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Everything posted by CosmicBills
Of course it doesn't... because you put words into my mouth I never said. You're arguing a completely different point -- which usually makes stuff sound stupid.
When have I ever said the process is just? I've said repeatedly that the world is run by big boy rules. And I'm not trying to defend immigration policies or even pass judgment on them. I don't claim to know enough about that to have an intelligent conversation. What I am saying, and have been saying, is that inequality of opportunity and compensation is a fact of life in the world. Not just our country. I don't get what's so scary about admitting that for some of the people on this thread. It's not like it's a revolutionary idea.
They go to the next school on their list. No one is going to be denied an education because of latinas who want to go to college too.
...Because you were born a white male into a white male dominated world.
His daughter grew up in a white, Christain household with money. She has been given every advantage (but for a penis) a person in this country could start off with (white skin, belief in Jesus, financial stability). She probably worked her ass off to get good grades, grinded *****y jobs to flesh out her resume, getting glowing letters of reccomendations from other white, Christian upstanding citizens. She's getting into college. If Government hand outs are to be avoided and only to be used by people who need it -- RK's daughter doesn't need to be put in the front of the line. She can get in on her own. And, if a state college won't take her a private college will. Because she earned a chance. Even if she didn't earn the chance, since RK has the money there will be an opportunity for her to get her college on.
I'm reading your stuff now... I'm not sticking to my guns because of any statistics I've read or regurgitated. I'm sticking to my guns because of what my experience shows me every day. We're human beings. We spend our days making judgements on the people we interact with. These judgements, shaped by our own individual experiences, affect our interactions with others. They affect our decisions in our social lives as well as our business lives. Everyone has biases, everyone feels more comfortable around people they identify with. What you're suggesting is that people act like robots -- completely rational, completely calculated, completely fair at all times when history shows this is just not true. Is that really the reality of your world?
Yup. That's why of the world's top 50 billionares, there are a whopping 3 women. Look, I said from the beginning I don't believe there is such a thing as fair in a big boy's world. The world plays by its own rules and fair has nothing to do with them. I don't believe in playing the victim card but that doesn't mean we live in a utopia where everyone is guaranteed equal opportunity to succeed. That's just not reality. We're people, we see differences in one another whether we admit to it or not. That's not at all what I'm saying. Is RK saying that the girl in the article took the one and only spot his kid was chasing? We are having a rational discussion. But that doesn't mean it has to be done without humor, does it? My real world job experience says otherwise. I've worked for plenty of women who got paid far less than their co-workers. Some of the women even outranked the men who were higher paid than them.
Are you implying it's justified to pay someone less than you pay someone else for doing the same job simply because they have a vagina where their penis should be? You asked for a subsect of our society that doesn't get their fair share. Women of all races and creeds -- over 50% of the population -- continue to be paid less for the same jobs as men. I'm not claiming to know how to remedy it but pretending inequality doesn't exist is just dishonest.
Because your child has more options that the girl in the article has in the first place.
Women still make almost 20 cents less on the dollar than men do in this country alone. But to be fair, that's because their brains aren't as big.
Not trying to be elusive or difficult. But I also wasn't the one who made the original claim that white, christain males aren't getting their fair share in this country. I was the one who said that was ridiculous.
I believe there is no such thing as fair in the big boy world. And the deck is most certainly stacked, always has been always will be. But to imply it's stacked against white males who believe is Jesus and have money is like saying the world is flat. It just isn't reality. But truthfully, I'm more concerned about the natural american versus the synthetic american. What are we talking about here? Is Googlebot breeding? Is he/she creating human-googlebot hybrids? THAT'S what's alarming here. Are you sure about that? Because from the tone of your posts it's very difficult to tell if any of these things are true.
That's exactly what you said and implied. I quoted you. I didn't make up the quote.
I never said that nor do I believe that. I was only responding to RK's stance he's oppressed since he's white, male, and Christain.
According to RK it's white, christain dudes with money who weren't born from robots that are getting screwed.
No, because that would be as ridiculous as the premise that the deck is stacked against white guys in this world. Especially white Christain guys with money. Being one myself I can safely say that we aren't being oppressed. At all. And making any sort of argument that we're not getting our fair share is just silly.
Natural born? As in your folks didn't use robots during your conception? Or do you mean your mom didn't use drugs when she delivered you? The white, middle class, Christain males of this nation have been held down long enough! It's time for them to get their fair shake!
I just have this image in my head of OC playing whatever sport he's referencing (I assume football) and someone talking trash to him after a play. Then OC coolly as ever asks the guy for his jersey number, whips out the pencil he keeps in his sock and writes it down... Is he unable to read the number on the guy's jersey? Or does he just not believe everything he reads? Why else would he have to ask a guy for his jersey number during a game, let alone write it down.
I know there have been similar threads before, but I'm in need of some new music. Specifically ones that resonated with you while you were in high school. I always listen to music while I work and usually cater the playlist around whatever I'm writing about. In this case, I need some High School mojo asap. Figured there are enough music junkies on Off The Wall with good suggestions! Might make a fun thread if you give a bit of a reason why your particular song will always be associated with High School in your mind.
You're giving your post more subtextual credit than it's worth.
What's hilarious is you think Hollywood and Rush Limbaugh are separate. Rush is nothing more than a paid entertainer. Just like Sorkin. Thinking that Hollywood is a singular entity is just proof that you still have no idea what you're talking about.