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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Say what you will about his speech or his politics, the man makes good movies.
  2. UFO Fleet spotted over Brooklyn 8/26/12. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-0K43ezJrc&feature=player_embedded#![/media] T minus 121 days until they return. EDIT: Some f bombs by the cameraman during this so possibly NSFW
  3. Not sure how many people have discovered this on here yet, but it's new to me. 6 episodes so far, each with hilarious extras. Here's the first episode: http://comediansinca...eats-a-pancake/ Edit: Not sure why the video doesn't appear in the post, but for those that don't know this is Jerry Seinfeld's new web-series.
  4. Wouldn't surprise me if that turned out to be true. But I have to see it first before I can determine if it's deserving. It looks good to me, but I'm a sucker for baseball movies, Amy Adams, Timberlake (dreamy) and Clint. So I'm in.
  5. September 21st. Clint's answer to Moneyball. Don't let the liberal Hollywood elites run an American icon down. Go see his movie and make it number 1 at the box office.
  6. I didn't catch that. That's f*&king genius.
  7. I tend to agree. My brother (very liberal) hated it but I dug it. From a business perspective I wonder what this will do for Trouble with the Curve's box office. Could be a boon or it could cripple it. Come on, his speech was no where near as racist as this Clint gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoXDzsuqXFg That's why I'm curious what it'll do to his movie that's opening soon. Let's see if Rush/Hannity/O'Reilly rally their minions to go see it in support of Clint. It looks like a good movie to me.
  8. Let's not go crazy with the overreaction here. Clint's speech was funny. That's enough.
  9. Was I the only one who found Clint's speech funny?
  10. To be fair, comparing a TNT sci-fi alien invasion show to two of the best dramatic shows in the past decade is just not fair. To your expectations or the show itself. But it is frustrating that this show seems to be so close to reaching that next level of entertainment but then always finds a way to fall short. Not sure why. The last 3 episodes in the hospital were simply fantastic imo. If they can find a way to sustain that level of tension/drama/action for longer than 3 episode bursts the show could turn into something super fun. We'll find out in Season 3.
  11. I'll take bets that Smith is still on this roster come 8:01pm tonight. I'll bet a month long avatar change on it with whoever's game. Dealer's choice.
  12. Mitt Romney's Twitter: "That America, that united America, will uphold the constellation of rights that were endowed by our Creator, and codified in our Constitution." #upyours @ThomasJefferson @GeorgeBigUpsWashington @James'BurningDownTheHouseMadison
  13. Neither are Anne Coulter or Laura Ingram. To your later point I trust your years of experience in the matter to better understand than me. Though, from my little experience I tend to agree with you. But, in terms of straight up empirical beauty -- the lib hotties are way hotter than the conservative hotties in total. There are obvious one on one match-ups the conservatives win, but in total it's a blow out for the other side.
  14. I'll be fine with her. http://www.askmen.com/specials/2012_top_99/6-emma-stone.html Or her: http://www.askmen.com/specials/2012_top_99/7-scarlett-johansson.html Or her: http://www.askmen.com/specials/2012_top_99/13-mila-kunis.html That was supposed to be our secret!!!
  15. Comparing conservative hotties to liberal hotties is a game you can't win, 3rd. Though this post is pretty funny.
  16. What time is Mitt's speech tonight? Thanks.
  17. Did you read what my quote was in response to or just my quote? Because your making a correlation that doesn't exist.
  18. Which is why we get along.
  19. I should re-clarify: it started with OC's post, specifically this section-- I realize OC doesn't speak for the entire GOP. But I found his to be personally horrific and also factually incorrect. I didn't know the polls were dead even. In that case I was wrong. Can you link me? Thanks!
  20. Not your bad. Mine. I can be unclear (and forgot about the Daily Show/Colbert which I know some people do consider viable news sources)-- which isn't something to brag about considering I should be better at this whole writing thing. But I'm a hack.
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