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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I didn't mean to imply that. Who gets news from Comedy Central? I was talking about watching Sunny re-runs being far more educational than watching the nightly news. Which was meant as a jab at the quality of what passes for news. I'd rather be laughing.
  2. No one in the Democratic party that I know of (which doesn't count for much admittedly) is advocating taking kids away from single mothers because they're single mothers.
  3. I have no idea. I'm not a democrat.
  4. 100% disagree. Single motherhood is a symptom of several other problems -- not a problem in and of itself.
  5. Because a hyperbolic fear campaign is always the solution.
  6. It's a symptom of several problems that dovetail into one. Solve the other problems, you'll find this one far less taxing. Pun intended. Whatever the answer, I assure you the solution is not waging war on single mothers.
  7. So the solution is to wage war on the mothers?
  8. And the GOP wonders why they can't close the gender gap. Holy s*hitballs. This is a page out of Darth Vader's handbook.
  9. I don't know Sorkin so I can't speak for him. But I'd find it very surprising if his goal was to socialize anyone with any particular view. He's focused on telling the best story he can in the most compelling way he knows how. The job is hard enough as is -- even thinking of it as some sort puzzle piece in Sorkin's nefarious plot to turn America on to liberalism is just silly. It's almost as silly as saying Rush's audience is 5x bigger than Sorkin's. It's nonsense.
  10. Great. Now I'm never sleeping again. Thanks.
  11. False Flag Alien invasion ... but with deep dish pizza.
  12. False Flag Alien invasion.
  13. Isn't our understanding of advanced physics constantly evolving? I'm honestly asking because as you well know reading my stuff, I'm no scientist. I kind of echo what Skooby said in his last post ... which I didn't notice until after I started writing this response. Or is scientific knowledge finite? ... I now realize that's two different questions. Still, curious as to your thoughts about those subjects for obvious reasons.
  14. It's neither.
  15. Personally this is what makes me excited about this season. For the first time in a long time I have some faith that the organization is no longer going to be able to avoid the QB problem that has plagued this team for a decade and change. If Fitz steps up this year and proves all his supporters correct -- fantastic. This team has holes, but is a playoff contender right now. If Fitz is the man, use next year's draft to plug the holes and we'll be contenders. If Fitz can't lead this team to the playoffs this year, this organization will, I believe, make a bold move for a QB at the top of the draft. Even at the expense of future picks. We have come as far as we can without an elite QB -- either Fitz takes that role this year or we roll the dice on a rook in '13.
  16. Gaffney is better than people give him credit for. I thought he was a great signing by the Pats at the time and color me suspicious now. Still, the Bills have big holes at WR and I wouldn't object to them bringing him in.
  17. Fitz will answer every question we as fans have about him this season.
  18. He should think carefully before launching any such investigation. It's not wise to anger our lizard overlords.
  19. I don't think the sympathy was ever veiled.
  20. Sorry, I just saw this response... I was going to bump the thread to see if anyone watched the finale last night. I did but I wasn't exactly in the best head space to absorb it (read:not sober). As for your post here, I fully admit I forgot what we were talking about in this conversation. Apologies. What are you asking about Sorkin wanting a plug? I'm not sure what you're asking there ... Cheers
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