to our laws (which it continues to do). But let's not get all high and mighty and act like the left is the only side that does this. It's all a stupid game. Get us fighting with each other rather than actually move the conversation forward. It's a basic tactic (divide and conquer) that happens to work.
  3. ... I'll be the dick to say it: How is this any different from the wrath that the right levels at the likes of Clooney, Penn, Robins or any of the other Hollywood liberals that dare speak out about their beliefs in interviews? How many times have I heard from conservatives something along the lines of: "Just shut up and make movies"? Should cities be banning Chick Filets because of what the owner said? Absolutely not. It's ridiculous and against the first amendment. The left is wrong about this one. But the far right being all up in arms about this is hilarious considering their track record of shouting down anyone who dares speak their mind from the left. We're all becoming more and more stu-tarded by the day. Too busy fighting one another to pay attention to what's really going on in this country. It'd be horrific if it wasn't so hilarious. Best line in this thread!
  4. Popcorn Vendor. F*ck you, interwebs!
  5. I didn't hear it was little boys. Your sources must be off. I heard it was little birds. Which, quite possibly, is even more disturbing considering no one ever sees those little birds again.
  6. Fair point. Fair point.
  7. That's only because you're sober.
  8. It's the beginning of pitch season now in TV... and I think you're right.
  9. Amen to that on all counts.
  10. Had they included the chupacabra then I'd know this was the "truth" and thus I wouldn't be making light of it. Everyone knows that whenever something involves a chupacabra the legitimacy goes up ten fold!
  11. When Mezza and I vanish next week, everyone will know the Illuminati have "disappeared" us.
  12. I thought I knew what made the economy work ... until I watched this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s We're doomed! DOOMED! Note: The video is 2 hours long. No person in their right mind should watch it fully. Thankfully, I'm not in my right mind so I did and had a ball with it. The saner folks here will laugh at the height of the paranoia/conspiracy in this. It covers everything: Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, Free Energy, Politics, Monkey knife fighting, and more. While I realize no one will probably watch this (because you have lives), and I am in no way advocating anything contained within this video (but for Aliens because they're aliens), I will say this; if you're lacking a social life or significant other and are looking to kill some time, throw back a few adult beverages and check this out for the comedic value. It's kind of awesome in it's craziness.
  13. Well, truth be told, it's Boston. Being racist is kind of required to work for that city. They just don't like it when their employees go out and brag about it like this guy did. If they let him get away with yelling Monday willy nilly then who knows what would come next. Very tight ship they run there in Mass.
  14. If martians came down to Earth and said they were going to blow up the planet unless one human were able to beat them in a game of Balderdash, Crayonz would be humanity's only hope!
  15. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ease up there! I can handle plenty of things but being called Canadian is where I draw the line! I'm outraged! For the record, my skin is kinda yellowish today. Not sure if that's due to the poorly lit room I'm being kept in or if it's jaundice. Either way, I should probably see someone about it... does jaundice make your skin thicker?
  16. It's such a fun word to use!
  17. I'm not a black or white guy. But in this specific case, this specific location, it's a clear issue of disrespect (to me at least). And I don't think it's a liberal or conservative view point to be honest -- I think it's a patriotic view. I'm not implying that your view is unpatriotic at all, I just happen to believe that when you're at the White House -- as a guest or reporter -- there's a decorum that should be adhered to regardless of who is in office. Where the reporters in Poland who were heckling Romney acting like dicks? Absolutely. Was the staffer's response hilarious? Absolutely. But it's not the same thing as what happened on the Rose Garden lawn. For one thing, Romney isn't President yet. He wasn't in the middle of a speech. Doesn't make the reporters' jabs any less ass-clownish of course, but there's still a difference between the two events. I may despise the President's politics, I may even think he's unfit to remain the President... but until November, he's still our President. And that makes him a symbol of more than just his own personal politics or shortcomings. There's a time and place for debate and derision -- but it's not on the lawn of the White House in the middle of a Presidential address. It's just a line of decorum you don't cross. Because if you let people cross that line then where do you stop? The last thing our society needs, let alone our nation, are more screaming idiots trying to scream over the other idiots already who are already screaming. (I'm aware there was an excessive use of the word "screaming" in that last sentence.) I'm in no way saying you aren't entitled to question our leaders in this country -- it's our duty as citizens to be informed and participate in the electoral process. I said this all the day it happened. It has nothing to do with who's President to me. It has everything to do with the forum it was done in. I know it's easy to pick on this as being some sort of liberal slant -- but it's actually one of those sincere principles I happen to believe in regardless of which party is in the big chair. Oops... didn't see this until after I rambled above. I hear ya.
  18. You're right. Respect and civility are things to be wary of. They serve no purpose in our lives.
  19. The President was giving a statement about immigration in the rose garden. In the middle of the statement the reporter interrupted by asking why the President was focused on that rather than job creation for citizens. The question was not inappropriate but the timing of it (mid-speech at the White House) coupled with the reporter's continued attempts to ask it during the remainder of the speech was completely inappropriate. This wasn't a pool reporter attempting to ask a question to a politician as he walked in or out of a plane/limo/campaign event. This was a reporter standing in the rose garden interrupting the President (twice) during a prepared statement. Politics aside, respect the office -- especially when you're AT the White House in a professional capacity. It was a bush league move that should have embarrassed the reporter and his newspaper but instead, it galvanized both in the eyes of the right. Wait... PastaJoe is running the DNC now?
  20. Holy revisionist history. The thing is, I know you believe that's what happened too. It's amazing.
  21. That's hilarious! I had no idea. ...I was too busy being a stupid in the 90s to pay attention to much other than girls and sports.
  22. Interesting. Thanks for the information. Nope. Thanks for the link. Much appreciated.
  23. My sarcasm meter is broken... is this legit or a joke? Sorry for the confusion.
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