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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. QPG(T*)T#@ GY)(^$@)(GNJ AHYI()@$#T^!1243tGKJY GLkjTY)(30GUQY4$(@*@% 1359GHT^%
  2. G)GHA@#$%! GF1058GFHRT$*(*!
  3. JD!%%*T^JJH BBVN%)T% GhJI5(
  4. Not hijacking... colouring. Do I get credit for using the European spelling?
  5. You're confusing self esteem with dignity. Clearly I have none of the later and only a sliver of the former. Just enough to get through a day without crying... sometimes.
  6. Hmmm... It's clear I haven't thought this through enough. Both you, Doc and Rob are raising excellent points. I tend to base my sexual encounters around whatever will be the least embarrassing. And frankly, I just envision Palin ridiculing me mercilessly after I finish... and getting owned by Palin would do serious damage to my self esteem.
  7. Why would you even joke about that?! You know Googlebot terrifies me! I apologize for editorializing about my penis. It shall never happen again.
  8. There's no accounting for taste
  9. Oh. ABSOLUTELY. I have a penis.
  10. There's no way that Palin would be half as fun in bed as Moore. And Fey would at least have a lot of funny jokes about my poor performance. Palin would just tell me my horrifying sexing was God's plan.
  11. Could I change the real Palin out with Tina Fey (or even Julianne Moore) in a Palin costume?
  12. I'm a fan of the show. I've watched every episode and think Sorkin is quite frankly one of the best American playwrights of our day. The show is brilliantly acted by a fantastic ensemble cast despite suffering from some less than enganging love triangles (Sorkin owes Ricky Gervais a check for ripping off the Tim and Dawn romance). And it's true that not every episode bashes the right. But when you close an episode with the President, who's currently campaigning for his life, delivering a speech about his greatest foreign policy accomplishment over the closing credits -- it's more than just "leaning" left. It's a full on ad for Obama.
  13. Only if I could scream "DRAAAAAGOOOOOOO!" during... ... wait
  14. 750k for an apartment in Manhattan? ... He got off cheap.
  15. I didn't see Sunday's yet, though AJ's review has me less excited, but the previous 2 episodes (the final 2 at the hospital) were the best of the series in my opinion. I'm still holding out hope...
  16. As much grief as I've given him on these boards, and it's been plenty, this kind of thing is why he wins. The kid never stops. Gotta give him credit for that.
  17. Agreed. Anyone who says The Newsroom isn't (heavily) biased towards one direction either isn't watching the show or needs a refresher on subtext. Doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed without thinking about the agenda ... it certainly can but that's up to the viewer. EVERY show and movie has subtext if they're worth a damn. Sometimes its intentional political bent like in The Newsroom, other times it's an unintentional biproduct of the times the creators lived in (see The Wire). Art is about social commentary -- always and forever. Why else put yourself through the torture necessary to create it? Edit: Why is there a huge video instead of a link in my sig line? Sorry... will have to erase that.
  18. Is that like lying?
  19. It's my fault for not being more clear. That's what I get for posting and working.
  20. This is why the internet sucks sometimes... In relation to the OP, I'm absolutely contradicting myself. But what I'm actually talking about isn't the OP but two specific quotes from Chef: "He went out of his way to share is views? Really?? He mentioned it during an interview with The Baptist Press. He wanted consumers to know his position? Really, where did you come up with that? It sounds like he wanted listener of a Christian podcast to know his views. I only argue with everything I disagree with....you know.....acting out of principle. So by voicing his opinion he's trying to get laws passed to ban certain types of marriages? It's amazing the information people have on people they've never met." My comments were made within the context of that discussion...
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